English Display Title
A handmade English display title for a display board in the classroom
Reading Display Title
A handmade Reading Display Title for the classroom
Writing Display Title
A handmade writing display title for the classroom
Phase 2 Tricky Words
Handmade tricky words (high frequency) phase 2 word cards
Phase 3 Tricky Word Cards
Handmade Tricky word (high frequency word) cards - phase 3
Phase 4 Tricky Word Cards
Handmade tricky words (high frequency words) phase 4 cards
Phase 5 - Tricky Word Cards
Handmade tricky word (high frequency cards) - phase 5
The Amazon Rainforest - Adverbs
A description of The Amazon Rainforest, focusing on adverbs
Noun Phrases Worksheet
A worksheet including a picture of a haunted house for children to create noun phrases about a haunted house. The children can also use the sentence stems to create the noun phrases into expanded noun phrases.
Year 3/4 National Curriculum Word Mats
Word mats created to support Year 3/4 children with spelling the words from the National Curriculm.
Calendar - In Class for Display
A display calendar to use in your classroom to show the date.