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Kevin Savage - IT Resources

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After 35 years of teaching in IT at all levels I have developed a learning method that works with my students. The process is top down. After a brief overview, students are introduced to a new application through a working exemplar that they can explore. Once they have a concept of what a program can do they then investigate its features. In this way they have a framework to hang the new learning on. All instruction is detailed step-by-step with full images of what they aim to produce.




After 35 years of teaching in IT at all levels I have developed a learning method that works with my students. The process is top down. After a brief overview, students are introduced to a new application through a working exemplar that they can explore. Once they have a concept of what a program can do they then investigate its features. In this way they have a framework to hang the new learning on. All instruction is detailed step-by-step with full images of what they aim to produce.
Access 2

Access 2

A step-by-step, illustrated guide to Microsoft Access (part 2 of 2). Activities include: developing a form in design view; importing data into tables; criteria searching; using calculations and functions in queries; developing output reports, including summary information; developing a multi-table database; inserting sub-forms into a main form; setting up a navigation pane as a user-friendly interface; and starting a database with the switchboard in place. All files required for the activities are available as a free download through a link at the bottom of the title page.
Movie Maker

Movie Maker

Windows Live Movie Maker is a free, simple to use, video-editing program from Microsoft. It comes with Windows 7 or can be downloaded as part of Windows Essentials 2012. In these activities we investigate: the Movie Maker interface and controls, loading and arranging video clips, making transitions between clips, splitting and trimming clips, adding background music, inserting titles and credits, including with overlays, loading still images, adding captions, using special effects, and publishing the movie in various formats. All video files required for the activities are available as a free download through a link at the bottom of the title page.
Microsoft Word 3

Microsoft Word 3

A step-by-step, fully illustrated guide to using Microsoft Word (part 3 of 3 - advanced). The activities include: application and adaption of styles and style sets; outline view; creating a tables of contents; bookmarking, page numbering, cross referencing and hyperlinks; indexing a document; comparing and combining documents; recording and using macros; data entry forms; and document protection. All files required for the activities are available as a free download through a link at the bottom of the title page.
Microsoft Word 2

Microsoft Word 2

A step-by-step, fully illustrated guide to using Microsoft Word (part 2 of 3 - intermediate). The activities include: working with tables to display information; the Draw Table tool; formatting a table; using tabs to layout text and images; special tabs; form letters; mail merging; creating address labels; and creating, using and saving templates. All files required for the activities are available as a free download through a link at the bottom of the title page.
Into Graphics - Typography (with Photoshop)

Into Graphics - Typography (with Photoshop)

In this unit we will explore typography, the appearance and lay out of text and how it can be used in Adobe Photoshop. Step-by-step instructions are suitable for Photoshop CS4, CS5, CS6 and CC, and on a PC or Mac. To do this we will investigate: •• typography terminology • categories of typefaces – serif, san serif, decorative, other • type style and type size • alignment and direction • type tools in Photoshop • choice of typeface • paragraph type in Photoshop • the use of white space • leading, tracking and kerning • type special effects, filters and masks in Photoshop • typographic hierarchy.
Into Graphics

Into Graphics

5 Resources
A set of five units of work that act as an introduction to graphical design on computer. Students are exposed to a full range of concepts with full illustration and numerous hands-on tasks. Adobe Photoshop is employed where relevant. The set concludes with a full major project using design-process model to develop a series of products in Photoshop.
Into Graphics - Semiotics and Gestalt

Into Graphics - Semiotics and Gestalt

In this unit we investigate: • semiotics and graphics • reaction to sign and symbols: gain attention, convention and culture, response • denotation and connotation • principles of gestalt theory: similarity, continuation, closure, proximity, common fate, figure and ground • the role of Gestalt theory plays in graphics.
Into Graphics - Typography (with Illustrator)

Into Graphics - Typography (with Illustrator)

