I'm a high school teacher in the United States with more than 20 years experience teaching history and English! I believe in making learning fun and incorporating critical thinking skills, as well as building lessons that provide teacher convenience features!
I'm a high school teacher in the United States with more than 20 years experience teaching history and English! I believe in making learning fun and incorporating critical thinking skills, as well as building lessons that provide teacher convenience features!
A simple one-page PDF of play money for you to print out and use in games or simulations.
One-dollar bills only, but for history simulations, there's no reason not to tell students that each bill represents $100 or $1000 or even $10,000 -- whatever would most suit the price levels of the time under study!
An expanded and updated version of my popular "Malcolm X Movie Questions," also available on this website.
--70 Questions to help students track key information presented in the Spike Lee movie Malcolm X starring Denzel Washington.
--Beautifully formatted student worksheets designed to minimize paper use
--All Questions presented in two formats: both multiple choice and open-ended
--Full answer keys provided for both multiple choice and open-ended question versions
--Essay topic sheet: Six topics that will encourage students to analyze, synthesize, and draw their own conclusions about this period in U.S. history
--Research project sheet: Seven project ideas to encourage discovery learning about various topics that arise in the film
Malcolm X is an excellent movie for U.S. history classes. It covers the major topics of Civil Rights struggle, African American leaders, Black Nationalism, and the era of the 1960s.
These Hitler: The Rise of Evil worksheets are designed to be used by students as they watch the film. Students will pay better attention to the movie and will focus in on important details as they solve the problems included in the activity.
The approach here is cloze, also known as fill-ins:
Key statements from the film's script are included on a worksheet, with important words or phrases blocked out. Students are to fill in the missing words or phrases as they watch the film. I have used these worksheets with my classes and have found them to be highly successful at helping students follow the movie better and feel accountable for the class time spent on the movie.
Students stay on task more when they feel accountable. As every teacher knows, some students treat an instructional movie as though it were free time. These worksheets will help discourage that notion.
The worksheet is several pages long and has 70 cloze (fill-in-the-blank) problems to be solved while students watch the 3 hour-long film.
The problems to be solved often guide students to historically significant items, helping them to gain a better understanding of the importance and context of terms such as:
Communist, Versailles, Fuhrer, Munich, putsch, swastika, Reichstag, chancellor... and many more!
Teacher convenience is a hallmark of my products!
Accordingly, I have organized student materials and teacher materials in several ways so that you have a variety of options.
Student Materials: Two worksheet versions are provided for your convenience:
1) Re-usable. Make one class set and use it with multiple groups over multiple years. Save on paper, ink, and the hassle of making printouts!
2) Consumable. If you prefer to let students write directly on the worksheets, use this version!
Teacher Materials: Two answer keys are provided to you:
1) Answers provided in context for use in class discussions of the material. This answer key includes timestamps of when each key statement occurs during the movie. This answer key is probably the more convenient one if you have students use the consumable worksheets.
2) A more traditional linear answer key to make correcting student work simpler. This answer key is probably more convenient if you have students use the re-usable worksheets.
My Boy Jack Movie Worksheets are designed for use with the excellent WWI film "My Boy Jack" starring Daniel Radcliffe and David Haig.
My Boy Jack is a dramatic presentation (not a documentary) telling the true story of Rudyard Kipling and his son, who was killed in World War I -- but who arguably should not have been allowed to join up at all, since he didn't meet the vision requirements for battlefield work. As such, the movie raises profound questions about the duties of patriotism and of parenting, even as it portrays *both* life in the trenches and on the home front.
Topics covered in the movie include
• nationalism
• British empire
• Motivations for war / Causes of WWI
• Total War
• Life on the UK home front
• Trench warfare
As you can see, all very appropriate and topical for world history and European history classes!
The questions are organized into three separate files, each one covering a specific portion of the movie. The segments are timed such that in a normal high school period, you would have enough time to show a full segment of the movie and then use the associated question set with the students as either a quiz or discussion-starter activity.
In this way you could show the 90 minute movie over a three day period and do assessment on it as you go.
Another option would be to print out the Word files included in the download and have students fill them out as worksheets while the movie plays. In this way the entire movie could be completed in two class periods, including assessment being done as it plays.
