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Pip Education's Shop

Pip owner (my friendly sausage dog) and English teacher. Creating resources that aim to focus on the 'socially responsible' as well as academically engaging and rigorous. Worked in English curriculum (GCSEs and A-Levels) as well as IB (MYP and DP).

Pip owner (my friendly sausage dog) and English teacher. Creating resources that aim to focus on the 'socially responsible' as well as academically engaging and rigorous. Worked in English curriculum (GCSEs and A-Levels) as well as IB (MYP and DP).
KS3 reading skills lessons

KS3 reading skills lessons

45 powerpoint slides divided into a number of lessons, each with their own learning objective focused on developing critical reading at KS3. Lessons aim to develop students’ ability to understand the difference between general comprehension and starting to make analytical interpretations of a text. In particular working on the key skill of ‘reading between the lines’.
Reading skills lesson | Making good inferences

Reading skills lesson | Making good inferences

Develop those reading skills by encouraging students to make good inferences. Perfect for comprehension/analysis skills, this lesson focuses on building skills of reading between the lines. Students will: Make inferences based on an image of Sarah Storey (the UK’s most decorated paralympian) Discuss their inferences and compare to provided examples Divide inferences in ‘good’ and ‘bad’ using a continuum line Define the terms (answers provided) Reflect on why the skill is important Practice what they have learned using an extract from 'The Boy Who Steals Houses. Peer assess answers (success criteria provided) This is a useful for ages 11 - 14 KS3 students or IB MYP students and for developing critical analysis. Lesson consists of 10 powerpoint slides. All resources needed are included on the slides.
Romeo and Juliet - Petrarchan Love

Romeo and Juliet - Petrarchan Love

GCSE powerpoint on the characterisation of Romeo throughout the play. Introduces students to the concept of Petrarchan love and encourages them to apply this to Shakespeare’s presentation of Romeo. Intended to be used for AQA Literature, PPT includes success criteria and a model paragraph to be peer assessed.
Using critics in Othello

Using critics in Othello

Powerpoint on how to use critical opinion at KS5 (in particular looking at Coleridge). PPT guides students through using critical interpretations in their own analysis of the text.
Reading Skills Lesson | Understanding Symbolism

Reading Skills Lesson | Understanding Symbolism

A lesson about symbolism and its role in literature, taught using an extract from the opening chapter of The Beekeeper of Aleppo. Opportunities for critical analysis, global contexts, development of inference/interpretation skills, and research skills. For this lesson students will: Consider commonly known symbols in teen literature Answer questions about symbols Conduct five minute research about Aleppo Comprehension exercise + reading extract from The Beekeeper of Aleppo PEE paragraph Peer assessment There is no need to have studied The Beekeeper of Aleppo, this lesson can be taught stand alone, using the text as an example of successful symbolism. Suggested use for age 13 - 14 but, can be used/adapted for either KS3/4 depending on the ability of the class or IB MYP. Lesson consists of 8 powerpoint slides. All resources needed are included on the slides.
Bundle: Reading Skills Lessons

Bundle: Reading Skills Lessons

5 Resources
Five lessons developing reading skills aimed at 11 - 14 year olds. Lessons are engaging, focused on key skills, and can be used anytime of the year to target a specific weakness in reading. Bundle includes: Reading lesson: what is an antagonist? Reading skills lesson: making good inferences Reading skillls lesson: questioning a text Reading skills lesson: understanding symbolism Reading skills: understanding extended metaphors Lessons can all be used as ‘stand alone’ lessons.
Literacy Challenges

Literacy Challenges

Ten literacy challenges for KS3 - KS4. Each powerpoint slide contains a different challege, mostly focusing at word level. Can either be used as a tutor time activity, or as a literacy starter for English lessons.
GCSE English literature: comparing unseen poems

GCSE English literature: comparing unseen poems

Develop exam skills for GCSE English Literature by comparing two unseen poems. The lesson uses Christina Rossetti’s Remember and Dylan Thomas’ Do Not Go Gentle Into The Night. Particular focus on language, structure and form, using the analogy of a house to introduce a way of remembering them. Students are also given a step-by-step way of structuring their comparison. Lesson is designed with AQA English Language exam in mind, but can be used to help teach any poetry comparison.
Unit:  Authority and Power in The Tempest

Unit: Authority and Power in The Tempest

Unit exploring themes of authority and power in Act 1 of The Tempest. Students will consider the key relationships that are influenced by power, make links to context (exploration and colonialism), and develop an understanding of Shakespeare’s language. Works well with KS3 or MYP. 36 slides in total, including an end of unit assessment.
Introduction to The Right Word, by Imtiaz Dharker

Introduction to The Right Word, by Imtiaz Dharker

Introductory lesson to the poem, The Right Word. Explores whether there is ever a ‘right word’ for anything. Can also be adapted to use for other lessons exploring language, or for PSHE. Considers how the meanings of certain words shift and change depending on who/how they are being used.
List of Literary Terminology

List of Literary Terminology

A complete list of all literary terminology students will need to know throughout their study of English Literature. The words are categorised to make it easier for students to know where to get their terminology from when using in a particular lesson/unit of study. 5 pages long, can easily be adapted to suit the particular teacher. The list can even be used in other imaginative ways e.g. spelling tests, taboo, categories, etc.
Ozymandias, Shelley

Ozymandias, Shelley

GCSE lesson on Shelley’s Ozymandias for the AQA Power and Conlict section of the anthology. Includes context, a model paragraph, success criteria.
Jekyll and Hyde - Hyde Characterisation

Jekyll and Hyde - Hyde Characterisation

GCSE lesson on the characterisation of Hyde in Stevenson’s ‘Jekyll and Hyde’. Useful for AQA English Literature, the lesson focuses on the symbolic value of the character, in particular how his external description acts as a metaphor for his innate evil. Lesson includes success ladders, quotation analysis, a writing model and an introduction to symbols.
Lesson: London, William Blake

Lesson: London, William Blake

GCSE lesson on William Blake’s London for the AQA Power and Conlict section of the anthology. Includes context, a model paragraph, success criteria. Ideal for KS4. Focuses on skills of analysis and can be adapted.
Reading Skills | Understanding Extended Metaphors

Reading Skills | Understanding Extended Metaphors

Stand alone lesson teaching the literary technique extended metaphors. Lesson focuses on: how to recognise an extended metaphor how to analyse an extended metaphor. For this lesson, there are two examples, starting with Frost’s The Road Not Taken, and then zooming into Martin Luther King’s extended metaphor about a ‘bad check’. The lesson develops skills of analysis, critical thinking and lastly creativity. Ideal for ages 11 - 13, teaching reading skills. This is a general lesson on extended metaphors and doesn’t need to be used within a ‘speeches’ unit.
Geography Unit | Immigration

Geography Unit | Immigration

Unit of work on immigration for MYP IAS or humanities subject at KS3. Students work through the unit considering the effects/purpose/reasons behind immigration. Students will particularly focus on immigration within California and ultimately create their own research project. They will learn about: push and pull factors definitions of immigration, emigration, and migration investigation into immigration policies in six different countries Having worked in international schools my students have focused on their own family reasons for immigration, using family members for research subjects for their summative assessment. Unit consists of 41 powerpoint slides. All resources needed are included on the slides.