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Mr. M's Learning Emporium

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(based on 118 reviews)

I am a Deputy Head in a mixed, 11-18, non-selective, comprehensive school in the UK of 1400 students. I am currently teaching the AQA GCSE and OCR A-Level History specifications and my History classes have a six-year average P8 of +0.70 and ALPS 3. I attain the most Grade 9s and A*s in my School. I have been a Senior Examiner for several years and have attended a plethora of CPD that have given me a really sound insight into the demands and expectations of the GCSE and A-Level specifications.




I am a Deputy Head in a mixed, 11-18, non-selective, comprehensive school in the UK of 1400 students. I am currently teaching the AQA GCSE and OCR A-Level History specifications and my History classes have a six-year average P8 of +0.70 and ALPS 3. I attain the most Grade 9s and A*s in my School. I have been a Senior Examiner for several years and have attended a plethora of CPD that have given me a really sound insight into the demands and expectations of the GCSE and A-Level specifications.
Life in Elizabethan Times 1/2: Elizabethan England, c1568–c1603

Life in Elizabethan Times 1/2: Elizabethan England, c1568–c1603

11 Resources
Elizabethan England, c1568–c1603 - Life in Elizabethan Times. The resources are suitable for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. • A ‘Golden Age’: living standards and fashions; growing prosperity and the rise of the gentry; the Elizabethan theatre and its achievements; attitudes to the theatre. • The poor: reasons for the increase in poverty; attitudes and responses to poverty; the reasons for government action and the seriousness of the problem. • English sailors: Hawkins and Drake; circumnavigation 1577–1580, voyages and trade; the role of Raleigh. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons, revision guide and assessment: 01 - An English Renaissance 02 - The Elizabethan ‘Golden Age’ 03 - The Golden Age of Elizabethan Exploration 04 - Sir Francis Drake’s Circumnavigation, 1577-1580 05 - Sir Walter Rayleigh and the Colonisation of Virginia 06 - The East and the New World - The Impact of Voyages and Trade on Elizabethan England 07 - Growing Prosperity - The Rise of the Gentry 08 - Elizabethan Architecture 09 - Hardwick Hall 10 - Life in Elizabethan Times: Assessment 11 - Life in Elizabethan Times: Revision Guide The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain outstanding results over a period of time: 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My GCSE History classes have also consistently attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. In addition, this specific component’s outcomes - Elizabethan England, c1568–c1603 - are consistently above the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken Glass

Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken Glass

Describe the Night of Broken Glass. Explain the significance of Kristallnacht. Lesson Objective: to what extent did Kristallnacht smash the Jewish problem? AQA GCSE History: Germany, 1890–1945 - Democracy and Dictatorship - The Experiences of Germans under the Nazis. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain outstanding results over a period of time: 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My GCSE History classes have also consistently attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The Black Power Movement

The Black Power Movement

Describe the Black Power Movement. Explain how and why the Black Power Movement affected the Civil Rights Movement. Lesson Objective: to what extent did Black Power make the Civil Rights Movement more powerful? AQA GCSE History: America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - Post-War America. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain outstanding results over a period of time: 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My GCSE History classes have also consistently attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. In addition, this specific component’s outcomes - America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - are consistently above the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
Malcolm X

Malcolm X

Describe the life of Malcom X. Explain the impact Malcolm X had on the Civil Rights Movement. Lesson Objective: to what extent did Malcolm X’s ‘chickens come home to roost’? AQA GCSE History: America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - Post-War America. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain outstanding results over a period of time: 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My GCSE History classes have also consistently attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. In addition, this specific component’s outcomes - America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - are consistently above the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The Emergence and Spread of the Terror, September 1792–1795 2/2: France in Revolution, 1774–1815

The Emergence and Spread of the Terror, September 1792–1795 2/2: France in Revolution, 1774–1815

14 Resources
The French Revolution and the Rule of Napoleon - 1774–1815: The Emergence and Spread of the Terror, September 1792–1795. The resources are suitable for OCR, AQA, Edexcel and WJEC A-Level History. • The emergence and spread of the Terror, September 1792–1795. • The establishment of a Republic: problems and policies; debate leading to the execution of the King. • Internal and external war: the spread of war; the rising in the Vendée; attempts to establish wartime control; Robespierre; the fall of the Girondins and the Federalist revolt. • The progress of the war: the levée en masse and the coming of the Terror. • The spread of the Terror: executions; the influence of Robespierre and the sans culottes; the role of the CPS; Robespierre’s fall and the collapse of the Terror. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons, revision guide and assessment: 01 - The Coming of the Terror 02 - The Show Trials 03 - The Law of 14 Frimaire 04 - The Progress of the War 05 - Cult of the Supreme Being 06 - Opposition to the Terror 07 - The Fate of Danton, Desmoulins and the Hebertists 08 - The Great Terror 09 - The Development of Terror in the French Revolution 10 - The Influence of Robespierre 11 - The Coup of 9 Thermidor 12 - Collapse of the Terror 13 - The Emergence and Spread of the Terror, September 1792-1795: Assessment 14 - The Emergence and Spread of the Terror, September 1792-1795: A-Level Revision Guide The resources that I have created have enabled my A-Level History classes to attain an ALPS 3 over a four-year period and several students have secured A* and A grades. I am proud to have inspired and helped students pursue and successfully read History at Oxbridge and other Russell Group universities within the United Kingdom. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying A-Level History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The Origins of the Cold War 1/2: Conflict and Tension between East and West, 1945–1972

