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Lighthousehunter's Shop

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I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.




I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
Y 5 & 6 KS2 Easter Maths Booklet

Y 5 & 6 KS2 Easter Maths Booklet

Y 5 & 6 KS2 Easter Maths Booklet I made this booklet based upon similar Level 4 SATs questions but with an Easter theme. It is targeted at Years 5 & 6 for practise in the areas below. There are 50+ questions altogether in the booklet. Each topic has a learning objective for pupils to match against their targets. The questions are set out in a simple format with spaces for pupils to write answers and show workings and calculations. Easter pictures are included alongside the questions which are practical and fun. Answer sheet provided at the end of the booklet. Page 1: I can calculate, order, and compare fractions and decimals. 3 questions. Pages 2 and 3: I can solve ratio and proportion questions by working out relationships between numbers. 8 questions. Page 4: Learning objective: I can check a calculation. 3 questions. Page 5: I can multiply pairs of factors to make a given number. 5 questions. Page 6: Learning objective: I can use times tables. 5 questions. Page 7: Multiplication and Division. 5 questions. Learning objective: I can multiply and divide by 10 or 100. Page 8: Using a calculator. 5 questions. Learning objective: I can use a calculator to work out calculations and solve problems. Page 9: Measurement. 5 questions. Learning objective: I know which units of measurement to use for length, mass and capacity. Page 10: Tables and charts. 2 questions (multi parts). Learning objective: I can show information in a chart and interpret what that information means. Page 11: Tables and charts. 3 questions (multi parts). Learning objective: I can show information in a chart and interpret what that information means. Page 12: Number Patterns. 5 questions. Learning objective: I can recognise patterns in numbers and can explain the pattern.
Barack Obama Famous person fact sheet.

Barack Obama Famous person fact sheet.

Barack Obama Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in his life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 3-6 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise. Also links with topics: USA, Leaders, Democracy, Black History
Fiction Writing Pack of 14 KS2 pupil templates.

Fiction Writing Pack of 14 KS2 pupil templates.

14 Resources
Fiction Writing Genres. Pack of 14 KS2 pupil templates. Template genres include: Horror, Dilemmas, Adventure, Comedy, Fables, Greek Myths, Flashbacks, Fantasy, Playscripts, Sci-Fi, Historical (Knights), Raising issues, Mystery, Conversations. Each template includes a bullet point reminder list of the rules for writing in a specific genre and spaces for pupils to develop ideas, character description, setting, the problem and the structure of their stories. Depending upon the genre there are prompts for descriptive vocabulary and phrases, character emotion and responses. The templates can be used to develop story writing linked to most cross curricular topics and drama particularly Celebrations, Famous People, Explorers, Fairytales and stories, Animals, Greece etc. I have used these templates with Years 3 to 6 and with HA Year 2 pupils.
KS2 Features of seaside towns 2 ppt lessons.

KS2 Features of seaside towns 2 ppt lessons.

Features of seaside towns: Set of 2 KS2/3 power-point Geography lessons. Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, watch a youtube clip (hyperlink), and identify geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of the seaside. Includes 5 pupil worksheets, paired activities, short written tasks. Great to link with cross curricular topic such as Maps and Plans, Seaside, Holidays, All about me, Local Study. Lesson 1 Learning objectives I can identify and describe physical features in the environment. I can identify and describe human features in the environment. I can identify and describe the geographical features of the seaside. I can use key vocabulary to describe the seaside features for example: body of water coastline harbour pier landform. I can apply my knowledge when talking about Scarborough. Lesson 2 Learning objectives I can explain how land is used in a seaside town. I can describe how seaside towns attract tourists. I can explain the difference between seasonal and non-seasonal jobs at the seaside. I can use key vocabulary to describe the three types of jobs people have for example: primary jobs secondary jobs tertiary jobs. I can use my knowledge of a seaside town to explain some of the problems that are caused by tourism.
Seaside Geography bundle KS2

