This is an entire lesson’s worth of content on the Opportunity Cost. Introduces the concept of Opportunity Cost to students start off IGCSE Economics. Accompanied by activities.
This is a full lesson, suitable for introducing how money works and how banks work, based on the Cambridge IGCSE Economics syllabus. It breaks down key concepts like interest rates and value of money. The slides are also filled with activities to engage the students.
IGCSE Economics worksheet
Suitable for a starter or plenary
On Price Elasticity of Demand Worksheet
as part of Unit 2 in the Cambridge IGCSE Economic Syllabus
IGCSE Business: Entrepreneurship Worksheet
Ideal for a main activity in the lesson, to ensure students have filled out all the necessary points they need for the chapter on entrepreneurship in the IGCSE Business syllabus. This worksheet can take from 25 to 30 minutes, and is coupled with an extension quesiton for highly able pupils.
It has fill in the blanks and general questions, as well a cool starter with pictures of Entrepreneurs they need to research and find out what companies they founded.
This resource is designed to match definitions to key terms and covers all of the important Marketing terms any IGCSE Business Studies student needs!
Ideally this sheet takes from 20 minutes to 30 minutes to complete, and ideally in groups of 3 to 5! When I designed this in my school for my IGCSE students and made a competition for the winning team, first to finish wins a prize; all the teams were very engaged and managed to answer all the terms together!
Super fun activity to wrap up learning for this unit and ensure students have a reference to go back to, with highlighted key terms needed for each defintion.
Answer sheets attached to this resource.
Terms are all extracted from the Cambridge IGCSE Business Textbook.
IGCSE Economics: Quantity, Quality and Factors of Production
Excellent for a 15 mins plenary or starter fill in the blanks with an extension question for higher ability students!
Covers the following key concepts in IGCSE Economics:
Quality and Quantity of Factors of Production
Factors of production and the factor rewards
Factors of mobility: occupational and geographic
This is a full lesson inclusive of activities suitable for students studying from the Cambridge IGCSE Economics Syllabus. It will help them understand Supply and how to draw a Supply curve.
This is an entire lesson’s worth of content on the Factors of Production and Factor Mobility and Rewards through slides/ presentation. Introduces the concept of the Factors of Production: Land, Labour, Capital, Enterprise and Factor Mobility: Occupational and Geographic to students start off IGCSE Economics.
IGCSE Economic and AS Economics Fun Activity!
Make sure you have a Monopoly board in class to play, and then allow students to use the worksheet as the play. When you make the content relatable, students will not forget the content.
This is suitable for a Main Activity in the lesson, it makes students identify key terms they learned in Economics on a Monopoly board! Suitable for AS and IGCSE Economics.
Teachers can ask questions mid game to assess if students can see the relevance of the game to Economics!
These are dual resources covering PES and PED, how to calculate them and what they mean. It explores the concept of elastic Vs inelastic. The slides have some activities to help keep the lesson engaging. The content is suitable for the Cambridge IGCSE Economics syllabus.
A lesson built fully to teach Private costs and benefits, externalities and social costs and benefits for A level Economics based on the Cambridge A level curriculum, with embedded activities. Inclusive of graphs.
This is a lesson built for A Level Economics, Types of cost, revenue and profit, short-run and long-run production; with graphs and explanations. Looking at supernormal profits, normal profits and subnormal profits.
IGCSE Business: Organisation Structure
Unit 2 worksheet about organisational structure, it includes:
Tall and Short Hierachy and chain of command
Narrow and Wide span of control
Perfect for a lesson pleanry after explaining organisational structure to the class
A short 10 to 15 minutes activity of labeling organsational structure with key terms
This is a full lesson on Price Changes for Cambridge IGCSE Economics, that teaches students about the shifts in Supply and Demand and how to draw them, as well as the factors that affect shifts.
This is a full lesson on microeconomics, household spending, saving and borrowing. Introduce students to the concept of disposable income. This lesson is suitable for the Cambridge IGCSE Economics.
IGCSE Business: Classification of Business Worksheet
This worksheet is an ideal Starter or Plenary and require 15 to 20 minutes
The worksheet covers:
Primary, Secondary and Teritary Sector
Public and Private Sector
Its a simple activity to ensure students can define and give examples for the above terms