I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
A lesson made looking at adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. Included is a PowerPoint with L.O and S.C as well as examples to work through. This includes a practice sheet that children can work through for the questions on the board.
Also included are a set of three differentiated worksheets that work on adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator for Year 4 children.
These have all been made with mastery in mind and so follow this pattern.
Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency (LA)
Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning (MA)
Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving (HA)
Answers are included.
This has been made for children in either Year 3 or 4.
A set of resources available to use to help children's writing that will continue to be developed. They are made with Year 6 in mind but can easily be used for other year groups to aid their writing.
Included so far are:
A general writing help mat
Examples of time adverbials
Examples of imperative verbs
Examples of pronouns
A checklist for some of the different writing genres
Year 6 Moderation grids for working towards, at and greater depth
Prepositional phrases
Punctuating speech
A wordmat/ display poster for each of the openers for ISPACE with lots of different openers within each section and then examples of how they can be used in sentences.
A range of sheets with helpful descriptions for children when writing stories including: describing different features of characters, settings and creating atmosphere through the weather and seasons.
Aspostrophes for contraction with examples
A copy of the short story for working towards (1) and short story for working at expected standard (2) - Get children to assess each piece for strengths and weaknesses (annotated versions also included so children can see why they are what they are)
Year 5/6 Spellings Word Mat
Adjectives Word Mat
Adverbs Word Mat
Definition activity sheets for 5/6 spellings - Get children to use dictionaries to define the 5/6 words so that they have a better understanding of what the word means before they use it in their writing
Differentiated activities based around apostrophes for contractions
Sentence structure activities that work on children identifying different parts of sentences and playing around with clause structures including Christmas ones
Comma activity based around Christmas
Adjective activities based around Christmas
Speech activities
Handwriting activities that show children joins and also where they can make the selective choice not to join
A copy of the letter writing for working at greater depth (1), working at expected standard (2) and working towards expected standard (3) - Get children to assess each piece for strengths and weaknesses (annotated versions also included so children can see why they are what they are)
A help mat with examples of cohesive devices for children to use
A word mat with synonyms for said to aid writing that includes dialogue
Writing prompt cards - Cut these out and use either as instant marking tools or reminders for lessons - 28 cards that work towards the Year 6 writing statements
Sets of 20 pictures with scenery or scenes from films that create great independent writing
Help sheets to improve scientific writing - Show writing progression across subjects
A range of times table mastery check documents. Each one contains 10 questions that check children's understanding of the a times table through more complex methods than just giving them a times table test. Included are word problems, reasoning questions and showing the relationship between numbers.
Also included are times table builders and an example of how these can be used to then build different answers e.g. 16 x 4 from the 4 x builder.
Four fully resourced lessons that focus on classification in Year 6 Living Things, getting children to consider how they might classify before beginning to learn about the actual classification system. This then moves on to children working on different classes and creating their own animal based on a particular class.
Three differentiated worksheets that focus on being able to use semi-colons, particularly between two independent clauses. These then move on to checking children's understanding through questions before the HA activity gets children to write their own sentences with semi-colons.
Written with Year 5/6 children in mind but can be easily used in other year groups.
Questions related to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl that test a range of skills. These can be used for guided reading sessions or to give children as activities to support guided reading sessions/ whole class reading comprehensions. The questions follow the order of the chapter but don't have answers attached as the answers can vary depending on the child's opinion.
So far, the first twenty chapters are included.
All of the questions related to fractions from the two previous end of Key Stage Two tests under the new assessment framework and from the original sample test.
These questions have been split into arithmetic paper questions and reasoning papers and are also in a combined example. These can be used for a number of reasons including practise of fraction questions or pre and post teaching assessments for fractions
Four different worksheets that focus on parenthesis and being able to use the different sets of punctuation for this. Included are three differentiated worksheets as well as a mastery style worksheet that gets children to think deeper and justify responses.
