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Lilibette's Resources

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Raising standards in KS1 and Special Needs: helping every child to succeed. I have taught systematic phonics to all ages and abilities for over 30 years. My teaching degree was in Environmental Studies and I hate to see science reduced to box-ticking when there is so much to discover about the wonderful world we live in. So, I produce Phonic resources that meet the real needs of children and teachers, along with science resources to engage children in learning about the natural world.




Raising standards in KS1 and Special Needs: helping every child to succeed. I have taught systematic phonics to all ages and abilities for over 30 years. My teaching degree was in Environmental Studies and I hate to see science reduced to box-ticking when there is so much to discover about the wonderful world we live in. So, I produce Phonic resources that meet the real needs of children and teachers, along with science resources to engage children in learning about the natural world.
All about Autumn for EYFS and KS1 PowerPoint

All about Autumn for EYFS and KS1 PowerPoint

A simple introduction to autumn for EYFS/Y1 children. Covers: What is autumn? A season and a time of change The four seasons Change in temperature Change in daylight Plants get ready for autumn: leaves fall and change colour/make seeds/nuts/berries Harvest time: fruit/vegetable harvest/ploughing fields and sowing seed Mushrooms growing Animals prepare for winter including hibernation Birds migrate The presentation ends with the words of the hymn ‘We plough the fields and scatter’, over 2 slides. These can be omitted if the hymn is not considered appropriate. 29 slides PowerPoint format Beautiful photos Animated, but no sound - teacher to read the text A good way to start a project on autumn, or to consolidate work covered at the end of a project about autumn. See also: Seasons: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12761222 Light and Dark: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12761117 [Why Leaves fall PowerPoint ]https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/why-do-leaves-fall-powerpoint-eyfs-ks1-12398686()for EYFS/Y1 [Conkers PowerPoint]https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/conkers-powerpoint-for-eyfs-ks1-12401942() and Conkers Mini Project
Phonic Worksheets for Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds

Phonic Worksheets for Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds

A bumper pack of 160+ pages of resources - to help you to teach all of the new graphemes for Phase 5 of Letters and sounds to all abilities. This pack follows on from our popular Phonic Worksheets for Phases 3 and 4. This pack will help you to Introduce the new phase 5 graphemes: ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ir, u-e, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au, ey, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, e-e, and ‘y’ saying ‘eye’ and ‘o’ saying ‘u’. Please note: this pack uses Phase 5 tricky words as part of the comprehension passages, but does not aim to teach them. Please not: Alternative pronunciations are not covered in this pack. For each digraph there are: Flashcards Sentences to read - these build on the preceding digraphs, giving plenty of revision Differentiated worksheets: find the missing word, complete the sentences, write the word, etc… A reading passage including words from the newly introduced digraph These passages also introduce tricky words, as well as being truly systematic, never introducing words that have not yet been taught. This instills confidence in pupils. These passages make great ‘reading books’. Questions to answer about the passages Great for classwork, revision, assessment or homework! Fully differentiated, they meet the real needs of the average class and are fully systematic: no words are introduced for which the student has not yet learned the necessary skills to decode. They provide ample practice for students in both reading and spelling. Suitable for use with other schemes as long as you make sure that your children know the sounds necessary to complete the sheet. Copy, reduce, enlarge as much as you like. For spelling dictations to accompany this book of resources please see my Phase 5 Spelling Programme. Please see the book of Initial sounds Worksheets, the CVC/CVCC words Worksheets for Phases 2, early 3 and simple cvcc words in Phase 4 and the Phonic Worksheets for Phases 3 and 4.
Nature Hunt sheet KS1 Science

Nature Hunt sheet KS1 Science

Take your children on a nature hunt with our FREE spotting sheet. Very often, when you take young children out to look at nature they cannot see anything. Telling them to ‘look’ is not enough as they do not know what to look for. This handy spotting sheet will help. By asking the children to see how many of the things on the sheet they can find, you are focusing their attention. This will make the walk of far more value to the child, as having personally found an item will mean that s/he feels much more related to it and be ready to learn more about it. See more resources at KS1 Nature.
8  Phonics Worksheets FREE

