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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Transition/ Back to school activities

Transition/ Back to school activities

A number of resources that can be used for class transition days or for the start of a new school year. Activities include: Three quizzes that children can complete in teams Setting targets and getting to know children activity sheet Classroom flag templates where children can design a class flag Rules activity where children decide from rules which are important or unimportant to then create a set of class rules from Getting to know everyone - Ice breaker activity where children have to find others that may have done a particular thing Questions and ideas - What they are looking forward to, any concerns and any questions they may have
Nelson Mandela Reading Comprehension

Nelson Mandela Reading Comprehension

A fact file about Nelson Mandela that is also a reading comprehension. This includes three differentiated worksheets with 16 questions each and answers included to test children's comprehension knowledge as well as learning about Nelson Mandela at the same time.
Mo Farah Reading Comprehension

Mo Farah Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension based on Mo Farah. Included is a fact file about Mo Farah and three differentiated question sheets with answers included. The fact file can also be used separately to work on Mo Farah or show examples of how people can write bibliographies about a sporting star. Reading questions work on both fact finding and inferring from the information available, enabling children to practise their reading skills as well as learning about Mo's background story.
South America Fact File

South America Fact File

28 page Powerpoint that introduces the continent of South America to children. Within the Powerpoint, the 12 sovereign states of South America are included. Included are the flags for every country, the capital city and main language for each country as well as two to three facts for every country in South America. Useful for introducing South America or countries within South America as well as being able to create a fact file using the slides.
End of Year Quiz (x2)

End of Year Quiz (x2)

Two quizzes for the end of the year that can be used for a bit of fun/ competition between individuals or groups. One quiz is: A multiple choice quiz that children can do in teams as a fun end of year activity looking at various events in 2016-2017. Round One- Sporting events Round Two- Film questions Round Three- Picture Round Round Four- Song Round - Name the artist and name of the song with a point for each (Freedom in this round of selecting a number of songs yourself from 2016-2017 to quiz children on) Round Five- Music Round Round Six- Television Round The second quiz is a multiple choice general knowledge quiz that has 26 questions before finishing with 2 bonus rounds with a point per answer available.
Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

A PowerPoint that looks at how Remembrance Day began and why we 'celebrate' it. It also looks at Remembrance Sunday and why we have the poppy as our symbol.
Halloween Reading Comprehension Sample

Halloween Reading Comprehension Sample

A sample of the following resource: A fact file about Halloween that is also a reading comprehension. This includes three differentiated worksheets with 10 questions each and answers included to test children's comprehension knowledge as well as learning about Halloween at the same time. Find the full resource at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/halloween-reading-comprehension-11754588
Martin Luther King Jr. Reading Comprehension Sample

Martin Luther King Jr. Reading Comprehension Sample

A sample of the following resource: A fact file about Martin Luther King Jr. that is also a reading comprehension. This includes three differentiated worksheets with 11 questions each and answers included to test children's comprehension knowledge as well as learning about Martin Luther King Jr. at the same time. Included in the sample is the fact file and first set of 11 questions and answers. For the full set, visit https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/martin-luther-king-jr-reading-comprehension-11729981
Christmas Activities

Christmas Activities

A range of activities related to Christmas/ to help keep children focussed nearer the holidays. These include: An acrostic poem activity for the word Christmas Christmas Bingo Christmas Colouring Sheets Christmas Coordinates - Identify where the pictures are on the grid Define Christmas Words Adjective activities - Think of adjectives to describe the Christmas Tree, Santa or a Reindeer The Christmas Truce Poem with three differentiated sets of questions and answers included A definition activity for the poem Santa Dash - Plan the quickest way around the world for Santa Comma Claus - Identify where the commas should go Claus Clauses - Identify and add different clause structures to sentences to improve writing Three sets of storyboards - Can be used for a range of ideas but created with the Nativity story in mind - Find a great example through Lego here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/nativity-story-3009639 Facts for Christmas around the world with three differentiated sets of questions and answers included
Halloween - Instructional writing for creating a Halloween potion/ mixture

