
A set of resources created over several years:
PPTs of subject knowledge, spelling lists and practise sheets, crib sheets to fill in and short burst revision activities.
An absolute bargain at £3.50!!

Key Stage 2/KS2 Weekly Mental Maths and Arithmetic Paper Skills
To match the new 2016 tests, this presentation has 7 weekly mental maths tests which covers knowledge from times tables to factors. In addition, there are 7 arithmetic paper sets of questions based on percentages. This was a key skill required for many questions on the 2016maths papers. The children are asked to calculate 10%, 20% then 5% as the weeks progress. The 7 weeks cover the first half of the Autumn term. More presentations will follow for the rest of the year, which will develop other aspects of mental maths and arithmetic skills needed for the new style maths tests.

Cluedo Maths main teaching Powerpoint
A fun and engaging lesson for upper KS2 but easily adaptable for lower KS2. Tried and tested in Y6 (upper mid-low ability).
Pupils will use prior knowledge and extend learning of fractions of amounts and mixed number and improper fractions to work out ‘who done it’. Based on the popular game of Cluedo (most recently known as Clue) the task is to solve where, when and who committed the maths crime by calculating fractions of amounts, converting mixed number and improper fractions and identifying equivalent fractions.
Perfect for Ofsted, an observation, an interview or in addition to your weekly teaching.
*Find all supporting worksheets in our PREMIUM resources. A ready-made, tried and tested, successful and highly rated lesson. Fully differentiated oral/mental starter, main session teaching and independent tasks.*

Key Stage 2/KS2 Short multiplication -Maths Observation
Lesson plan and resources for a tried and tested maths observation about short multiplication. I used this for a mid to low ability Year 6 class but resources could be easily adapted for any key stage 2 class. All resources are provided including starter 'Train your Brain' PPT and all differentiated worksheets.

Essential handy hints for KS2 Reasoning Papers
Here are a few more practical tips for particular topics from the reasoning papers.
Each slide has a SATs qu with handy hints box and annotations.
Ordering mixed unit length
Ordering mixed decimals and fractions
Angles in shapes
Reading scales
Bar charts
Line graphs
VENN diagrams
Counting area
Fractions of shapes

Cluedo Maths - supporting worksheets
A fun and engaging lesson for upper KS2 but easily adaptable for lower KS2. Fast paced for accelerated progress. Tried and tested in Y6 (upper mid-low ability).
Pupils will use prior knowledge and extend learning of fractions of amounts and mixed number and improper fractions to work out ‘who done it’. Based on the popular game of Cluedo (most recently known as Clue) the task is to solve where, when and who committed the maths crime by calculating fractions of amounts, converting mixed number and improper fractions and identifying equivalent fractions.
Perfect for Ofsted, an observation, an interview or in addition to your weekly teaching.
*Find main teaching PowerPoint in our PREMIUM resources. A ready-made, tried and tested, successful and highly rated lesson. Fully differentiated oral/mental starter, main session teaching and independent tasks.*
Another time saver from us to you!

KS2 Reasoning Paper Handy Hints Part 2
This power-point has practical tips, hints on test technique and opportunities to consolidate pupils' general knowledge needed for the current (2016) Reasoning Paper . It has been produced by Year 6 teachers to use as a an assessment tool throughout the year, revising reasoning paper content. It can be included in weekly planning, or at the end of a unit of work.

KS2/Key Stage 2 Train Your Brain Maths Starters
Another 5 starter PPTs for KS2 maths lessons. Topics include pairs to 60 (time), divisions, pairs to 1000, subtracting within 20 and adding within 20. Ideal for consolidation or quick revision before maths lessons. Weekly/daily use of these PPTs has made mental maths skills and recall of key facts much better with my current year 6 class. Hope you find them useful too!

Key Stage 2/KS2 Mental Maths and Arithmetic Starters
To match the new 2016 tests, this presentation has 7 weekly mental maths tests which cover questions related to time, money, tables facts and more. It also covers the consolidation of key facts such as squaring/cubing numbers and conversions of time and length . In addition, there are 7 arithmetic paper sets of questions based on a range of skills from short multiplication to multiplying multiples of 10. These key skills were required for many questions on the 2016 maths papers so daily/weekly revision is essential. The 7 weeks cover the second half of the Autumn term. More presentations will follow for the rest of the year, which will develop other aspects of mental maths and arithmetic skills needed for the new style maths tests.

