
Two step, Multiplication word problems.
Range of word problems. First 4 questions are indicated as one step. The rest are all two step.

Skill Drill - Column Addition
Perfect for homework or an extra boost in class for those who need to practise practise practise!
An example is provided as well as a clear success criteria.
Three tiers (sessions) of questions which increase with difficulty. I like to give the children a smiley face sticker (or tick the box above each session ) once it is completed!

Skill Drill - Column addition and subtraction, short division, missing numbers, fractions
Perfect for homework or an extra boost in class for those who need to practise practise practise!
An example is provided as well as a clear success criteria.
Three tiers (sessions) of questions which increase with difficulty or move the skill on. I like to give the children a smiley face sticker (or tick the box above each session ) once it is completed!
All resources are made on Word making it easy for you to adapt them to suit your needs.
Column Addition
Column Subtraction
Short Division
Short Multiplication
Missing Number - Addition
Missing Number - Subtraction
Missing Number - Multiplication
Missing Number - Division
Fraction of an Amount
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Finding Change from £5
Multiplying three numbers
Multiplying with multiples of 10
Adding three numbers

Column Subtraction Year 4. Differentiated all on one sheet.
A selection of resources for a unit on column subtraction.
No exchanging - 4 differentiated levels on same sheet
Exchanging - 4 differentiated levels on same sheet
Exchanging with two 0’s
Four or three levels of differentiation. All on one page. Answers provided.

KS1 Nativity and Christmas Activities
Discover the ultimate KS1 Nativity Activity Pack, a delightful resource brimming with reading, maths and colouring activities. Ideal for classrooms, homeschooling, or family gatherings, this comprehensive nativity and christmas activity pack promises lots of christmas fun. An easy resource for nativity themed early morning work or something to do that has a festive and christmas feel during nativity rehearsals!
The nativity themed pack includes:
Colouring pages
A word search
Read and match activities
Writing activities for more able students and those developing motor skills.
Search and count
Count and graph

Multiply integers and decimals by 10 (Year 4)
Differentiated worksheets for multiplying by 10. A reasoning challenge at the start to get children thinking while they complete a skill drill. Children then extended to multiplying by 100 and a mark my work challenge.

Reasoning with Factors - Always, Sometimes, Never
Children decide whether the given statement is true all of the time, some of the time or never.
I used these sheets to follow up a lesson where children needed to make a decision and prove to the rest of the class why they were correct. They needed to make an argument and provide evidence in the form of examples or diagrams and present this to the class.
There is space for a picture to be stuck in of the children presenting their thinking

Reasoning with Multiplication - Always, Sometimes, Never
Children decide whether the given statement is true all of the time, some of the time or never.
I used these sheets to follow up a lesson where children needed to make a decision and prove to the rest of the class why they were correct. They needed to make an argument and provide evidence in the form of examples or diagrams and present this to the class.
There is space for a picture to be stuck in of the children presenting their thinking

Column addition and subtraction
Challenging skill drill, missing number challenge and reasoning challenge. For those who are secure in using column addition and subtraction.

Skill Drill - Missing number - Division - Differentiated
Perfect for homework or an extra boost in class for those who need to practise practise practise!
An example is provided as well as a clear success criteria. Three tiers (sessions) of questions which increase with difficulty.
Find all of my skill drills here

Skill Drill - Finding change from £5
Perfect for homework or an extra boost in class for those who need to practise practise practise!
An example is provided as well as a clear success criteria. Three tiers (sessions) of questions which increase with difficulty.
Find all of my skill drills here

Addition and Subtraction Two step word problems.
Two step addition and subtraction word problems.
Answers provided for both steps for the first 4 questions. Children need to work out the appropriate number sentences for each step.
The next four questions are a similar style to the first four. Children must calculate the answers. There is a second sheet provided for children who still need the scaffold of the answers.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions - Reasoning Challenges and Skill Drill
Worksheet for those who are secure with adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.