Halloween - Instructional writing for creating a Halloween potion/ mixture

All the resources required for children to independently create their own instructions for creating a Halloween potion of some sort. Included are examples of potions from Harry Potter, different lists of potential items and key linking adverbs and imperative verbs. Also included is a cauldron picture where children can draw or list ingredients that will go in. Aimed at 5/6 where they should be confident with instruction writing anyway so can be used as they are for a couple of lessons of independent writing.
The role of the media/ perceived images (PSHE Lesson)

The role of the media/ perceived images (PSHE Lesson)

A PSHE style lesson that focuses on the media, getting children to consider what the media is before considering why they focus on celebrities and the reality of images that are used in different aspects of media. This lesson also gets children to consider whether they can trust everything they read in magazines, newspapers or online and why this is the case. Included are three differentiated activities, slightly between MA and HA, and the presentation for the lesson.


A PowerPoint that gives a brief introduction to the issue of littering. This is useful for an assembly or discussion in class as it focuses on what littering is and some of the significant issues that come about from littering. To finish, there is a link to a video that looks at removing rubbish from canals because of how plastic is making it to the oceans.
Variety of quizzes (x5)

Variety of quizzes (x5)

A range of quizzes that are useful for the end of the year or as general activities. Quizzes include: A quiz that gets children to try and identify 30 different flags from around the world. A fun geography activity for the end of the year or as a general activity to check knowledge of different flags. A British History quiz that includes 20 questions about British history, including a range of topics and spanning over 1000 years. Also included is a bonus round worth up to an extra 23 points. This is useful for some end of term fun or as a general quiz to check children's general knowledge of British history and can be done individually or in teams. A European History quiz that includes 20 questions about European history, including a range of topics and spanning over 2000 years. Also included is a bonus round worth up to an extra 28 points. This is useful for some end of term fun or as a general quiz to check children's general knowledge of European history and can be done individually or in teams. A multiple choice quiz that children can do in teams as a fun end of year activity looking at various events in 2016-2017. Round One- Sporting events Round Two- Film questions Round Three- Picture Round Round Four- Song Round - Name the artist and name of the song with a point for each (Freedom in this round of selecting a number of songs yourself from 2016-2017 to quiz children on) Round Five- Music Round Round Six- Television Round A multiple choice general knowledge quiz that has 26 questions before finishing with 2 bonus rounds with a point per answer available.
Back To School: About me and setting targets

Back To School: About me and setting targets

An activity for children to do at the start of a new school year/ for class swap days. Get children to draw themselves, describe themselves, identify their favourite subjects and activities outside of school as well as getting children to set three targets (for in or out of school) and think of one thing new they would like to do in the next year.
End of Year Quiz 2020

End of Year Quiz 2020

A quiz to use at the end of the year with children as a fun activity. Included is the quiz which has eight different rounds with eight questions that have multiple choice answers as well as a tie breaker question if needed. There is also an answer sheet for children to record their answers and a PowerPoint with the answers to the quiz.
Father day coordinates card activity

Father day coordinates card activity

List of coordinates that when done accurately creates a man with a tie, shirt and jacket on. I am using this myself for children to then colour in and add detail e.g. hair, jacket, tie and then stick on the front of a card that they will write in for fathers day. Can also just be used as an activity for practising coordinates.
Queen Elizabeth fact displays

Queen Elizabeth fact displays

Five display posters full of facts to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II celebrating her official 90th birthday in June. All facts are on silhouette backgrounds of the Queen and include a range of facts for children to learn.
Tent Tax Comprehension (Plastic Pollution)

Tent Tax Comprehension (Plastic Pollution)

A story taken from BBC News about the need to charge people a deposit to reduce how many tents are being left at festivals aterwards. Included is the majority of the story and a comprehension activity that includes answers. Also useful for a discussion about plastic and what children think about the tents left behind and how they could be used/ how the issue could be resolved.