68 Questions total, all true/false or multiple choice for super-fast correcting!
All questions are provided in both Word format for paper/pencil use and also in Examview format so that if you want to use them in CPS or Examview, you will not have to type them in.
Either way, you can edit the files if you want to customize them!
To help students analyze the film in more detail -- and to help personalize the experience of watching it, so students feel much more drawn into the action, you might want to look at my My Boy Jack Critical Thinking Questions, also here at TES.
Movie Questions by Elise Parker.
Bring the French Revolution to Life with this Detailed Movie Worksheet plus Puzzle Page to accompany the 2006 Feature Film, "Marie Antoinette!"
--117 Multiple Choice Questions, all in movie order
--Full Answer Key Included
--No Prep -- Just Print and Go!
--Multiple Choice means fast correcting too!
--Crossword Puzzle Review page makes for a fun recap of the movie, or can double as formal assessment quiz!
About these Marie Antoinette Movie Worksheets
This movie activity pack is designed to go with the 2006 feature film Marie Antoinette. There is more than one movie with that name – this learning packet matches the version directed by Sofia Coppola and starring Kirsten Dunst in the title role. Marie Antoinette focuses on the life of the title character from shortly before her marriage through the events of the French Revolution which forced her to leave Versailles, never to return.
As such, it provides students with a strong background into many of the issues and problems that were to contribute to the French Revolution.
Benefits of these Marie Antoinette Worksheets
Students who watch the movie will learn far more about the period if they pay close attention. These Marie Antoinette Movie Worksheets and Activities help them focus on key ideas including:
• The longstanding antipathy between Austria and France
• Marie Antoinette’s Austrian status conveying a disadvantage
• The free-spending ways of the French monarchy
• Traditional life at Versailles
• Marie Antoinette’s resistance to the norms of behavior at the French court
• Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his influence on Marie Antoinette
• French assistance to the American Revolution
• The growing problem of the French national debt
• The attack on the Bastille
• The Women’s March on Versailles
• Louis XVI’s indecisiveness in the face of the crises facing France
Student Activities Included in these Marie Antoinette Movie Worksheets
This packet contains both traditional and recreational approaches toward the movie:
• More than 100 multiple-choice questions for use as a viewing worksheet or test/quiz.
• Crossword puzzle with clues and terms drawn from key movie information
Features of these Marie Antoinette Worksheets
• All questions presented in “movie order” so students can answer as they watch.
• “Movie order” questions also allow teachers to stop and start the film whenever they wish
• If the questions worksheet is used during viewing, teachers can reserve the crossword puzzle for a fun final assessment activity – or assign it for extra credit/enrichment if they desire.
A fully annotated question set in which both false and true answers are explained and commented upon. Ideal to use when presenting and teaching the topic and also when testing students on the Stalin era in the Soviet Union. See the preview file for 10 sample questions with annotations.
This question set will allow teachers to review key information about Stalin's rise to power in the Soviet Union. It also covers his economic policies and use of terror tactics to preserve his position, including his systematic violations of human rights. It's perfect for classes looking at the rise of totalitarian governments after World War I.
The set is comprised of 23 True/False and 9 Multiple Choice questions, each of which can serve as a springboard into discussion and lecture, if you wish. The worksheets are also great for a test, independent assignment, or extra credit opportunity.
Both reusable and write-on worksheets are provided, ready made so that teachers can immediately put this resource to work.
A fully annotated answer key provides additional information teachers can use to illuminate even more details about Stalin's personality, paranoia, and policies. This answer key makes class discussions a snap and gives the teacher details at his or her fingertips.
For quick correcting of student work, however, a simplified answers-only answer key is also included.
Content Questions by Elise Parker
keywords: Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Five-Year Plans, Five Year Plans, communism, Soviet Union, Ukraine, Ukrainian Terror Famine, purges, Hitler, Nazi-Soviet pact, Nazi-USSR pact, Great Depression, civil liberties, freedom of religion, Soviet economy
Conspiracy Movie Worksheets are designed to help students pay better attention and learn more as they watch this highly accurate real-time re-enactment of the 1942 Wannsee Conference. The movie stars Kenneth Branagh and Stanley Tucci as Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann, the two chief architects of Nazi Germany's "Final Solution to the Jewish Question."
