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A Primary school teacher creating and sharing resources to help you save time!

A Primary school teacher creating and sharing resources to help you save time!
Anglo Saxon Retrieval Questions

Anglo Saxon Retrieval Questions

5 lessons worth of retrieval questions linked to the Twinkl Anglo Saxons unit pack. Retrieval activities promote ‘knowing more and remembering more’. Includes retrieval questions on jobs, village life, artefacts, festivals etc.
Anglo Saxons End Of Unit Assessment

Anglo Saxons End Of Unit Assessment

End of unit assessment for the Anglo Saxons topic. A range of questions, and question styles, linked to the topic of the Anglo Saxons and Scots, useful for completing the unit and assessing what the children have remembered from their lessons. Questions linking to timelines, villages, jobs, religion, festivals and artefacts.
VIPERS reading Anglo Saxon Boy Chapters 1-4

VIPERS reading Anglo Saxon Boy Chapters 1-4

VIPERS reading questions based on the book Anglo Saxon Boy by Tony Bradman. A range of vocabulary, inference, explaining, predicting, retreival and summarising questions based on chapters 1-4 of the book Anglo Saxon Boy.