The Origins of the Cold War 1/2: Conflict and Tension between East and West, 1945–1972

11 Resources
Conflict and Tension between East and West, 1945–1972 - The Origins of the Cold War. The resources are suitable for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. • The end of the Second World War: Yalta and Potsdam Conferences; the division of Germany; contrasting attitudes and ideologies of the USA and the USSR, including the aims of Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Attlee and Truman; effect of the dropping of the atom bomb on post-war superpower relations. • The Iron Curtain and the evolution of East-West rivalry: Soviet expansion in East Europe; US policies; the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, their purpose and Stalin’s reaction; Cominform; Comecon; Yugoslavia; the Berlin Blockade and Airlift. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons: 01 - Ideologies of the Cold War 02 - Origins of the USSR 03 - The Nazi-Soviet Pact 04 - The Grand Alliance 05 - The Yalta Conference 06 - The Potsdam Conference 07 - Hiroshima and Nagasaki 08 - Truman on Trial 09 - The Atom Bomb’s Impact on Superpower Relations 10 - The Origins of the Cold War: Assessment 11 - The Origins of the Cold War: Revision Resources The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain well above average results over a period of time: 2023 P8: +0.26 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 For the third consecutive year, my GCSE History class(es) have also attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1350 students. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The Directory and Napoleon's Rise to Power, 1795–1799 2/2: France in Revolution, 1774–1815

The Directory and Napoleon's Rise to Power, 1795–1799 2/2: France in Revolution, 1774–1815

9 Resources
The French Revolution and the Rule of Napoleon - 1774–1815: The Directory and Napoleon’s Rise to Power, 1795–1799. The resources are suitable for OCR, AQA, Edexcel and WJEC A-Level History. • The aftermath of the Terror: the Thermidorian reaction and White Terror; the 1795 Parisian risings. • The establishment of the Directory: the constitution; financial and political problems and policies; strengths and weaknesses of the Directory. • Military campaigns and expansion abroad: Napoleon’s contribution to French success; background, character and military leadership; the Italian campaign and Egypt. • The coup of Brumaire and the establishment of the Consulate: the strengths and weaknesses of the new constitution; Napoleon’s position and the state of France by 1799. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons and assessment: 01 - Napoleon Bonaparte - Background, Character and Military Leadership 02 - The Italian Campaign 03 - The Importance of Italy for France and Napoleon 04 - The Egyptian Campaign 05 - The Importance of Egypt for Napoleon 06 - Napoleon’s Military Leadership and Character 07 - Coup of Brumaire 08 - Interpretations of Brumaire 09 - The Directory and Napoleon’s Rise to Power, 1795–1799: Assessment The resources that I have created have enabled my A-Level History classes to attain an ALPS 3 over a four-year period and several students have secured A* and A grades. I am proud to have inspired and helped students pursue and successfully read History at Oxbridge and other Russell Group universities within the United Kingdom. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying A-Level History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
Kent State University, 1970

Kent State University, 1970

Describe the incident at Kent State University. Explain how the incident at Kent State University affected the Vietnam War. Lesson Objective: what is the main reason why May 4th, 1970, will be in the American consciousness, always? AQA GCSE History: Conflict and Tension in Asia, 1950-1975 - The Ending of Conflict in Vietnam. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain outstanding results over a period of time: 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My GCSE History classes have also consistently attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. In addition, this specific component - Conflict and Tension in Asia, 1950-1975 - marks for each question are consistently above the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The Holocaust Bundle

The Holocaust Bundle

8 Resources
A scheme of work that contains lessons which are designed to support the teaching of The Holocaust. The resources complement AQA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. The lessons included within the bundle are:: 01 - Persecution in Nazi Germany 02 - Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany 03 - Kristallnacht 04 - The Final Solution 05 - Jewish Opposition and Resistance 06 - Schindler’s List 07 - Interpreting The Holocaust 08 - Remembering The Holocaust The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain outstanding results over a period of time: 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My GCSE History classes have also consistently attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
Freedom Rides, 1961