--Detailed teaching notes including information on how to prep students to watch the movie and what vocabulary to introduce in advance
--Detailed rating and content information [The movie is rated R for language and verbal content only; there is absolutely no onscreen violence or nudity.]
--128 multiple choice questions in movie order
--128 parallel free-response questions in movie order: The free response question prompts are the same ones as used in the multiple choice questions, allowing teachers an easy way to differentiate instruction.
--Fast correct student answer sheet with identically formatted answer key for the multiple choice set. Students can record all their answers on a single page, and teachers can rapidly correct all student work!
--Detailed answer key for the free-response question set.
All student prompts are in exact movie order so that the worksheets can be used while the movie plays if desired. Alternately, teachers can save the worksheets for afterwards, using them as a test or quiz.
128 questions of each type give teachers lots and lots of options. Differentiate by assigning student groups to do just the odds or just the evens of multiple choice to space the questions out more. This will give you TWO basic level worksheets instead of one. Or do the same with the free-response questions to instantly create TWO advanced-level worksheets.
Stop and start the movie whenever you please! The questions are numbered sequentially instead of being divided up into predesignated parts in advance, which makes it easy for you to stop the movie at any time and resume it later. Just for reference, I usually show Conspiracy over the course of three days to allow plenty of time to discuss and debrief, but if you want to stretch that out to four days or compress it to just two [the movie is 96 minutes long], this question set gives you all the flexibility you need!
60 Multiple Choice Questions on Episode 9 of America: The Story of US
America: The Story of US is a History Channel series that uses engaging imagery, powerful special effects, and a lively script to convey the story of the United States in 12 concise yet comprehensive episodes. This teaching packet covers Episode 9: “Bust," focusing on the Wall Street Crash, Great Depression, and Dust Bowl.
Using any of the series’ episodes in class opens up several useful possibilities. They are so well presented that they are easily understood by students. This in turn means that episodes can actually be used as an introduction to a topic or a unit. On the other hand, they also make excellent reinforcers, so some teachers will want to show the episodes after the end of a chapter or unit for use as a review or recap.
I’ve kept this episode versatility in mind when making these materials. This teaching resource contains both a worksheet and a test on the episode it covers. These two components are based on different approaches to the video:
• The student viewing worksheet has 50 multiple choice questions, all presented in video order. These questions are fairly detailed. Certainly, many students will have good enough recall to be able to complete the worksheet after the episode has been shown, but because of the detailed nature of the questions, some teachers may want to use the worksheet as a “during-viewing” activity that will help students track information and stay on task
• The 10-question test, on the other hand, is designed to help students synthesize the episode’s information and see larger patterns that span different sections of it. My intent when writing the test was to focus solely on the “big issues” that arise from the targeted timespan of American history. Students who have paid attention to the video should definitely have mastered these basic, fundamental issues from the targeted time period. All test questions are also multiple choice.
• Two answer keys are provided for all questions. One is designed for fast grading. The other one provides the full context of question and answer to help teachers review material out loud or facilitate class discussions of the material.
Because the worksheet and test take these different approaches, teachers can also use them to differentiate instruction.
keywords: Wall Street, radio, Joe Louis, rise of Nazi Germany, Dust Bowl
160 Questions -- a comprehensive assessment -- of the 3-hour movie Hitler: The Rise of Evil.
Students will pay better attention to the movie when they know they will be tested on it after viewing. Alternately, these questions are set up so that you can use them as during-viewing worksheets if you prefer.
Teacher convenience is a hallmark of my products.
With that in mind, there are detailed annotations on many "false" answers and some "true" answers -- the better to assist you in going over the questions / conducting class discussions.
What These Hitler the Rise of Evil Worksheets Include
To make using the worksheets very easy, the questions are divided into four files that cover different phases of the movie. This will allow you to show the movie over several class periods and assess students as you go along.
* 68 Questions (38 True/False and 30 Multiple Choice) cover the first 56 minutes.
* 38 Questions (23 True/False and 15 Multiple Choice) cover from 52:00 to 1:47:00 of the film.
