I work as a private maths tutor so I need a constant stream of supplies to keep my students engaged. Any comments you have on how to improve or extend any of my worksheets would be hugely appreciated.
I hope you find what's here helpful - I've only uploaded the resources that have proved successful with my students, anything that didn't go down so well has either been editted or binned!
I work as a private maths tutor so I need a constant stream of supplies to keep my students engaged. Any comments you have on how to improve or extend any of my worksheets would be hugely appreciated.
I hope you find what's here helpful - I've only uploaded the resources that have proved successful with my students, anything that didn't go down so well has either been editted or binned!
One of the biggest challenges I find as a private tutor is students not reading the questions or instructions properly - it drives me mad!
This exercise is one I've been meaning to make for a while, a whole list of questions most of which can be done at all ages (I've included the word doc so you can edit it) but they're time consuming and tedious.
Question 3 is the only nice one: What is 1+2?
The beginning tells them to read all the questions and instructions before they start - the end tells them they only have to do question three. It'll be nice and easy for those that read it properly, and a lot of effort for those that don't!
I also included a note saying working and answers should be written on the paper (at the beginning) so if you set it as homework they can't get away with doing it on another piece of paper and pretending they did it properly!
I print this from a PDF reader in "Multiple" setting so I get two copies on one page, that's why there's two the same in each file. Also works in normal A4 settings :)
A maths question for every day - aimed at high achieving KS3 students or GCSE students. Variety of topics, no questions are repeated (so, yes, there is a different question for each day – it’s taken a while!)
This file is the whole calendar, individual months are available to purchase in my shop. Also available for KS2.
(Buying the whole calendar is half the price of buying the months individually)
A maths question for every day - aimed at KS2 students. Variety of topics, no questions are repeated (so, yes, there is a different question for each day in every month – it’s taken a while!)
This file is for the whole year, individual months are available to purchase in my shop. Also available for KS3/4.
A set of 8 worksheets covering
- The clock face, putting numbers in the right places
- Telling the time - on the hour
- Drawing the time - on the hour
- Telling the time - half past
- Drawing the time - half past
- Telling the time - quarter to/past
- Drawing the time - quarter to/past
- Questions about days, months, weeks, minutes in an hour etc etc
12 page work book (11 pages plus the cover)
Recalling the rules for trig and Pythagoras
Standard Pythagoras questions
Missing side trig questions
Missing angle trig questions
How do you know which rule to use?
Mixed questions
Word questions
Exam questions
Designed to be printed in A5 using the PDF readers booklet printing feature - pages are in the order they're to be printed in so if you don't have this feature it will work just as well :)
Nothing to do with any of my other resources!
I created this sheet for my Beaver group to do an I spy activity, thought someone might be able to get some use out of it!
Feel free to edit =)
A colour coded check list of various maths topics covering what children should know at each level.
Please note - I don't claim this to be perfect! Use as a guide only (and if you notice anything that need changing please let me know!)
I'm working on a series of worksheets which check the ability of each of the skills listed - the numbers one is available in my shop now!