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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Information Text Scheme of Work (planning, slides and resources included)

Information Text Scheme of Work (planning, slides and resources included)

Fully planned, differentiated and resourced unit of work looking at information texts. Included are all the slides, planning and resources needed to run each lesson, with 14-15 lessons that focus on key features of information texts and work on different skills before completing their own independent writing. Written for Year 5 but easily adaptable between Year 3 and Year 7. Skills include: researching and planning, reading comprehension, using generalisers, creating a glossary and structuring a text with sub-headings and a topic phrase.
Discussion text planning/ IWB slides and resources

Discussion text planning/ IWB slides and resources

A comprehensive set of resources for anyone to be able to teach a block on writing discussion texts. Planned for Year 5 but very easily adaptable to Year 4 or Year 6. Included are: Full lesson plans for 15/16 lessons, with differentiated activities for children. IWB slides for every lesson that go step by step through the lesson. (N.B. In the shared writing sessions, the example paragraphs just need playing around with to a new topic. Whilst I could have done these, it is more powerful to do them with the class at the time) Resource sheets required for lessons. Word banks for children to use. A self-assessment/ teacher assessment marking sheet that helps children assess as they write and can then be used for a simple marking sheet to pick out positives and targets for children.
Grammar revision activity booklet

Grammar revision activity booklet

A workbook suitable for children in Year 5 and 6. This 22 page booklet looks at a range of aspects, getting children to work through questions related to areas of grammar and in being able to use a dictionary accurately. It is perfect for 5-10 minute bursts during register time or can be used as an extended activity for a lesson if plans have fallen through/ changed, with children able to pick it up as and when.
Examples of Information Texts

Examples of Information Texts

Included are 8 different examples of information texts (non-chronological reports) that can be used with children in English for a wide range of reasons. Texts include: The Vikings Emperor Penguins Lions Velociraptors Crocodiles and Aligators Dolphins Giant Panda Green Anaconda
Instructions Scheme of Work (planning, slides and resources included)

Instructions Scheme of Work (planning, slides and resources included)

Fully planned, differentiated and resourced unit of work looking at instructions. Included are all the slides, planning and resources needed to run each lesson, with 8-10 lessons that focus on key features of instructions and work on different skills before completing their own independent writing. Written for Year 5 but easily adaptable between Year 3 and Year 7. Independent writing is linked to George's Marvellous Medicines with children creating 'different' types of medicine with a list of possible ingredients also included and an example of how it could be written. Skills include: Using linking adverbs (time adverbials) and using imperative verbs as well as creating a poppy for remembrance day.
Spanish - Months of the year

Spanish - Months of the year

The months of the year represented with their name in Spanish. Can be used for displays or for simple activities to help children learn the months of the year in Spanish.
Year 6 Evolution and Inheritance (Planning, resources and slides)

Year 6 Evolution and Inheritance (Planning, resources and slides)

Teach children all about Evolution and Inheritance with this block of differentiated lesson plans and resources. These six lessons take children on a journey developing their understanding of Evolution and famous scientists work. N.B. These lessons are planned for 1 and a half - 2 hour lessons so if you teach Science for one hour a week then you will get more than six lessons from them. Lesson One - Offspring variation Lesson Two and Three - Climate adaptations Lesson Four - Fossils Lesson Five - Evolution/ adaptations Lesson Six - Famous Scientists Also included is a fun Who Wants to be a Millionaire style assessment.
Pokemon Reading Comprehension Bundle

Pokemon Reading Comprehension Bundle

11 Resources
Each set consists of a fact file about a Pokemon with a set of three differentiated worksheets that have 10 questions that test children’s reading. Each one has answers included. Made to engage particular children with reading by using something they are interested in.
David Attenborough Reading Comprehension

David Attenborough Reading Comprehension

A fact file about David Attenborough that is also a reading comprehension. This includes three differentiated worksheets with 10 questions each and answers included to test children's comprehension knowledge as well as learning about David Attenborough at the same time.
Information Text Reading Comprehensions

Information Text Reading Comprehensions

Three differentiated reading comprehensions with answers included that get children to practise using information texts and their layout to help them answer questions. Written for Year 5 in mind but easily useable between Year 4 and 7. LA - Green Anaconda MA - Lions HA - Emperor Penguin
French - Days of the week

French - Days of the week

The days of the week represented with their name in French. Can be used for displays or for simple activities to help children learn the days of the week in French.
Famous People Reading Comprehensions

Famous People Reading Comprehensions

15 Resources
A range of reading comprehensions linked to famous people, either currently or from a period of history including politicians, scientists and activists.
Albert Einstein Reading Comprehension

Albert Einstein Reading Comprehension

A fact file about Albert Einstein that is also a reading comprehension. This includes three differentiated worksheets with 10 questions each and answers included to test children's comprehension knowledge as well as learning about Albert Einstein at the same time.
Mary Anning Reading Comprehension

Mary Anning Reading Comprehension

A fact file about Mary Anning that is also a reading comprehension. This includes three differentiated worksheets with 10 questions each and answers included to test children's comprehension knowledge as well as learning about Mary Anning at the same time.
Football Reading Comprehensions

Football Reading Comprehensions

Reading comprehensions related to football to try and engage children whilst also developing their comprehension skills. Each comprehension comes with three sets of 11 questions that are differentiated with the answers included. This will continue to be developed with more footballers and football clubs added to it with the price rising as more are added. So far included are: Paul Pogba Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Year 5/6 Science Bundle (Planning, resources, reading comprehension and slides)

Year 5/6 Science Bundle (Planning, resources, reading comprehension and slides)

13 Resources
Planning for Year 5/6 Science topics that is fully resourced with lesson slides, differentiated lesson plans and activities. Also included is a famous scientist fact file with information about 12 famous scientists and reading comprehensions for some famous scientists. Included so far are: Year 5 - Earth and Space Year 5 - Materials Year 6 - Evolution and Inheritance Year 6 - Electricity
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Reading Comprehension

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Reading Comprehension

Three extracts from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince with three sets of differentiated questions attached with each extract. These activities will help children work on a range of comprehension skills using a story many are already aware of and engaged with. Questions range from simple retrieval to commenting on why particular language has been used. ***The extracts used are copyright of the author J.K Rowling.
Spanish - Days of the week

Spanish - Days of the week

The days of the week represented with their name in Spanish. Can be used for displays or for simple activities to help children learn the days of the week in Spanish.