* 27 Questions (15 True/False and 12 Multiple Choice) cover from 1:47:00 to 2:25:00
* 27 Questions (18 True/False and 9 Multiple Choice) cover from 2:25:00 to the end of the film.
There are 160 questions in all.
That means that you have plenty to choose from if you would prefer to administer your students shorter tests, or if you would like to make several versions of tests.
Another convenience feature for you is a variety of different formats:
You will receive an Examview testbank .bnk file, an Examview test .tst file, and an .rtf file that you can open in a word processing program. Thus you will find it easy to print out worksheets if you wish, or use the files electronically with Examview or CPS if that suits your teaching style better. The .bnk files can be combined together in any combination if you wish to make longer tests, for example, a master test covering the entire movie.
However you choose to use the questions, you shouldn't be in the position of having to re-type them!
These questions are perfect for assessing how well students paid attention to the movie, and they can also be used as a springboard to preview important points in the movie or to discuss it with the class afterwards. You can have students take notes during the movie and use them with these questions afterwards, or require them to do the questions from memory only.
These War Games Worksheets provide teachers with a comprehensive set of questions, all in movie order, covering the 1983 movie War Games starring Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy.
This movie is great for U.S. History classes because it captures the mood of the nation in the early 1980s. Fear of nuclear war was rampant -- so much so that there was a nuclear freeze / unilateral disarmament movement gaining ground. Even though the movie plot is fiction, it is useful because it is a genuine product of the fears in play at that time.
It also depicts the beginnings of the computer-based technological culture that we live in today and weaves in 1980s cultural strands about computer hacking and video gaming, both trends which have continued to this day but which began in force in the early 1980s.
I usually show this movie to my classes after state testing has been completed and we have time for things that are still historical, but are also very fun. Students love this movie and watch it with rapt attention.
With this question set, you can give them something to do during the movie or you can assess them afterwards as a closing assessment.
Teacher convenience is a hallmark of my products!
To give teacher maximum options, the question sets are provided both in movie order and in scrambled order. Teachers that like to have their students use worksheets during a movie to follow along will probably like the former. The latter might be best for teachers that want to have students review concepts after the movie -- or a specific section of it -- has been viewed in its entirety.
A Lesson Plan That Can Last At Least Three Days
The question set is split into three sections which more-or-less coordinate with showing the movie over three class periods. This lets teachers stop and "debrief" movie/history elements with their classes before moving on.
How These War Games Worksheets Offer Maximum Flexibility
Because teachers have different needs when it comes to materials, several different formats are provided:
---Examview .tst
so you can print tests out or use them with CPS/Examview electronic testing systems
---Examview .bnk
so you can combine the various question banks in any way you please to make your own tests (For example, combine all files to make a master test for the whole movie).
Microsoft Word and other word processors can open these files. The rtf files are perfect for making worksheets or adding other enhancements to the files.
There are 78 Questions in all -- 39 True/False Questions and 39 Multiple Choice Questions!
What would it be like to actually fight in the First World War? How would it feel to watch a beloved son go off to fight -- and what could you do on the home front to help support him? How much should a government lie to its citizens about the conditions and progress of the war -- do the ends justify the means?
These are just a few of the powerful questions addressed by the keenly insightful film, My Boy Jack, produced by the BBC and first aired on Decoration Day (the equivalent of Memorial Day in the United States).
Unlike many war movies, this one is not fiction. It is the true story of Rudyard Kipling and his son, who wanted to go off to fight for king and country, and and after many struggles, finally got his wish -- much to the regret of the father who had encouraged him to go off to war at the tender young age of 17.
Because the main character is just 17 years old, high school students can really relate to him and put themselves in his shoes! They see him dealing with a difficult home situation (something many of our students have on their plates), applying for military service only to be rejected, pressing his case, going through basic training, serving as an officer training his own battalion, and finally, going "over the top" on the Western Front and confronting the very ugly realities of trench warfare. Students find it interesting and really pay attention -- and it doesn't hurt that John Kipling is played by the same actor many of them recognize as Harry Potter!
These questions focus on issues raised by the film and will help students personalize and internalize how total war affected individuals in families. They will provide a springboard for class discussion and debate about issues such as nationalism, propaganda, and patriotism.