The Big Book of Fractions includes a range of fraction topics within it over 95 pages including:
What a fraction is
Colouring fractions
Representing fractions
Equivalent fractions including simplifying
Comparing fractions
Finding fractions of amounts including finding original numbers - Using the bar model
Converting between mixed and improper fractions
Adding fractions
Subtracting fractions
Multiplying fractions by whole numbers
Multiplying fractions by fractions
Dividing fractions by whole numbers
Fractions, decimals and percentages equivalence
Glossary of what particular terms mean
Within this there are help sheets, showing how to do different operations with fractions through the maths and also through showing pictorial representations, generally using the bar model.
After the help sheets most topics include practise questions and then questions that challenge children's fluency, reasoning and problem solving abilities.
This can be used for a range of things, whether it be just to print the help sheets to encourage children to be independent or to give children a practise activity or activity that requires them to think more deeply.
History assessment grids from Year 1 to 6 that can be used to check children's understanding and use as a progress measure if wished. These are to be used as best fit as there may be some areas they are weaker/ more confident in with the aim being a best fit judgement.
I created these as there appears to be a gap in history assessment at the minute in primary schools since the move to assessment without levels. This enables schools to have something in place for a foundation subject that links well to other curricular areas, as well as showing an assessment system should visitors wish to know how you monitor progress.
These were created using the statements from the curriculum, with a particular focus on what they should be able to do at the end of each Key Stage and then working up/ back from that/ making sure children are 'Year 7 ready' at the end of Key Stage Two. There is some overlap in the way grids may be worded but this is because the content they are learning is different and they are beginning to increase knowledge across a range of topics/ apply skills to different topics. I have attached PDF and Word documents as they can then be edited if you wish.
An extract from Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone with three sets of differentiated questions attached.
This is a sample extract. For all seven documents visit https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/harry-potter-reading-comprehensions-combined-11177467 where you will find extracts from all seven Harry Potter books with three sets of differentiated questions attached with each extract. These activities will help children work on a range of comprehension skills using a story many are already aware of and engaged with. Questions range from simple retrieval to commenting on why particular language has been used.
***The extracts used are copyright of the author J.K Rowling.
A fully resourced unit of work that compares the U.K, Spain and Canada.
There are 11 lessons that begin by looking at time zones around the world before focussing on the human and physical geographical features of the U.K, Spain and Canada separately. This then leads to comparing and contrasting two countries together as a class before finishing on the final lesson by comparing and contrasting all three countries together.
Also included are Geography assessment grids for each year group that work as best fit assessments.
Geography assessment grids from Year 1 to 6 that can be used to check children's understanding and use as a progress measure if wished. These are to be used as best fit as there may be some areas they are weaker/ more confident in with the aim being a best fit judgement.
I created these as there appears to be a gap in geography assessment at the minute in primary schools since the move to assessment without levels. This enables schools to have something in place for a foundation subject that links well to other curricular areas, as well as showing an assessment system should visitors wish to know how you monitor progress.
Different activity sheets that give children questions that look at their fluency, reasoning or problem solving skills for that area of Maths with the answers included. Example questions from the sample reasoning papers and 2016 reasoning papers are also being included for mini practise.
More topics will continue to be included.
A number of resources that can be used for class transition days or for the start of a new school year.
Activities include:
Three quizzes that children can complete in teams
Setting targets and getting to know children activity sheet
Classroom flag templates where children can design a class flag
Rules activity where children decide from rules which are important or unimportant to then create a set of class rules from
Getting to know everyone - Ice breaker activity where children have to find others that may have done a particular thing
Questions and ideas - What they are looking forward to, any concerns and any questions they may have
Five differentiated worksheets that work on being able to multiply decimal numbers by whole numbers, with multiplying by one digit included in word problems and multiplying by two digits which then also leads into word problems. Used successfully with a Year 6 class but could be watered down for Year 5/ used for Year 7 recap.
Starter activity for children to complete in English on a daily basis (if time is available) that focuses on a spelling activity, grammar activity and punctuation activity each day. They cover various aspects of the Year 5/6 English curriculum and can be stuck in books afterwards or filed away to show understanding.
New ones will continue to be added.
10 questions that check children's understanding of the 7 times table through more complex methods than just giving them a 7 times table test. Included are word problems, reasoning questions and showing the relationship between numbers.
Different activity sheets that give children questions that look at their fluency, reasoning or problem solving skills for that area of Maths with the answers included.
More topics will continue to be included.