Train Your Brain Maths Starters
Suitable for both KS1 and 2. The resources include 5 starter PPTs which can be easily adapted to a variety of topics. Ideal starters to revise topics quickly or consolidate key facts for daily work. Topics include mixed tables; multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 100; pairs to 100; pairs to 20 and doubles.
More to follow this half term hopefully!

2017 Key Stage 2/KS2 SATS Maths Revision Bundle
As fellow year 6 teachers we have developed these 6 essential revision aids for the last few days before Key stage 2 SATs tests. Includes fact mats to fill in, PPT with all key facts and knowledge for reasoning tests and PPT consolidating exam technique and annotation skills. Although perfect for the last couple of weeks, these resources can be used all-year-round and are therefore a great investment!

2017 KS2/Key Stage 2 SATS Arithmetic Paper Bundle
Essential last minute revision resources for the arithmetic paper. Developed by Year 6 teachers, resources include top tips for solving arithmetic paper questions as well as example questions to consolidate methods. Train your Brain activities include multiplying /dividing by 10/100/100, doubling and halving key numbers and times tables.

Reasoning Paper Handy Hints
This resource gives handy hints, test technique pointers, example test questions and consolidation questions linked to several current (2016) test paper themes.
Ideal for consolidation throughout the year.
Covering the following areas: ordering time, calculating time intervals, using the inverse, reading time, coordinates, negative numbers, number lines, pie charts, rounding, symmetry and nets.

KS1 Maths Reminders
A comprehensive 30 slide power-point presentation, which goes through all the key maths concepts that children need to know for the current KS1 reasoning paper including:
Halving/doubling; odd and even; fractions of shapes and amounts; 2D and 3D shapes; direction and right angle turns; symmetry, data, symbols and counting forwards and backwards in steps.
It can be used throughout the year to practise and revisit themes covered in units of work. There are also great opportunities for children to answer questions to develop their reasoning paper skills. This resource is also great value for money, as it can be used year upon year. Certain slides can be selected for teaching /revision sessions or it can be used for starters/plenaries.

Year 6 Tables Revision
I have used this resource in KS2, to either consolidate general tables knowledge, or to teach particular times tables. I have more recently used it to revise tables for SATs in Year 6!

Daily mental maths for Y5/6 (5 weeks)
These 5 Notebooks (which can be used daily over 5 weeks) are great, ready-made resources to use as a starter, plenary or extension activity in your maths lessons. Linked to objectives and questions covered on KS2 maths tests, they cover a wide range of maths topics from converting measures, multiplying and dividing, working out areas and perimeters of compound shapes and much more. Ideal for quick-fire practise, consolidation and new learning across mental maths.

KS2/Key Stage 2 Arithmetic Paper Starters/Plenaries/Revision
This resource is perfect for daily maths starters. All questions are based on the 2016 KS2 Arithmetic Paper. The presentation contains over 60 slides with top calculation tips and strategies for all arithmetic paper question types, from fractions to squared numbers. Each tip is then followed by a set of questions to practise and test their strategies. Answers to all questions are provided in the presentation notes!

Written Multiplication Resource Sheets - Dream Hotel
Find lesson plan and main teaching SMART Notebook in our paid section.

Cluedo Maths Lesson plan - ofsted/interview/observation lesson
A fun and engaging lesson for upper KS2 but easily adaptable for lower KS2. Fast paced for accelerated progress. Tried and tested in Y6 (upper mid-low ability)
Pupils will use prior knowledge and extend learning of fractions of amounts and mixed number and improper fractions to work out 'who done it'. Based on the popular game of Cluedo (most recently known as Clue) the task is to solve where, when and who committed the maths crime by calculating fractions of amounts, converting mixed number and improper fractions and identifying equivalent fractions.
Perfect for Ofsted, an observation, an interview or in addition to your weekly teaching.
*Find all supporting worksheets and main teaching PowerPoint in our PREMIUM resources. A ready-made, tried and tested, successful and highly rated lesson. Fully differentiated oral/mental starter, main session teaching and independent tasks.*
Another time saver from us to you!

Reasoning Paper Themed Qs
These levelled questions linked to reasoning paper topics can be used to go over last minute examples with Year 6 children. Each set of questions are related to particular topics like data handling, fractions and area and perimeter. Look out for a Handy Hints power-point linked to identified gaps in this year's Reasoning Paper 2 ready for tomorrow's Reasoning Paper 3!