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I am a Spanish and French teacher and I offer lesson plans, worksheets, games and activities related to teaching these languages.

I am a Spanish and French teacher and I offer lesson plans, worksheets, games and activities related to teaching these languages.
Le portrait moral (les adjectifs au féminin et au masculin)

Le portrait moral (les adjectifs au féminin et au masculin)

This product is a lesson that introduces the character descriptions in French and the adjective noun agreement, the place of the adjective and some irregular cases in French. It offers an interpretive video activity, vocabulary practice, grammar notes and grammar practice activities. It includes a student’s and a teacher’s copy for each of the worksheets.
Mis aventuras en Costa Rica- día 5 (Los animales de la selva)

Mis aventuras en Costa Rica- día 5 (Los animales de la selva)

This is lesson #5 from the series Mis aventuras en Costa Rica. It introduces the animals of the rain forest with a focus on the National Park Tortuguero in Costa Rica. It is suitable for both remote and in-person teaching. Check my video recording of the lesson here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LHSPMzI468&t=19s
En la tienda de ropa

En la tienda de ropa

This product is a bundle that includes a teacher’s script of the lesson, a PowerPoint presentation, a student copy with communicative and video interpretive activities and a document with vocabulary practice activities and games related to the clothing and accessories’ vocabulary. UPDATE: I have updated the product to include a slideshow rather than a video, because the video is no longer available. You will find the teacher’s notes and other links for the lesson in the PowerPoint speaker’s notes (below the certain slides). You could check the preview of the lesson HERE.
Los pies apestosos (The Stinky Feet)- A Fun Animal Fable in Spanish

Los pies apestosos (The Stinky Feet)- A Fun Animal Fable in Spanish

This product is a fun and interesting animal fable in Spanish, which can be used to introduce some forest animals and body parts. It is a Google slide show with the story illustrated, followed by five comprehension questions about the story. It can be used as a theatrical play, presented at a school event ( I use the slides to introduce the play to my students, then we prepare to present the play as an end-of-the year project/event. It has been a successful and my students really enjoy this story.
French Speaking Countries

French Speaking Countries

This product includes a presentation with the French speaking countries around the world and a handout with two activities to identify and learn the French speaking countries, their capitals and flags.
La Casa azul de Frida- SER vs. ESTAR (distance learning)

La Casa azul de Frida- SER vs. ESTAR (distance learning)

This is a unit suitable for a distance learning three day assignment. It explains the use of SER vs. ESTAR in an interesting cultural context that explores la Casa azul, the house where Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera lived. It also introduces the vocabulary for the rooms in the house and the vocabulary for the directional prepositions. It includes many links to practice activities, including listening comprehension activities and games.
La familia real (distance learning)

La familia real (distance learning)

This is a two day unit on the Spanish Royal family. It can be used in a distance learning setting. It introduces the family vocabulary by using a cultural theme and a video link. It includes a cloze activity, an exit ticket, a vocabulary link, additional activities and games. It is suitable for a self guided work and it improves the interpretive skills of the students.
¿Qué pongo en mi maleta?

¿Qué pongo en mi maleta?

This product includes the vocabulary lists about what (other than clothing) we put in a suitcase when going on a trip. It is part of the vocabulary of the unit Mis aventuras en Costa Rica ¡Pura vida! It also includes flash cards and a memory game.
La ropa, Costa Rica ¡Pura vida!

La ropa, Costa Rica ¡Pura vida!

This product includes the vocabulary for clothing for the lesson Mis aventuras en Costa Rica (Un mapa de tesoro)- día 1; a memory game/flash cards, as well as a flyswatter game.
El chocolate

El chocolate

This product includes the vocabulary for the lesson Mis aventuras en Costa Rica- día 8 (El chocolate) and a memory game/flash cards.
La tortilla española

La tortilla española

This is a complete lesson on how to make a Spanish tortilla that includes the objectives, the teacher’s notes on how to introduce and present the lesson; practice activities, grammar notes and grammar activities on tú and ustedes affirmative and negative commands in Spanish; the answer keys; a presentational writing activity for the students with a rubric. In addition it includes flash cards with the pictures and the words in Spanish of the vocabulary of the lesson, as well as of the steps of making the Spanish tortilla. It also includes a tic-tac-toe game to practice the new vocabulary with and suggestions for communicative activities with the flash cards.
La familia real de España

La familia real de España

This is a complete lesson that introduces the vocabulary for family members and the possessive adjectives. The activities are built around the topic of the Spanish royal family. There is a presentation included with an introduction, the answer key for the practice activities (the Student’s copy) and offers communicative, cultural, vocabulary and grammar activities, as well. (13 page document and 40 slides; duration of the lesson: 2-3 days)
¿Qué hay en tu cuarto? ¿Qué hay en tu mochila?

¿Qué hay en tu cuarto? ¿Qué hay en tu mochila?

The product includes a lesson about school supplies and introduces the terms for objects around the room. It includes a link to a Prezi presentation, which introduces the new terms through pictures of the room of artist Frida Kahlo in the museum La Casa Azúl in Mexico City. It contains a teacher’s copy, which explains how to teach the lesson and a students’ copy with activities and vocabulary flash cards.
Los pies apestosos

Los pies apestosos

This is a theatrical play in Spanish to use with your students and to present to an audience. The Smelly Feet, a delightful and playful animal fable, is a story that offers opportunities for students to invent animal characterizations. This story is easy to understand and fun to perform. The pdf has suggestions of how to organize a theater event at you school to promote your Spanish language program or to celebrate this beautiful language or as an end of the school year project that you do with your students.