Because the character of Jack is so close to the age of high school students studying the war, it's easy for students to put themselves in his shoes and really feel involved as they watch the film. These critical thinking questions expand on that angle and turn the movie into a much more powerful teaching tool.
These 23 questions are not your usual "who did what?" kinds of problems. In fact, they aren't really designed to test students on the movie, but rather to get them thinking hard about life in 1915 Britain -- about the issues that real people had to face in that challenging era.
Each question can open up the door for discussion and debate, encouraging students to dive deep into history and put themselves in another place and time. Great for essays, debates, and projects as well as class discussions!
This is an entire unit of study on three key Enlightenment philosophers: John Locke, the Baron de Montesquieu, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, presented as a set of illustrated worksheets that take students through a step-by-step review of the ideas on government developed by each philosophe.
• 17 multiple-choice questions about John Locke: illustrated worksheet with primary source quote
• 13 multiple-choice questions about the Baron de Montesquieu: illustrated worksheet with primary source quote
• 12 multiple-choice questions about Jean-Jacques Rousseau: illustrated worksheet with primary source quote
• Illustrated comparison chart for students to fill out as a final activity or culminating experience
• Crossword puzzle with 18 terms and 18 clues to enjoy as a final activity or culminating experience -- provided both with and with a word bank so it can work as an advanced level/webquest or as a more basic level experience!
That's why each one of the four worksheets is formatted to fit onto a single sheet of paper, back and front -- so that you can spend less time dealing with the printer or copy machine as you print off these no-prep worksheets for your students.
Answer keys to all activities included.
These worksheets provide a variety of activities and are great for teaching AND review/assessment as well as for generating engaging class discussions about these philosophers and also about the Enlightenment in general!
Designed to accompany the PBS documentary, "The Armenian Genocide," this comprehensive set of worksheets contains more than 70 key questions divided into two sections -- one to go with each half of the video.
What these Armenian Genocide Worksheets Include
You will receive a wealth of materials including:
--student worksheets designed to be reused year after year to save you time (and possibly even money!)
--student worksheets designed to be written on, in case this format/approach works best with your students
--a simple answer key that makes correcting a snap
--an elaborated answer key designed to make it easy to go over answers and discuss issues with the class
--an additional student/teacher resource page set up to facilitate independent or group research into specific individuals killed in the Armenian genocide
Where to Find the Video that Goes with These Armenian Genocide Video Worksheets Include
The video that goes with these worksheets can be found through a simple Google search. At any given time, it may be available on YouTube or Netflix. It may also show up in the PBS app or be playing on your local PBS station. For teachers who wish to own a permanent copy, it can be purchased from pbs.org. A link to the purchase page is included in the preview file and in the full download file.
Make your teaching of the "first genocide of the 20th century" more engaging for students by showing the video and holding students accountable by using this detailed worksheet set.
Teach with Humor using World History Crash Course!
Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! That, or course, is easier said than done, but when it comes to teaching history contents, the YouTube series Crash Course World History is a great place to start.
The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations about life and culture -- ones that help to make strong points about the history being communicated. Just as importantly, the host, John Green, has what it takes to keep students' interest: enthusiasm about the topics, a quirky way with props, and a funny, sometimes deadpan delivery of content. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn!
Each episode of Crash Course contains about 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist:
Crash Course World History
If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am!
About These Worksheets
Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course World History and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode.
This set of worksheets covers the following episodes:
• The Agricultural Revolution
• Indus Valley Civilization
• Mesopotamia
• Ancient Egypt
• The Persians and the Greeks
All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along, but these worksheets are not mere outlines that merely ask students to generate their own notes. Instead, they focus in on certain key issues that students watching the videos should master in order to have a clear and concise understanding of the topic under study.
---> Please note the bargain pricing!! At just $5.00 for 5 worksheets, that's only a dollar per worksheet, making this a truly affordable addition to your history repertoire!
Teach with Humor using World History Crash Course!
Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! That, or course, is easier said than done, but when it comes to teaching history contents, the YouTube series Crash Course World History is a great place to start.
The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations about life and culture -- ones that help to make strong points about the history being communicated. Just as importantly, the host, John Green, has what it takes to keep students' interest: enthusiasm about the topics, a quirky way with props, and a funny, sometimes deadpan delivery of content. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn!
