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Descriptive and creative writing lessons - describing an attic

Descriptive and creative writing lessons - describing an attic

PPT for lessons to guide students through the description of a scene (an attic in an old house). The scene can then be used as part of a creative writing piece. Includes activities for the different parts of the lesson, differentiated objectives, peer assessment tasks and a plan for students to guide them through the writing process.
Purple Hibiscus SOW and resources with answers Part 1

Purple Hibiscus SOW and resources with answers Part 1

Scheme of work on almost half the novel. Introduces all main characters, context and provides the opportunity for students to engage with the plot. Includes: PowerPoint and related word document resources with answers for most lessons. The scheme of work is designed to be easy to use, but flexible so it is easily adapted. There are also several homework tasks, which are research or reading based so require little or no marking.
EDEXCEL IGCSE English Language SOW & Resources for Anthology in Section A

EDEXCEL IGCSE English Language SOW & Resources for Anthology in Section A

Over 60 PP slides, a SOW, worksheets and revision tests (with answers) to teach the Non- fiction anthology texts in Section A. Includes a range of tasks: cloze, matching, comprehension questions, analysis grids and more (many tasks also with answer sheets for easy marking or self-assessment). There are suggestions and aids for student annotation and most texts come with essay plans. There are lots of images to support visual learners and enhance understanding of context. In addition, there is a variety of extension tasks and homework sheets, which can be applied to all texts.
Goodnight Mr Tom Workbook/activity pack. Whole unit of work ready to print

Goodnight Mr Tom Workbook/activity pack. Whole unit of work ready to print

A detailed, differentiated workbook with tasks for almost every chapter, including SPaG starters, extension tasks, wordbanks, sentence starters and examples for students to use as a guide. Includes approximately three tasks per chapter of increasing complexity. Tasks focus on understanding and interpreting the text, using quotations and explaining their significance. There are also writing tasks such as diary entries and character analyses. Easy to mark assessment grids included (a range of self/peer and teacher assessment).
Purple Hibiscus SOW and resources with answers Part 2

Purple Hibiscus SOW and resources with answers Part 2

Scheme of work, PowerPoint and Word doc resources on the second part of the novel. covering a range of reading skills and activities to engage with the text. Includes: PowerPoint and related word document resources with answers for most lessons. The scheme of work is designed to be easy to use, but flexible so it is easily adapted. There are also several homework tasks, which are research or reading based so require little or no marking.
Developing the use of Adjectives, verbs and adverbs

Developing the use of Adjectives, verbs and adverbs

Eight worksheets to revise adjectives, verbs and adverbs and encourage students to use a wider, more ambitious range of vocabulary correctly. Worksheets include an explanation of each term with examples, differentiation by task and extension tasks. All work includes an assessment method (peer, self, class etc) for super simple in class marking. Differentiated objectives are included for each grammatical term and students tick the objective level they feel they have achieved at the end of the lesson.
An introduction to poetry - poetic devices

An introduction to poetry - poetic devices

Several complete lessons for learning about poetic devices complete with worksheets (separated into lessons with clear task instructions). Activities are varied to engage students and differentiated to learning style or ability. A PowerPoint presentation is provided to display key lesson information. Definitions of devices are given, differentiated learning objectives are provided and activities are outlined as a visual reminder of the lesson structure.
Developing descriptive and creative writing using the senses

Developing descriptive and creative writing using the senses

A set of worksheets aimed at improving the quality of writing by learning to use the senses effectively. Includes several assessment grids (easy marking), differentiated objectives, three tasks of increasing difficulty for each of the senses and tasks to increase the range of relevant student vocabulary related to the senses. There is space for students to write so nothing else is needed and therefore this would be ideal for cover and, with very little adapting, for homework too.
Gothic Poetry SOW, resources and assessment

Gothic Poetry SOW, resources and assessment

7 Resources
A complete set of resources to teach 'The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner' with a detailed scheme of work to follow, a detailed assessment plan and an easy-to-mark homework project. Also includes a poetry self-assessment sheet to assess knowledge of terminology at the start of the unit and a placemat to support students with poetry analysis.
Improving sentence structure in writing

Improving sentence structure in writing

A set of worksheets aimed at improving the quality of writing by learning to write sentences effectively. Includes an explanation and examples of how to vary sentences and their use, a page of description for students to study, a self -assessment task, differentiated objectives, three tasks of increasing difficulty and extension tasks. There is space for students to write so nothing else is needed and therefore this would be ideal for cover and, with very little adapting, for homework too.
Gothic genre homework project and research task on contextual information

Gothic genre homework project and research task on contextual information

A project homework sheet outlining details of a presentation on the Gothic genre. This serves as a speaking and listening task as well, and therefore does not require any marking in a formal way, just a speaking and listening grade. Research task: prompts students to gather contextual information about the genre - a good preparatory exercise before beginning a Gothic text.
Poems of the Decade - 'Material' by Ros Barber

Poems of the Decade - 'Material' by Ros Barber

A set of four worksheets for students to explore and analyse the poem. Includes differentiated learning objectives, extension tasks and ideas for class discussion. The tasks vary in style (mindmapping, listing, questions on structure, tone etc. quotation grids and tables to plot links to other poems.
our versus are - homophone worksheet

our versus are - homophone worksheet

A handy worksheet for student s to clarify the differences between 'our' and 'are'. Includes explanations of each word with examples and three separate tasks. Good as a starter or extension activity.