8 Phonics Worksheets FREE

Eight Free phonics worksheets, covering cvc words, cvcc words, ‘ck’, ‘ee’/‘oo’, ‘sh’, ‘ar’ and ‘or’ providing valuable back up work to lessons. Great assessment tools. Written for ages 5-6 but can also be used with older children requiring catchup help or those with special needs. These sheets are compatible with all phonics schemes, however as different schemes introduce sounds at different time, just check that your pupil knows all the necessary digraphs to complete the sheet. For example, the word ‘shark’ has both ‘sh’ and ‘ar’ and so both should have been learnt before expecting the child to read and spell this word. Please leave feedback if you find this resource helpful. See More Phonic worksheets in Lilibette’s shop
Phonics  Worksheets for Phase 3 and Phase 4

Phonics Worksheets for Phase 3 and Phase 4

114 fully differentiated practice sheets covering all of the digraphs and trigraphs for phase 3 and Phase 4 of the UK Gov. Letters and Sounds phonic programme, except ‘ure’. Sounds covered: ck, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air and er, in this order. Sheets with mixed sounds are included too, as well as plenty of sentences to read and puzzles. Great for revision, general class work or homework. I provide up to four sheets at two levels for most sounds: the first set for phase 3, with no consonant blends, and the second for phase 4 including words with consonant blends. Thereby giving plenty of scope for differentiation. Fully differentiated, they meet the real needs of the average class and are fully systematic: no words are introduced for which the student has not yet learned the necessary skills to decode. They provide ample practice for students in both reading and spelling. Suitable for use with other schemes as long as you make sure that your children know the sounds necessary to complete the sheet. Use them for assessment, reinforcement activities; blow them up for whole class/group teaching or send them home for extra practice once taught in class. Copy, reduce, enlarge as much as you like. Please leave a review if you find this product helpful. Please see the book of Initial sounds Worksheets, and the CVC/CVCC words Worksheets for Phases 2, early 3 and simple cvcc words in Phase 4.
EYFS Pre-writing Patterns

EYFS Pre-writing Patterns

An A5 booklet containing 21 fun, pre-writing patterns for the young learner or special needs child. Take animals and insects for a walk, finish trees, copy patterns and more. Sure to delight young children as they start to use a pencil. This document has been set to print as a booklet - please set your printer to flip on the short edge.
Phases 2 -5  Letters and Sounds  Phonic worksheets BUNDLE

Phases 2 -5 Letters and Sounds Phonic worksheets BUNDLE

4 Resources
A complete course for Letters and Sounds taking pupils form initial sounds in Phases 2 and 3, to blending cvc words, in Phase 3, to the new digraphs and trigraphs of Phases 3, plus the consonant blends of Phase 4, ending with the new digraphs of Phases 5. Four books packed with over 350 fully differentiated worksheets. The Phase 5 book also contains reading comprehension passages with questions to answer, and short sentences to read suing the new sounds. These resources cater for all needs and abilities of the average class, and can also be used for special needs education. All tried and tested on pupils for many years. For the discerning teacher of phonics who wants to ensure that all children succeed, these books are truly systematic - building upon each other with no nasty surprises. Written by a phonics specialist teacher with over 30 years teaching phonics to all ages and abilities, and the author of Reading Made Simple, a 100% FREE systematic programme of phonics, teaching reading through writing.
Autumn PowerPoints EYFS/Y1 Science

Autumn PowerPoints EYFS/Y1 Science

3 Resources
All of our EYFS/Y1 popular autumn PowerPoints in a bundle to help you: Explain what happens in autumn and why Why leaves change colour and fall Where and when mushrooms grow and how they differ from plants with green leaves Where conkers come from and why Make autumn come alive and increase your pupil’s understanding of the world around them!
Why do Leaves Fall in Autumn? EYFS/KS1