In this unit we will explore typography, the appearance and lay out of text and how it can be used in Adobe Illustrator. Step-by-step instructions are suitable for Illustrator CS4, CS5, CS6 and CC, and on a PC or Mac. To do this we will investigate: • typography terminology • categories of typefaces – serif, san serif, decorative, other • type style and type size • alignment and direction • type tools in Illustrator • choice of typeface • the use of white space • leading, tracking and kerning • typographic hierarchy.
Into Graphics - Design project

Into Graphics - Design project

This unit looks at aspects of the design process and includes assessment items leading up to a major project. To do this we investigate: • the design-process model of discover, define, develop and deliver • research and information gathering • the creative process from ideas and drafting through to prototype • conduct a mini project • persuasive visual statements – visual communication, aspects of image communication and typographic hierarchy • implement a major project utilising the design-process model.
Object-role modelling

Object-role modelling

Object-role modelling is a proven, teachable, method of developing database tables in optimal normal form. In this investigation we will look at: • problems with flat-file databases: redundancy, inefficiency, update anomalies and data loss • optimal normal form and object role modelling • universe of discourse and UoD experts • elementary sentences: entities, reference mode, labels and roles • developing conceptual schema diagrams • arity and ternary relationships • surplus and derived entities • uniqueness constraints: many:1, 1:1 and many:many • the normalisation process • constraints: mandatory, entity, frequency, equality, exclusion, external, and subset. This unit of work contains 10 classroom-tested activities to reinforce the concepts developed, as well as a fully worked exemplar of the CSDP (conceptual schema design process).
Artificial Neural Networks

Artificial Neural Networks

An investigation into artificial neural networks (ANNS) that looks at: • what a neuron is and how the brain uses neurons to learn and to process information • how artificial neurons work and how they can mimic natural neurons • building a simple brain from neurons • how to train an artificial neural network • calculations involved with artificial neurons • programming and training an ANN simulator, then using it to determine new output • the role and applications of ANNs. This unit contains 6 classroom-tested activities to reinforce concepts, including the use of an ANN simulator.
Coding from algorithms

Coding from algorithms

This investigation looks at: • what a 3GL computer program is; compiled and interpreted programs • the basic constructs needed to make a program • pseudocode, flowcharts, Nassi Shneiderman Diagrams, and structured development charts • the role of sequence in programming • using variables to store values; types of variables; declaring variables; naming conventions • constants and comments • selection: conditions and logical operators • nested selection and case statements • iteration: definite and indefinite, pre-tested and post tested • subroutines: procedures and functions • passing parameters by reference or value • scope: local, module/unit, and global • recursion. This unit contains 8 classroom-tested activities to reinforce concepts, including the development of programs from algorithms.
Human-computer interaction

Human-computer interaction

This study has variously been called interaction design, usability engineering, user interfacing, usability design, user-centred interface design, and so on. In this activity we investigate what HCI is including: • the user and the difference between the user model and the program model • the difference between goal and task based user focus • usability and user friendliness • forms of user interface: system and software; allowing for individual differences • design devices in HCI such as metaphor, idiom and affordance • user centric design and the design process • elements of good design; placement, harmony, typefaces and colour. This unit contains 7 classroom-tested activities to reinforce concepts introduced.
Structured programming

Structured programming

This unit looks at a formal way of going about structuring a solution to complex programming tasks using the Software Development Cycle. It also investigates some of the more useful ways of handling data in a 3GL such a C++, Java, Pascal or VB, by looking at: • using pseudocode • arrays • sorting • records • string handling • file handling • the software development cycle • structured programming • module testing • programming projects.
From data to information

From data to information

3 Resources
This bundle begins with an overall introduction to information systems. The ORM unit shows how to design and develop relational database tables in 3NF. Finally the SQL unit shows how a 4GL can be queried to obtain meaningful data. Full details of each unit in its product descriptor.
Coding computers

Coding computers

4 Resources
This bundle goes from the basics of setting up a use-friendly interface, through how to develop an algorithmic solution to a problem, and then onto the basics of building a 3GL computer program from first principles. It finishes with a look at using the Software Development Cycle to construct more complex programs. The activities are not language specific treating 3GLs generically. (See individual titles for more detail.)