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Frida Kahlo Knowledge organiser
A knowledge organiser about the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. It contains information about her life and her work. There are examples of some of her most famous paintings.
Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter who explored themes of identity, disability and nature in her work. She was famous for her many self-portraits where she showed herself exactly as she was, not how other women were usually shown in art.
Hannah Hoch Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser about the Dadaist German artist Hannah Hoch. Contains examples of her art and information about her life.
Henri Rousseau Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser about the French naive painter, Henry Rousseau. It contains examples of his work, and facts about his life. Mainly suitable for KS2.
Writing Editing Bingo Card
Can be double-sided and laminated to be used throughout the school year. This is a two page guide to show children what we are looking for when we assess their writing at the end of Key Stage Two. It explains and gives examples of each feature. Can be used for children to assess their own writing as they go (points for a line, full house etc) or for peer to peer assessment. Good way of getting children to look back at their writing for features that are considered ‘expected’ in Year Six.
Van Gogh Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser about the Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh. It is aimed at KS1 and contains facts about his life and examples of his most famous work.
Crime and Punishment Knowledge Organiser
This Crime and Punishment Knowledge Organiser covers the main features of crime and punishment in the UK during Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Tudor, Georgian and Victorian times. Aimed at UKS2.
Antoni Gaudi knowledge organiser
A knowledge organiser about the Spanish Art Nouveau architect Antoni Gaudi. Contains many pictures of his work and facts about his life.
History timeline
A timeline covering Ancient Maya, Romans, Greeks, Victorians, WW2, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. The download includes three different versions: one to draw lines between historical labels and the timeline; one blank timeline with a separate list of historical periods to label and one suitable for online learning where the labels can be moved around to the correct position. Ideal for the start of a topic.
Sewing Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser to teach running stitch, back stitch and whip stitch. The organiser contains diagrams plus instructions.
Paul Klee Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser about the Swiss painter Paul Klee. It contains facts about his work and examples of his paintings. It is aimed at KS1.
Earthquakes and volcanoes knowledge organiser
A knowledge organiser for a geography earthquakes and volcanoes topic. Includes diagrams, facts and key vocabulary. Designed to be printed double sided on A4. One side covers volcanoes and one side covers earthquakes, longitude, latitude, timezones etc. Included are a pdf version and a publisher version for editing.
End of term summer maths quiz
Designed for a Year Five/Six class, this end of term quiz features ten maths questions with answers. It can be completed individually, in teams or can be shared over zoom for home learning. The questions cover content from the Year Five/Six maths curriculum, although there is nothing too taxing for the end of term.
Roy Lichtenstein Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser about the Pop Artist Roy Lichtenstein. It is aimed at LKS2. It contains facts about his style and examples of his work.
William Morris Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser about William Morris. Aimed at UKS2, it contains facts about his life and work. Also included are pictures of examples of his work.
William Morris was a key figure in the Victorian Arts and Craft Movement and a Pre-Raphaelite.
L.S. Lowry Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser about the English artist L.S. Lowry. Aimed at UKS2, this organiser includes facts about Lowry’s life and artistic style. It also includes examples of his artwork.
L.S. Lowry was a English artist famous for his paintings of the industrial north and ‘matchstick men’. He was an official War Artist during WW2 yet was never a full-time artist.
DT skills knowledge organisers
Two knowledge organisers. One focusing on food preparation skills and one focusing on different stitch types. Contains pictures, diagrams and text.
Verb tenses and parts of a sentence knowledge organiser
A two-page knowledge organiser. The first page covers the main tenses covered in KS2. The second page explains different parts of a sentence: main clause, relative clause, prepositional phrase, noun phrase and fronted adverbials.
DT cooking pizzas knowledge organiser
A two-paged knowledge organiser for DT cooking. It has a recipe for pizza dough on one page and pizza sauce on the other. It contains photos to show how to prepare food safely.
Greater Depth Writing Knowledge Organiser
This is a two-paged knowledge organiser to help children reach the Greater Depth writing standard. Page one explains and gives examples of the expected punctuation. It also provides examples of formal writing and how to manage shifts in formality. Page two, contains all of the spellings from the 5/6 spelling list. Aimed at Y6.
French colours
Can be used as an assessment or activity to learn about French colours. Children read simple sentences and either colour the pictures to match or write the English translation.