Why do Leaves Fall in Autumn? EYFS/KS1

Take EYFS/KS1 children on a journey through autumn, finding out why leaves change colour and fall Teaches: Why trees have leaves: to make food so that trees can do their work How the leaves capture light and air and roots take in water What work trees do - making seeds Kinds of seeds: nuts and berries The difference between deciduous and evergreen trees Why the leaves change colour - changing season and shortening hours of daylight Are the trees now dead? What happens next? 30 full-colour slides Animated No sound - teacher/pupils to read the simple text on each slide Ideal as a springboard to outdoor learning - get out of the classroom this autumn! No cartoons, no music, no dumbing down - for we must present learning as serious if it is to be credible and to nurture life-long, thinking, learners. See our popular Free Leaf Sorting activity See also our Horse Chestnut Tree Life Cycle Lesson Resources Pack Find out more at KS1 Nature.
32 Fun CK worksheets and Activities

32 Fun CK worksheets and Activities

This pack of 32 FUN CK Worksheets will help every pupil in your class successfully read and spell words ending in CK. These sheets take the pupil from hearing the new sounds in words (developing phonemic awareness) to reading and spelling CK ending words. ESL/EFL/Special needs: The simple design of these CK worksheets ensures they are accessible to all students. From sound-it-out-boxes to aid early readers to engaging no-prep games to reinforce learning there is plenty here for all your class. Fully differentiated: cater for the less able while stretching the more able - you won’t have any unchallenged children in your CK lesson. choose the worksheets that are right for each child. Most worksheets are provided at 2 levels: one without a consonant blend and one with. The worksheets assume no knowledge of other digraphs. They can be used with any good, systematic programme of phonic instruction including all popular programmes, such as Read, Write Inc, Letters and Sounds and Jolly Phonics. Multiple activities to keep pupils engaged while providing ample practice. Please see the preview to see the complete set. Suitable for: Classwork homework to practice work given in class Intervention
The Seasons and Weather PowerPoint

The Seasons and Weather PowerPoint

This 57-slide PowerPoint takes KS1 children through the seasons, starting with summer. They will: Learn what changes to look out for across the four seasons Learn that days get shorter and longer throughout the year How this affects the weather How the seasons/weather affect us: what we wear/what we do How the seasons affect plants and animals Bright photos and simple explanation makes it accessible to all abilities in the class and will engage even reluctant learners. Simple text for children to read on each slide. More information is provided for the teacher to read, if desired, in PDF form or under each slide. Simply click when ready to progress to the next slide. All animations occur automatically. Why not follow it with our Light and Dark PowerPoint? Light and Dark PowerPoint: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12761117 You may also be interested in: All About Autumn PowerPoint: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12422557 Autumn Leaves PowerPoint: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12398686 Conkers Life-cycle PowerPoint:https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12401942 Frogs Life-cycle PowerPoint: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12410937
Phonics worksheets: CVC and Consonant Blends Words with a Short Vowel Sound

Phonics worksheets: CVC and Consonant Blends Words with a Short Vowel Sound

A bumper pack of 70 differentiated phonics worksheets to support the teaching and learning of blending and segmenting cvc and cvcc/ccvc words with short vowel sounds (excluding ‘ck’), including a focus on consonant blends. Here are worksheets to give plentiful blending and segmenting practice for all abilities. First blend CVC words with a short vowels sound, add in consonant blends. The sheets can be used with any synthetic, systematic phonic scheme and work well at stages 2, 3 and 4 of letters and sounds, once all of the initial sounds have been learned. Many also find them helpful for older special needs pupils. Written to meet the needs of the average class, with a range of differentiated worksheets from which you are sure to find one to meet the needs of every pupil. Some children breeze through this stage quickly and you will find material to challenge them and to assess their readiness to move on. Others need much more reinforcement work and you will find here plenty of that too - a bountiful supply! Some sheets focus on blending, others on segmenting and some on both. Other sheets encourage the child to see letter patterns and similarities between words including a focus on rhyming. Hints on the best use of the sheets is provided - not least how to use them as an assessment tool. Suitable for use with SEND pupils and for reading catchup. The sheets can be enlarged for guided literacy sessions/whole class work. Have you seen ‘Sound-it-out’ Pack of CVC Games, and the ‘Sound-it-out’ Pack of CVCC Games’ which complement these worksheets making a good fun way of reinforcing learning? They are ideal for sending home for extra practice after a lesson, or for use by classroom assistants. Also Sound-it-out Initial Sounds Worksheets for those children not yet ready for blending.
CVC Phonics Games

