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History Help shop

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I am a current teacher with 20 years experience of teaching history. I publish a mix of free and paid for resources in the hope of saving people time. The resources are generally designed to be used 'off the peg' saving you time and effort as well as helping teachers who are non-specialists.




I am a current teacher with 20 years experience of teaching history. I publish a mix of free and paid for resources in the hope of saving people time. The resources are generally designed to be used 'off the peg' saving you time and effort as well as helping teachers who are non-specialists.
KS3 History: The Stuarts lesson resources

KS3 History: The Stuarts lesson resources

14 Resources
This is a course to teach the Stuarts from James I in 1603 to the Act of Union in 1707. Resources are fully differentiated and include starter tasks, assessment opportunities and mark schemes that tie in with the AQA GCSE History. Lesson One - Interpretations of James I Lesson Two - The Gunpowder Plot Lesson Three - the 17th century witch-craze Lesson Four - Causes of the English Civil War Lesson Five - Why were Parliament able to win? Lesson Six - the execution of Charles I Lessons Seven - an analysis of Oliver Cromwell Lesson Eight - the Restoration and a comparison of the Black Death and Great Plague medical approaches Lesson Nine - The Glorious Revolution Lesson Ten - the union of Scotland and England Also included is: MTP (Medium Term Plan) for students so that they can assess their understanding each lesson KLI (Key Learning Indicators) that provide attainment levels for students History Home Learning postcard to aid revision and boost parental engagement I set homework using Seneca Learning (the free app) and have included a link to Seneca Learning as part of the bundle. https://senecalearning.com/en-GB/
AQA GCSE History How to Guide Paper 2

AQA GCSE History How to Guide Paper 2

Full instructions for students covering all questions on paper 1: question stem assessment objectives covered a brief list of what to do (and sometimes what to avoid) suggested writing frame student friendly mark scheme (this will allow them to self and peer assess more easily)
KS3 History The Stuarts: Act of Union 1707

KS3 History The Stuarts: Act of Union 1707

This is a fully differentiated lesson resource looking at the developing union of England and Scotland through the 17th century and into the early 18th century. Students look at reasons for the union but are also given the opportunity to look at the future of the union today. Could be adapted as a further debate lesson.
KS3 History The Stuarts: Oliver Cromwell; hero or villain?

KS3 History The Stuarts: Oliver Cromwell; hero or villain?

This is a fully differentiated and resourced lesson looking at the impact of Oliver Cromwell. Core tasks for lower attainers provide structure and scaffolding to form an opinion about Oliver Cromwell supported by evidence. Challenge and Aspire tasks for middle and higher attainers allow students to look at the debate surrounding the statue of Oliver Cromwell and whether or not it should be removed. Success criteria is provided for challenge and aspire tasks so that students can self or peer assess. There is also an exemplar answer that they can compare their response to. There is a link provided to the clip from the History of Parliament ‘Who was Oliver Cromwell?’. This is not referenced in the lesson but could be used to add further contextual knowledge.
Elizabethan England revision wheel, 2025

Elizabethan England revision wheel, 2025

A completed revision wheel for 2025 exam with a section on Hardwick Hall. This resource can be used: as an aide memoir and resting resource, particularly for those students looking for the knowledge to move from grade 3 to 4 an overall knowledge organiser at the beginning of the course
AQA GCSE History Paper 1 How to Guide

AQA GCSE History Paper 1 How to Guide

Full instructions for students covering all questions on paper 1: question stem assessment objectives covered a brief list of what to do (and sometimes what to avoid) suggested writing frame student friendly mark scheme (this will allow them to self and peer assess more easily)
KS3 History Age of Revolutions

KS3 History Age of Revolutions

A series of six lessons on comparing the American War of Independence, the French Revolution and the Irish Rebellion. Ends in students presenting their findings and assessing their group presentations. Also offers assessment opportunities throughout.
KS3 History: The early Stuarts

KS3 History: The early Stuarts

6 Resources
*These resources are available to buy individually with lessons five and six provided free of charge. Therefore buying as a bundle means the lessons are offered at half price. Fully resourced and differentiated lessons covering 1603 to 1649 a with opportunities for self, peer and teacher assessment (mark schemes/success criteria provided). Lesson One - Interpretations of James I (analysing the quote “wisest fool in Christendom”) Lesson Two - Were the gunpowder plotters framed? (1605) Lesson Three - Why was there a witch-craze in the 17th century? Lesson Four - What caused the English Civil War? (Teacher assessment). Lesson Five - Life during the English Civil war as well as why Parliament won. Lesson Six - Should Charles I have been executed?
AQA GCSE History How to Guide for student

AQA GCSE History How to Guide for student

4 Resources
Provides question stems, assessment objectives, suggested writing frames and student friendly mark schemes for both papers and all questions. Also included are some general overview documents introducing assessment objectives and mark schemes.
KS3 History The Stuarts: The Restoration and the Great Plague

KS3 History The Stuarts: The Restoration and the Great Plague

This is a differentiated lesson that provides information of the Restoration and Charles II and starts with an interpretation analysis and mark scheme for self/peer assessment. Students then go onto look at the Great Plague and compare the causes, treatments and methods of prevention with the Black Death in order to assess change and continuity over time.
KS3 History The Stuarts: Causes of the English Civil War

KS3 History The Stuarts: Causes of the English Civil War

Fully differentiated and resourced lesson on causes of the English Civil War. Starter is an AQA style interpretation question to help recall previous knowledge on Charles I that is broken down for KS3 students with a mark scheme. The lesson leads onto an exam style question with scaffolding for lower ability students. A mark scheme and feedback sheet is also provided for teacher assessment (can be adapted to be self of peer assessed).
AQA Conflict and Tension 1918-1939, revision wheel

AQA Conflict and Tension 1918-1939, revision wheel

An emergency revision wheel that is completed with the key facts for students. Good for those students who are on the Grade 4 borderline or as a quick reference for all students so that they can be actively tested. Would also be useful for students at the beginning of the course as an overview. Should be photocopied A3 size.
Africa before the Slave Trade

Africa before the Slave Trade

A fully resourced and differentiated lesson that looks at the societies and economies of Africa prior to the 17th century. Consider the connection with Europe. There is also a literacy activity that looks at the kingdom of Benin in greater detail. Can be used as a challenge activity in class or as homework.