Freedom Rides, 1961

Describe the Freedom Rides of the Civil Rights Movement. Explain what impact the Freedom Rides had on the Civil Rights Movement. Lesson Objective: to what extent did the Freedom Rides drive the Civil Rights Movement further than before? AQA GCSE History: America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - Post-War America. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain outstanding results over a period of time: 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My GCSE History classes have also consistently attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. In addition, this specific component’s outcomes - America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - are consistently above the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The Trial and Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

The Trial and Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

Describe the life, trial and death of Mary, Queen of Scots. Explain the cause and consequences of Mary, Queen of Scot’s execution. Lesson Objective: to what extent was Mary, Queen of Scots more of a threat in death than in life? AQA GCSE History: British Depth Studies: Elizabethan England, c1568–c1603 - Troubles at Home and Abroad. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain outstanding results over a period of time: 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My GCSE History classes have also consistently attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. In addition, this specific component’s outcomes - Elizabethan England, c1568–c1603 - are consistently above the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The Experiment in Constitutional Monarchy, 1789–1792 2/2: France in Revolution, 1774–1815

The Experiment in Constitutional Monarchy, 1789–1792 2/2: France in Revolution, 1774–1815

13 Resources
The French Revolution and the Rule of Napoleon - 1774–1815: The Experiment in Constitutional Monarchy, 1789–1792. The resources are suitable for OCR, AQA, Edexcel and WJEC A-Level History. • The attempts to establish a constitutional monarchy: church reforms; political, judicial and administrative reforms; economic and social change. • Reaction to change internally and externally: the political clubs; the King and the flight to Varennes; the demonstration at the Champs de Mars; the origins and impact of war. • Sans-culottes and the collapse of the constitutional experiment; the September massacres and elections to the National Convention. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons, revision guide and assessment: 01 - The Flight to Varennes 02 - Champ de Mars Massacre 03 - The French Constitution of 1791 04 - The Origins of War 05 - The Impact of War on France 06 - The Journee of 20th June 1792 07 - The Brunswick Manifesto 08 - Storming of the Tuileries Palace 09 - The National Convention 10 - The September Massacres 11 - The French Republic 12 - The Experiment in Constitutional Monarchy, 1789-1792: Assessment 13 - The Experiment in Constitutional Monarchy, 1789-1792: A-Level Revision Guide The resources that I have created have enabled my A-Level History classes to attain an ALPS 3 over a four-year period and several students have secured A* and A grades. I am proud to have inspired and helped students pursue and successfully read History at Oxbridge and other Russell Group universities within the United Kingdom. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying A-Level History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The Directory and Napoleon's Rise to Power, 1795–1799 1/2: France in Revolution, 1774–1815

The Directory and Napoleon's Rise to Power, 1795–1799 1/2: France in Revolution, 1774–1815

12 Resources
The French Revolution and the Rule of Napoleon - 1774–1815: The Directory and Napoleon’s Rise to Power, 1795–1799. The resources are suitable for OCR, AQA, Edexcel and WJEC A-Level History. • The aftermath of the Terror: the Thermidorian reaction and White Terror; the 1795 Parisian risings. • The establishment of the Directory: the constitution; financial and political problems and policies; strengths and weaknesses of the Directory. • Military campaigns and expansion abroad: Napoleon’s contribution to French success; background, character and military leadership; the Italian campaign and Egypt. • The coup of Brumaire and the establishment of the Consulate: the strengths and weaknesses of the new constitution; Napoleon’s position and the state of France by 1799. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons and assessment: 01 - The Thermidorian Reaction 02 - The White Terror 03 - Rising of Germinal 04 - Rising of Prairial 05 - Rising of Vendemiaire 06 - The Constitution of the Directory 07 - The Directory’s Economic and Financial Problems 08 - The Babeuf Plot 09 - French Fallacies - Coups of Fructidor and Floreal 10 - Coup of Prairial 11 - The Directory - Strengths and Weaknesses 12 - The Directory and Napoleon’s Rise to Power, 1795–1799: Assessment The resources that I have created have enabled my A-Level History classes to attain an ALPS 3 over a four-year period and several students have secured A* and A grades. I am proud to have inspired and helped students pursue and successfully read History at Oxbridge and other Russell Group universities within the United Kingdom. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying A-Level History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The Welfare State

The Welfare State

Describe the Welfare State. Explain the significance of the Labour Government’s actions post-World War Two. Lesson Objective: to what extent was modern Britain built in 1945? AQA GCSE History: Britain: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present Day - Modern Medicine. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain outstanding results over a period of time: 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My GCSE History classes have also consistently attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. In addition, this specific component’s outcomes - Britain: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present Day - are consistently above the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The March on Washington, 1963: I Have a Dream

