Activities for the topic of physical and character description inspired by
@mfl_swavesey and #mfltwitterati. Sharing as the all of us are collaborating with each other.
Project for year 7 mixed ability group based in Viva1 Module 3 Mi insti. It includes listening, reading and writing with cultural and geographical awareness. TO work in pairs or group situations.
This is a pdf for the topic of unhealthy lifestyles using AQA Viva M8U3 Vivir a tope as a reference. There are exercises inspired by Thais López @thais_mfl, Esther Parks, @Slidesmania slides, and other contributors from TES who I might not be mentioning specifically, apologies, but I can include later if they contact me.
Slidesmania template game for revising and refreshing knowledge from previous year by playing with dice 3 times before writing down answers using knowledge organizers or sentence builders.
Thanks for the inspiration from @Jenn_Calderon_ and @slidesmaniaSM template
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Writing task based in Viva1 Module 4 with rubric for students to check they have improved their task. Self assess activity after having received feedback from teacher. Slidesmania thank you for your presentation.
The aim of the worksheet is to consolidate work done with different parts of speech and grammatical points. Students should highlight accordingly or even write down information on table.
Resource planned to use with AS students to consolidate their learning about the festival. They should compare English-Spanish translations and to plan a speaking card in the topic
Activity to be used in ALevel to encourage discussion and also awareness about current issues in Spain. Also students can write a summary or a 200 words after watching the clips. Topic- unemployment and government.
Spanish AS or ALevel, Designed as a writing task to promote the accuracy of written language and then as a discussion about the content of the article.
Two short clips from different Hispanic countries (Mexico, Paraguay,Perú, Bolivia) in which students could listen and annotate ideas relevant to the topic of Gender Equality in Hispanic World.