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I am a Media Teacher trying to share my resources to make your life easier!
Worksheet Lottery GAME, NO PREP, Review & Worksheet lesson game, fun all ages

Worksheet Lottery GAME, NO PREP, Review & Worksheet lesson game, fun all ages

Ready to add a dash of excitement to your classroom review sessions? Or simply over hearing students complain of ‘boring’ lessons when worksheets or textbooks are pulled out? Enter the “Worksheet Lottery Game,” where learning meets thrill, and students become eager participants in their own success! Step right up, young scholars, and unlock the magic of education with each completed worksheet section. As they conquer review work or ace worksheets, they’ll get the chance to mark their initials on your 100s board – a canvas of dreams and opportunities! Picture the grand finale – as the lesson concludes, the teacher summons the suspense by randomly selecting a number from the board. Will it be THEIR number? The “Worksheet Lottery Game” is the ultimate tool to make review time engaging and productive. With each worksheet/textbook section completed, students not only strengthen their knowledge but also claim a personal stake in the game. It’s a race to success, a lottery of learning, and a celebration of achievement – all rolled into one captivating experience! Included are 3 x 100’s boards in PPTX form, both with & without simple instructions on how to play, all designed on attractive and modern designs.