CVC Phonics Games

Six phonic simple games to help children learn to blend and segment cvc words. Suitable for use with Read, Write Inc. Learning to blend with set 1 sounds. These games work wonderfully to help disillusioned readers succeed, but great for helping all children Pre K to 2nd grade and older special needs pupils. These games have all been written by a special needs teacher, who knows exactly where children get stuck and what is needed to help them progress. The children will not know they are learning! Make Phonics learning fun and help it to stick! Perfect for teaching assistants, to send home in book bags and for the home-school. Supplied in pdf format, all ready coloured in. Just print and play! These games are very simple, but effective. All you need is in the pack. Full instructions provided and tips on how to help your child/ren. Laminating them will help them to last longer, but iw not necessary. Contents: Short vowel games: ‘a’, ‘e’/‘i’ and ‘o’/‘u’ (three games) - reading games All vowels Game - a reading game Missing Vowel Game - a spelling game Final sound Game - a spelling game
CVC Words/Consonant Blends Words Phonics Worksheets

CVC Words/Consonant Blends Words Phonics Worksheets

A bumper pack of 70 differentiated phonics worksheets to support the teaching and learning of blending and segmenting cvc and consonant blends words with a short vowel sound (not including special friends sh/th/ch/qu/ng/nk and ck). Suitable for use with Jolly Phonics and Read, Write, Inc. Blending Level 1 sounds and any other good phonic programme, including Reading Made Simple. Also suitable for use with Letters and Sounds Note - this pack is for use during Phases 2 and 3 once the initial sounds have been learned. It also teaches Phase 4 consonant blends with words with a short vowel sound. It does not include the digraphs from Phase 3. These can be found here. Here are worksheets to give plentiful blending and segmenting practice for all abilities. Written to meet the needs of the average class, with a range of differentiated worksheets from which you are sure to find one to meet the needs of every pupil. Some children breeze through this stage quickly and you will find material to challenge them and to assess their readiness to move on. Others need much more reinforcement work and you will find here plenty of that too - a bountiful supply! Some sheets focus on blending, others on segmenting and some on both. Other sheets encourage the child to see letter patterns and similarities between words including a focus on rhyming. Hints on the best use of the sheets are provided - not least how to use them as an assessment tool. Suitable for use with SEND pupils and for reading catchup. The sheets can be enlarged for guided literacy sessions/whole class work. Find my decode-able FREE to download CVC Words reading books here. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12636791 Have you seen ‘Sound-it-out’ Pack of CVC Games, and the ‘Sound-it-out’ Pack of CVCC Games’ which complement these worksheets making a good fun way of reinforcing learning? They are ideal for sending home for extra practice after a lesson, or for use by classroom assistants. Also Sound-it-out Initial Sounds Worksheets for those children not yet ready for blending.
Horse Chestnut Tree Life Cycle for Y1 Lesson Resource pack + PowerPoint

Horse Chestnut Tree Life Cycle for Y1 Lesson Resource pack + PowerPoint

Study the life cycle of a Horse Chestnut tree with our PowerPoint and lesson resource pack, giving you everything you need for a great lesson. Suitable for use throughout the year, but especially in autumn , when conkers attract children’s attention. For ages 5-6, this pack gives you all the information you need at your fingertips to study the Horse Chestnut tree through each season. It also includes: Teaching Notes Cards to learn to read and spell words associated with science work - Make a matching game and /or trace the words and draw. The Life Cycle of the Horse Chestnut tree Life cycle chart Life- cycle pictures to order Make a book about the Horse Chestnut tree Life cycle ordering exercises on two levels Pages to use for descriptive work in English - describe conker and its shell, describe a leaf. Resources: Pictures to use for display/ordering/language work etc… Pictures through the year annotated as per the book Photos for display Large pictures of the drawings for own use (subject to T’s and C’s, see page 2) by KS1 Nature Helping you to teach science through the local environment.
Hedgehog PowerPoint for KS1 Science Animals Autumn

