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Tricky Word Trees
Tricky Word Christmas Trees
Children can choose a tricky word bauble and write it on their tree…
Tricky Word tree template with white baubles for children to write in
Phase 2 & 3 tricky word cut outs on golden baubles
Table sign

Bonfire Night CVC
A lovely activity in readiness for Bonfire Night! Print and laminate this mat so the children can add post-it notes to label the words, they could write a list, draw what they can see & label… lots of ways to adapt and use to encourage independent writing!
CVC Words -
hot dog

Spring Flower Field Colouring
Lovely flower field colouring page with cut outs (flowers, bee and butterfly)

Camera Captions - Spring
Spring themed Camera Caption sheets x2
Laminate for children to write onto or write with pencil, they are a lovely prompt to get your little ones writing!
Camera cut outs
Table sign

Autumn Repeating Patterns - Resource Pack
As seen on my Instagram…
A lovely Autumnal maths activity to consolidate 2 step repeating patterns
(3-step cards are included to stretch those little brains!)

Colour a Pattern - Valentines
Valentines pattern activity. Children can use blank templates to ‘colour’ a repeating pattern. Includes pattern examples and table sign

Domino Rockets
Count the spots on the dominoes and add to the correct numeral! A fab activity for subitising, counting and numeral recognition
2 mats - 1-5, 6-10
Rocket cut outs for the table
Table sign

Spring Chickens - Funky Fingers
Print on A3 or A4 and use with loose parts as a funky fingers activity. Children can follow the lines using the loose parts
Table sign and cut outs included

Number Detectives
Numberblock theme activity -
Numberblock theme coloured mats (1-5)
2 pages of cards showing different ways to make each number (e.g. 4 + 1)
Children can use multilink cubes to find different ways to make each number
Pack includes table sign

Sparkler Funky Fingers - Resource Pack
A lovely activity in readiness for Bonfire Night!
Pack includes:
Funky Fingers Mat
Table Sign
Cut out discs for table
Add some sparkly loose parts/buttons for the children to add to the sparkler waves!

Spring Ten Frames
A lovely set of Spring Flower tens frames. Two of each number (1-10) to represent a number sentence
There is also a blank frame you can use with loose parts
Flower cut outs

I Spy - Spring
I Spy Spring Mat - children can use post-it notes, whiteboards or paper to write what they can see!
Blossom Cut Outs
Table Sign

Odd or Even?
You can’t share if you sit on the chair!
Use this activity with Numicon pieces and small world figures (such as moblio or duplo) for the children to check if they can ‘sit’ on the chair (top of the numicon)
If they can’t sit, the number can’t be shared and is therefore odd. It is a fun and engaging way for the children to explore odds and evens. See my Instagram for an example of how to use
Odds and Evens sorting sheet
Number cut outs 1-10
Table Sign
Speech bubble - ‘You can’t share if you sit on the chair!’

Numberblock Style Train
Numberblock Style train - the children can add the correct number of multilink cubes to the carriage. If you laminate the mats, they can also write the numeral on the carriage.
Includes -
Train mat 1-5
Heart cut outs
Rainbow cut outs

Cupcake Maths
Set of cupcakes 1-10 with 3 pages of coloured candles. Children can add the number of candles to the cakes. You could also use the cupcakes with loose parts or real candles