An avid fan of gamification in the classroom. I spend my time trying to create resources which are both fun and engaging using JavaScript, PowerPoint, Excel and Word to create Interactive Activities.
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An avid fan of gamification in the classroom. I spend my time trying to create resources which are both fun and engaging using JavaScript, PowerPoint, Excel and Word to create Interactive Activities.
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A self-marking MS Excel spreadsheet which marks students answers as they enter them.
Includes 5 Tasks each with 15 values to convert.
Task 1: Converting Denary into Binary
Task 2: Converting Binary into Denary
Task 3: Binary into Hexadecimal
Task 4: Denary into Binary into Hexadecimal
Task 5: Hexadecimal into Binary into Denary.
Sheets are password protected to prevent students altering the formula which marks their input.
What it does?
This JS application takes in 4 bit binary values and changes the style of the box to reflect their corresponding colour in the pallete. Once completed the student can either save their design as a text file (see example) or a bitmap file.
How i use it
While covering the representing images this is a really nice way for students to demonstrate how a bitmap file stores an image.
This can be extended into compression getting students to group up the binary strings etc. 0000 0000 0000 0000 --> [4, 0000] etc.
What it does
A Javascript application which generates a number between 0 and 255 and converts asks the player to convert it into hexadecimal. Answering each one will earn them points. 30 second timer, 5 lives.
How i use it
I use it as a plenary and staple for conversion lessons as part of the data representation unit. Very well recieved usually put a cash incentive for people to get the highest score.
1.2.1 Primary Storage
A lesson themed on Primary storage/Main Memory, designed to comply with the new OCR Computer Science Spec (J277).
Lesson Objectives
Explain what memory is and how computer systems use it.
Explain the difference between volatile and non-volatile memory.
Investigate advantages and disadvantages of memory.
Investigate what Virtual memory is and how it works.
Lesson Activity Overview
Short Memory Exercise (Slide 4/5)
Literacy Task (Key Words: Main Memory, Volatile Memory, Non-Volatile, Memory, RAM, ROM, Virtual Memory)
Question for Primary Memory (Slide 11)
Physical demonstration of Disk Thrashing using Clapping (Slide 17)
Questions for Virtual Memory (Slide 18)
Included Resources
Lesson PowerPoint
Unit 1.2 Keyword Dictionary (Literacy Task)
**OCR GCSE Computer Science **
Component 1: Computer Systems
Unit 1: System Architecture
Lesson: CPU Performance
A dive into the characteristics of a CPU and how they can impact the performance of the system.
**OCR GCSE Computer Science **
Component 1: Computer Systems
Unit 1: System Architecture
Lesson: CPU Architecture
This lesson explores the internal components of the CPU including some exam style questions as a plenary task to introduce the cohort to how they might be questioned in an exam.
1.2.2 Secondary Storage
A lesson themed on secondary storage devices and their associated technologies, designed to comply with the new OCR Computer Science Spec (J277).
Lesson Objectives
Explain why we have secondary storage devices in our devices.
Recognise a range of secondary storage devices/media.
Explain the differences between each of the different secondary storage technologies.
Compare advantages/disadvantages for each storage device.
Lesson Activity Overview
Starter Task (Literacy Recall using interactive (macro enabled) scrabble board)
Keyword Literacy Task (Slide 5 - Utilises the Unit 1.2 Dictionary PP in this package).
Secondary Storage Advantages/Disadvantages (Slide 7)
Secondary Storage Factors (Slide 9).
Note: You can use the layouts to change software packages from the ones on slides to an appropriate alternative.
Included Resources
Lesson PowerPoint
Unit 1.2 Keyword Dictionary (Literacy Task)
Macro Enabled Dynamic Scrabble Board (Protected Sheet Password: tchrpass)
**OCR GCSE Computer Science **
Component 1: Computer Systems
Unit 1: System Architecture
Lesson: Fetch-Execute Cycle
An exploration into the man who designed the von neumann architecture and his creation’s inner workings.
**OCR GCSE Computer Science **
Component 1: Computer Systems
Unit 1: System Architecture
Lesson: Embedded Machines
A look into embedded machines and the many areas of modern life which have benefited from the improvements they bring.