Hedgehog PowerPoint for KS1 Science Animals Autumn

Our 20-slide Hedgehog PowerPoint for KS1 Science can help children to learn: How seasons (in this case autumn) affect different animals, in this case, Hedgehogs. Y1: To identify and name Hedgehogs To know that Hedgehogs are omnivores Y2: To identify and name Hedgehogs About the hedgehogs’ diet and how they obtain food from other animals and plants Why Hedgehogs hibernate (food and the need for survival) That Hedgehogs are nocturnal Full narration notes are provided in either PDF form, or under each slide that you can use in presenter mode. Once your pupils have learnt about Hedgehogs, why not use our other PowerPoints to help them to compare them with other creatures - all in the local environment - and teach more of the UK National Science Curriculum? Blackbirds: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12757848 Squirrels: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12742513 Frogs: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12410937
Letter Formation/beginning sounds Sheets

Letter Formation/beginning sounds Sheets

These phonic-linked, letter formation sheets for EYFS/special needs children have been developed to accompany the learning of the initial sounds, to help the child who does not yet have the ability to write unaided begin to become familiar with letter shapes and correct letter formation. The letters fade as the child progresses along the line, helping him/her to feel as if s/he is writing unaided. The physical act of writing letters while learning initial sounds is important because the movement of the hand to write, alongside seeing the letters and saying their sounds helps to make the learning process multi-sensory, which in turn ensures that more children, including those with special needs, become successful readers and writers. The sheets are placed in alphabetical order, but can be used in any order, according to the phonic scheme you are using. Do ensure that the child has plenty of free drawing practice alongside the use of these sheets so that the child develops sufficient pencil control to move on to independent writing. Tes paid licence
Ck Phonic lesson Resources Pack

Ck Phonic lesson Resources Pack

A pack of resources to help you teach ‘ck’. It can be used with any phonic programme, including Letters and Sounds, Read, Write, Inc. and Jolly Phonics. Suitable for all children but especially those who have special needs or need a slower pace. (Optional) First watch the free video lesson, (included int he download) then do the activities to reinforce the new sound. Suitable for use with all phonic programmes including Read, Write Inc… A great little pack for classroom, home education, private tutoring and special needs/catch-up work. Ideal to send home for parents to support learning at home. Pack includes: How to teach the sound ‘ck’ Lesson Notes ck flashcard ck word flashcards Sentences to read Speed reading practice sheet ck Worksheet Assessment worksheet - help to know what further work needs to be done Short reading book to practice cvc and ck words. 2 ck games - a matching pictures to words game and a board game for 2 players. Written by an early years specialist teacher with 30 years experience of teaching systematic phonics to all abilities, especially special needs. Teachers - see our ‘ck’ worksheets in our worksheet pack for Phases 3 and 4 of Letters and sounds, where we cover ‘ck’ words with and without a consonant blend. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12009694
Consonant Blends Phonic Activity worksheets FREE

Consonant Blends Phonic Activity worksheets FREE

36 pages of fun consonant blend activities arranged in 2 little workbooks to accompany our Consonant Blends reading books. The first book covers mainly initial blends while the second book mainly covers final blends. Common CCVC words with a short vowel sound are introduced. Each booklet 18 pages long (A5 size prints as a booklet). Suitable also for special needs pupils. Suitable for use at home/for home-education. They can be used alone or with our Consonant Blend Reading Books: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12645240 These books give extra reading and writing practice, using the vocabulary introduced in the reading books, building confidence. These books are compatible with Letters and Sounds, Jolly Phonics and Read, Write Inc, but were written for Reading Made Simple.
Initial Sounds and CVC/CVCC Words bumper pack Letters and Sounds RWI

Initial Sounds and CVC/CVCC Words bumper pack Letters and Sounds RWI

2 Resources
In two books, 140 differentiated worksheets. 70 for teaching initial sounds,and a further 70 to take the child on to blend and segment cvc and consonant blend words with a short vowel sound. For stages 2 and 3 of Letters and Sounds, or Set 1 or RWI (excluding ‘Special Friends’) These sheets provide plenty of practice of vital early reading and spelling skills and can also be used for assessment purposes to help the vigilant teacher to plan the next step forward. These sheets are simple and yet they work! Created to meet the needs of children in the average classroom. All beautifully illustrated by Vera Conway. Preview here: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A6e21d937-a35d-440e-ba0c-3ed5ad9a1bdb and https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A5027d2de-1ad5-49d9-a9c2-2d15cff37d8a