Seaside Geography bundle KS2

Seaside Geography bundle. Bundle of cross curricular resources to support a topic on the seaside. Most of the pupil worksheets are aimed at KS2 and the research is for higher ability Y5/6. Intended to be used as a compliment to lessons on the seaside. Includes Two A4 factsheets about seaside towns of Brighton and Blackpool. Set of 24 Geographical features cards: includes bay, beach, cave coastline, pier, island dunes, promenade, stack, arch, causeway, headland, fun fair, gift shop, arcade etc. Blank postcard template. Features of Scarborough – label the features worksheet Features of Ilfracombe – label the features worksheet Human geographical features in Scarborough – Venn diagram activity decide which features are for tourists/locals/both. Identify and categorise jobs into primary, secondary, tertiary worksheet. Research template of seaside and inland town. Seaside survey – a worksheet for a trip to the beach. Seaside word mat. Seasonal and non-seasonal jobs worksheet. Label the lighthouse (external).
End of Term Fancy Dress Award Certificates

End of Term Fancy Dress Award Certificates

End of Term Fancy Dress Award Certificates End of year certificates. Set of 31 individual fancy dress certificates with fun and interesting titles and images: Presented to the …… costume (see list below): Funniest Most sparkly Colourful Difficult to wear Cutest Smartest Shiniest Craziest Most adventurous Fiercest Hottest Most unusual Most decorative Heaviest to wear Most authentic Hardest to move in Furriest Most royal Best space costume Best animal Best princess Jolliest Best book character Best film character Best witch Best wizard Spookiest Creepiest Best superhero Sportiest Most imaginative
EYFS/KS1 summer picnic activity sheet.

EYFS/KS1 summer picnic activity sheet.

EYFS/KS1 summer picnic activity sheet. Learning objective : I can choose and name at least 8 things to put in a picnic basket. A simple observation and identification activity for pupils before undertaking an out of school visit (to the beach, woods, park). Pupils draw what they will need for a picnic. There is a simple picture/word key at the bottom of the worksheet to help pupils identify 8 common items found in a picnic basket. Can be used as a follow up activity for topic work on ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’, seaside, summer, ‘We’re going on a picnic!’ by Pat Hutchins etc.
Life Cycle of Frogs PPT lesson

Life Cycle of Frogs PPT lesson

Life Cycle of Frogs Powerpoint lesson. Learning Objectives • To know that living things have offspring that turn into adults. • To be able to explain what is meant by a life cycle. • To know the stages of the frog life cycle. • To compare the life cycle of a human with that of a frog and say if they are similar or different. • To understand the terms ‘amphibian’ and ‘metamorphosis’ and explain their meanings. • 37 slides and 7 worksheets starting with a short riddle for pupils. Activities include written tasks (cutting, ordering and matching, writing definition in own words, watching a short information clip on Youtube and a follow up quiz with written answers). Useful with topics on ‘life cycles’, ‘spring’, ‘changes’, ‘natural world’.
Halloween  invitation KS1  KS2 ppt lesson

Halloween invitation KS1 KS2 ppt lesson

A KS1/lower KS2 power-point of 16 slides which can be used as one lesson or extended over a longer period. Learning Objectives To know *what an invitation looks like. *what information needs to be included in an invitation. *how to set out an invitation There is a warm up – different types of invitations and celebrations, partner activities and a final writing task. Included are examples of 2 invitations (Christmas and Halloween party) for pupils to use in the lesson to spot the key features and help Jojo correct her invitation (because no one has replied!). There are key questions to promote discussion and paired work. Also included is a simple invitation template for pupil use. Final task: write an invitation for a school Halloween fancy dress party. Pupils can also use the important information/checklist to give paired feedback after writing their own invitation. Slides 15(black and white version) and 16(colour version) are a Halloween invitation template for pupils to complete.
New Year Greetings and flags cards

New Year Greetings and flags cards

Geography World New Year greetings and flags KS1,2,3 193 cards with the flag of each country which is an official member of the United Nations. Each card has the country flag and the greeting ‘Happy New Year’ translated into the official and most widely used language of that country. Each card includes the greeting in the written language of that country as well as a simpler form of pronunciation from the written script. Useful and fun to use with topic such as ‘Celebrations’, Countries of the world’, ‘Maps and flags’. I have also used these cards to encourage pupils to find similarities and differences (pupil suggestions eg similar languages, colours of flags, flag designs and continents, writing scripts and forms). The pupils can have fun recognising flags and trying to say ‘Happy New Year’ in world languages. Also can be used as a basis/component part in a class assembly.
Amy Johnson Famous person fact sheet.

Amy Johnson Famous person fact sheet.

Amy Johnson Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in her life as a pilot and adventurer, broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-6 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise. Links well to topics: Flight, Journeys, World records, Famous people, Women in History.