Each episode of Crash Course contains about 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist:
Crash Course World History
If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am!
About These Worksheets
Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course World History and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode.
This resource includes a worksheet, a time-stamped worksheet, and a detailed answer key for episodes 21-25 of Crash Course World History:-
• Columbus, De Gama, and Zheng He
• The Renaissance: Was it a Thing?
• The Columbian Exchange
• The Atlantic Slave Trade
• The Spanish Empire, Silver, and Runaway Inflation
All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along, but these worksheets are not mere outlines that merely ask students to generate their own notes. Instead, they focus in on certain key issues that students watching the videos should master in order to have a clear and concise understanding of the topic under study.
---> Please note the bargain pricing!! At just $5.00 for 5 worksheets, that's only a dollar per worksheet, making this a truly affordable addition to your history repertoire!
Teach with Humor using World History Crash Course!
Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! That, or course, is easier said than done, but when it comes to teaching history contents, the YouTube series Crash Course World History is a great place to start.
The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations about life and culture -- ones that help to make strong points about the history being communicated. Just as importantly, the host, John Green, has what it takes to keep students' interest: enthusiasm about the topics, a quirky way with props, and a funny, sometimes deadpan delivery of content. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn!
Each episode of Crash Course contains about 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist:
Crash Course World History
If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am!
About These Worksheets
Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course World History and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode.
This resource includes a worksheet, a time-stamped worksheet, and a detailed answer key for episodes 11- - 15 of Crash Course World History:
• Christianity from Judaism to Constantine
• The Fall of the Roman Empire -- in the 15th Century
• Islam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars
• The Dark Ages -- How Dark Were They, Really?
• The Crusades -- Pilgrimage or Holy War?
All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along, but these worksheets are not mere outlines that merely ask students to generate their own notes. Instead, they focus in on certain key issues that students watching the videos should master in order to have a clear and concise understanding of the topic under study.
---> Please note the bargain pricing!! At just $5.00 for 5 worksheets, that's only a dollar per worksheet, making this a truly affordable addition to your history repertoire!
Use these Gandhi Movie Worksheets to Bring a Modern Independence Movement to Life!
We've all been there -- wracking our brains to try to figure out how to encourage students to pay better attention during a movie. These movie worksheets will take the guesswork out of figuring out how much each student is really following along and listening when the class is watching the Academy-Award winning 1982 film Gandhi, starring Ben Kingsley in the title role.
The worksheets provide 123 unique fill-in-the-blank problems for students to complete as they watch the movie. Each of the problems requires student to pay close attention, which will of course help them learn and retain more! An added bonus is that using the worksheets will also help students better figure out who is who on-screen, since many of the dialog segments are labeled with the character's name -- no more mixing up Nehru with Jinnah, for example!
History Matters
The cloze answers are far from random -- each one was specifically selected as an important history element that students should be aware of. Having students listen for and then write down these key terms such as partition and non-violence will help to draw their attention to those concepts, in essence highlighting them for the students.
I am always personally amazed by the mastery level I get from the students after using cloze worksheets like this -- when I stop the movie for the day and collect their papers, then read aloud a few of the cloze problems they solved in the last 40 minutes, a significant number of them can rattle the answers off from memory, showing that they really did learn something; the movie didn't just go in one ear and out the other.
Differentiation is Key
Because I know full well that a one-size-fits-all approach to instruction can miss more than it hits, I have provided both basic and advanced levels of the cloze worksheets.
In the case of the basic level, there are even two different worksheets for students to do. That way, if teachers want to make sure answers aren't shared from one class to another or across rows in the same class, the solution is at their fingertips.
Teacher Convenience is a MUST!
I know you're busy, so these Ghandi cloze worksheets are designed to minimize implementation time. Both advanced and basic worksheets come in two flavors: reusable and consumable.
