I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
Greek Gods and Goddesses comprehension cards. Set of 18. KS2. Each card includes information about a God/Goddess and up to eight questions for pupils to retrieve answers from the text. Simple layout for pupils to find information easily and an engaging picture of each subject on the card. Can also be used without the comprehension questions as a reference resource for pupils to research a God/Goddess independently.
Greek Gods and Goddesses set of 18 fact cards (KS1&2). Can be used as a game to help pupils learn the names and characteristics of the individual gods and goddesses. Can also be used to aid pupil research into Greek Gods and support independent writing or comprehension/guided reading. Use also as a link with topic work in History/Ancient Greeks/Myths and Legends or mythological/fiction writing.
Grace Darling Famous person fact sheet.
Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
I made this template for KS2 to make simple topic research and information gathering more practical and fun but I have also used it with groups in KS1. The children cut out the ‘head and shoulders’ template and decorate it as their chosen historical character (it could be anyone from the past eg. Kings & Queens, explorers, inventors, designers etc). Then the children cut out the paper strips and complete the spaces beneath the headings.
They make a colourful and informative class display and the children love reading each other’s contributions.
Ancient Rome KS2 power-point of 24 slides.
Learning Objectives
• I must explain where the Romans came from using geographical vocabulary.
• I should retell the legend of Romulus and Remus
• I could explain BCE and AD
• I could order a timeline of Ancient Rome from 753BCE to 79AD.
Includes activities for pupils to locate Rome/Italy using an atlas, a simple story of how Rome was founded, timeline activity to distinguish BCE and CE. Useful to link in with topics on The Roman Empire, Time, Calendars, Beginnings.
KS1&2 The Great Fire of London story and sequencing activity.
Learning objective: To sequence and retell the story of the Great Fire of London in order.
Pupils cut out the images and descriptions and sequence the story onto a storyboard template. There are three templates attached which support differentiation and reading levels. HA template is numbered only and pupils order the story into the numbered boxes. MA is differentiated using key times when events took place from the main text in the numbered boxes. LA pupils can order the story into the numbered boxes with the support of key sentences which they can match to the main text.
Florence Nightingale pack of 8 worksheets.
I used this set of worksheets with class of KS1 pupils.
Includes A4 factsheet of her life with pictures. Great to help pupils start their own research or to use as an information source for writing diaries/letters/newspaper article etc.
Template and simple scaffolding for a handwashing leaflet for children to personalise. (Note will need to be cut and pasted onto landscape format for pupil use).
Worksheet of Florence with speech bubbles to argue her case for being a nurse. This is a good introduction in preparation for drama or a hot seat activity.
Scutari hospital improvements worksheet.
‘Cut and Sequence’ sentence activity of Florence’s life.
Sort and stick the Victorian/modern day hospital items activity.
Improvements Florence made to the hospitals worksheets with question space to formulate questions for Florence. Also good for preparation for a drama activity. I used this for groups of 4 pupils (in role as 2 reporters + Florence + modern day nurse) with the reporters interviewing Florence about her impact on hospitals and the modern-day nurse saying how Florence’s work has continued today.
Hospitals and germ prevention pupil worksheet.
Y 5 & 6 KS2 Greek themed Maths Booklet
I made this booklet based upon similar Level 4 SATs questions but with an Ancient Greek theme. It is targeted at Years 5 & 6 for practise in the areas below. There are 50 questions altogether in the booklet. Each topic has a learning objective for pupils to match against their targets. The questions are set out in a simple format with spaces for pupils to write answers and show workings and calculations. Greek pictures are included alongside the questions which are practical and fun.
Answer sheet provided at the end of the booklet.
Pages 1 &2: Proportion and Ratio. 12 questions.
Learning objective:
I can solve ratio and proportion questions by working out the relationships between numbers.
Page 3: Checking the cost (calculations). 3 questions.
Learning objective: I can check a calculation.
Page 4: Factors and Multiples. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I can multiply pairs of factors to make a given number.
Page 5: Multiplication and Division. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I can use times tables.
Page 6: Multiplication and Division. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I can multiply and divide by 10 or 100.
Page 7: Using a calculator. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I can use a calculator to work out calculations and solve problems.
Page 8: Measurement. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I know which units of measurement to use for length, mass and capacity.
Page 9: Tables and charts. 2 questions.
Learning objective: I can show information in a chart and interpret what that information means.
Page 10: Tables and charts. 3 questions.
Learning objective: I can show information in a chart and interpret what that information means.
Page 11: Number Patterns. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I can recognise patterns in numbers and can explain the pattern.
Fiction Writing Genres. Pack of 14 KS2 pupil templates.
Template genres include: Horror, Dilemmas, Adventure, Comedy, Fables, Greek Myths, Flashbacks, Fantasy, Playscripts, Sci-Fi, Historical (Knights), Raising issues, Mystery, Conversations.
Each template includes a bullet point reminder list of the rules for writing in a specific genre and spaces for pupils to develop ideas, character description, setting, the problem and the structure of their stories. Depending upon the genre there are prompts for descriptive vocabulary and phrases, character emotion and responses.
The templates can be used to develop story writing linked to most cross curricular topics and drama particularly Celebrations, Famous People, Explorers, Fairytales and stories, Animals, Greece etc.
I have used these templates with Years 3 to 6 and with HA Year 2 pupils.