The March on Washington, 1963: I Have a Dream

Describe the March in Washington, 1963. Explain the impact of the March in Washington, 1963 on the Civil Rights Movement. Lesson Objective: to what extent was Martin Luther King’s dream, Jim Crow’s nightmare? AQA GCSE History: America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - Post-War America. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain outstanding results over a period of time: 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My GCSE History classes have also consistently attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. In addition, this specific component’s outcomes - America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - are consistently above the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The Emergence and Spread of the Terror, September 1792–1795 1/2:  France in Revolution, 1774–1815

The Emergence and Spread of the Terror, September 1792–1795 1/2: France in Revolution, 1774–1815

10 Resources
The French Revolution and the Rule of Napoleon - 1774–1815: The Emergence and Spread of the Terror, September 1792–1795. The resources are suitable for OCR, AQA, Edexcel and WJEC A-Level History. • The emergence and spread of the Terror, September 1792–1795. • The establishment of a Republic: problems and policies; debate leading to the execution of the King. • Internal and external war: the spread of war; the rising in the Vendée; attempts to establish wartime control; Robespierre; the fall of the Girondins and the Federalist revolt. • The progress of the war: the levée en masse and the coming of the Terror. • The spread of the Terror: executions; the influence of Robespierre and the sans culottes; the role of the CPS; Robespierre’s fall and the collapse of the Terror. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons, revision guide and assessment: 01 - The Debate on the Fate of the King 02 - The Execution of Louis XVI 03 - The Spread of War 04 - Machinery of the Terror 05 - The Rising in the Vendee 06 - The Fall of the Girondins 07 - The Federalist Revolt 08 - Influence of the Sans-Culottes 09 - The Emergence and Spread of the Terror, September 1792-1795: Assessment 10 - The Emergence and Spread of the Terror, September 1792-1795: A-Level Revision Guide The resources that I have created have enabled my A-Level History classes to attain an ALPS 3 over a four-year period and several students have secured A* and A grades. I am proud to have inspired and helped students pursue and successfully read History at Oxbridge and other Russell Group universities within the United Kingdom. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying A-Level History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The Origins of the Cold War - Revision Resources

The Origins of the Cold War - Revision Resources

Revision guide and revision resources for AQA GCSE History: Conflict and Tension between East and West, 1945–1972 - The Origins of the Cold War. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. The topics considered are: • The end of the Second World War: Yalta and Potsdam Conferences; the division of Germany; contrasting attitudes and ideologies of the USA and the USSR, including the aims of Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Attlee and Truman; effect of the dropping of the atom bomb on post-war superpower relations. • The Iron Curtain and the evolution of East-West rivalry: Soviet expansion in East Europe; US policies; the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, their purpose and Stalin’s reaction; Cominform; Comecon; Yugoslavia; the Berlin Blockade and Airlift. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain well above average results over a period of time: 2023 P8: +0.26 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 For the third consecutive year, my GCSE History class(es) have also attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1350 students. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The Civil Rights Movement: A Success?

The Civil Rights Movement: A Success?

Describe the Civil Rights Movement in the Twentieth Century. Explain the success and limitations of the Civil Rights Movement in the Twentieth Century. Lesson Objective: to what extent was the Civil Rights Movement a success in the Twentieth Century? AQA GCSE History: America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - Post-War America. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain outstanding results over a period of time: 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My GCSE History classes have also consistently attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. In addition, this specific component’s outcomes - America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - are consistently above the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
Reasons for US Defeat in the Vietnam War

Reasons for US Defeat in the Vietnam War

Describe the reasons why the USA lost the Vietnam War. Explain different interpretations about the US loss in Vietnam. Lesson Objective: to what extent can you blame America for what happened in Vietnam? AQA GCSE History: Conflict and Tension in Asia, 1950-1975 - The Ending of Conflict in Vietnam. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain outstanding results over a period of time: 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My GCSE History classes have also consistently attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. In addition, this specific component - Conflict and Tension in Asia, 1950-1975 - marks for each question are consistently above the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©
The Death of King William I

The Death of King William I

Describe the death of William the Conqueror. Explain how King William I of England’s death affected the succession. Lesson Objective: did William’s death have more of an explosive impact on England than his life? AQA GCSE History: British Depth Studies: Norman England, c1066–c1100 - The Normans: Conquest and Control. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes to sustain outstanding results over a period of time: 2022 P8: +0.88 and +0.81 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My GCSE History classes have also consistently attained the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked for the examination boards for over 10 years and considering the recent developments within education, my resources are constantly amended and updated for students studying GCSE History. I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and have used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons to ensure that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud that I am a ‘Gold’ TES Author, and this is recognised by the fact that my resources have been downloaded over half a million times by educators throughout the world. Copyright Protection ©