Keywords: Gandhi, India, Indian history, Mahatma, nationalism, south Asia, Jinnah, Nehru, partition, Pakistan, British colonialism, the jewel in the crown, Raj, decolonization, de-colonization, Indian Independence, Amritsar Massacre
60 Multiple Choice Questions on Episode 2 of America: A History of Us
America: The Story of US is a History Channel series that uses engaging imagery, powerful special effects, and a lively script to convey the story of the United States in 12 concise yet comprehensive episodes. This teaching packet covers Episode 2: “Revolution,” which tells the story of America’s struggle for independence from Great Britain.
Using any of the series’ episodes in class opens up several useful possibilities. They are so well presented that they are easily understood by students. This in turn means that episodes can actually be used as an introduction to a topic or a unit. On the other hand, they also make excellent reinforcers, so some teachers will want to show the episodes after the end of a chapter or unit for use as a review or recap.
I’ve kept this episode versatility in mind when making these materials. This teaching resource contains both a worksheet and a test on the episode it covers. These two components are based on different approaches to the video:
• The student viewing worksheet has 50 multiple choice questions, all presented in video order. These questions are fairly detailed. Certainly, many students will have good enough recall to be able to complete the worksheet after the episode has been shown, but because of the detailed nature of the questions, some teachers may want to use the worksheet as a “during-viewing” activity that will help students track information and stay on task
• The 10-question test, on the other hand, is designed to help students synthesize the episode’s information and see larger patterns that span different sections of it. My intent when writing the test was to focus solely on the “big issues” that arise from the targeted timespan of American history. Students who have paid attention to the video might should definitely have mastered these basic, fundamental issues from the targeted time period. All test questions are also multiple choice.
• Two answer keys are provided for all questions. One is designed for fast grading. The other one provides the full context of question and answer to help teachers review material out loud or facilitate class discussions of the material.
Because the worksheet and test take these different approaches, teachers can also use them to differentiate instruction. Since the test is much shorter and covers much more basic information, it can serve as a “basic” level viewing worksheet should teachers desire. The regular worksheet, in contrast, can double as an “advanced” viewing activity.
keywords: American revolution, Saratoga, Valley Forge, Yorktown, John Burgoyne, Baron von Steuben
U.S. Government Worksheet Puzzle Focusing on the Presidency of the United States!
These puzzles will help students explore the ways in which the U.S. presidency differs from the leadership of prime minister, helping them to identify key distinctions between a parliamentary system and the U.S. federal government.
Differentiated Learning is Embedded in these U.S. Presidency Crossword Puzzle Worksheets
This packet contains worksheets with two levels of difficulty to help teachers differentiate the material for their students. The first crossword included features a standard format with just the puzzle grid and the clues list.
The second crossword puzzle page, however, is intended for students that need learning aids – it also includes a Word Bank list that will assist students in filling out the puzzle by providing them with all of the possible answers. This “basic" level puzzle still requires students to think critically, though – they have to read each clue and figure out which word bank entry best suits it.
Teacher Convenience Features in these United States President Puzzle Worksheets
This packet includes a traditional crossword puzzle answer key that shows the words filled into their correct slots. However, to help teachers who want to conduct a class discussion on the terms, there is also an “Answer List” page that matches up the key words with their clues. This format means that teachers don’t have to hunt for answers on the grid when they are discussing items with the class!
Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! For government or civics classes, one easy way to work in some student enjoyment is by showing episodes of Crash Course U.S.Government and Politics.
The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations -- ones that help to make strong points about the civics under study. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn!
Produced by PBS Digital Studios, each episode of Crash Course contains up to 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist:
If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am!
Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course U.S. Government and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode.
In addition to these regular worksheet items, open-ended extra credit or discussion items are also included for each and every episode. These can be used as debate starters, essay prompts, or . . . the sky's the limit!
Every worksheet comes in two version: with timestamps and without. That way, teachers can decide which option suits their needs best.
This set of worksheets covers the following episodes:
• 16 Types of Bureaucracies -- Understanding the executive branch agencies!
• 17 Controlling Bureaucracies -- More about the executive branch agencies!
• 18 Legal System Basics -- Introduction to the Judicial Branch
• 19 Structure of the Court System -- Trial and Appellate Courts, District and Circuit Courts, State versus Federal systems
• 20 Supreme Court Procedures -- How a Case Makes it To the Highest Court in the Land, and What Happens Once it's There....
All questions are presented in video order and come with and without time stamps!