Teacher of economics and business across five international schools for last twelve years having spent the 16 years prior employed as a Bank Manager with Lloyds Banking Group (UK)
Examiner with CIE - economics (6 years)
Teacher of economics and business across five international schools for last twelve years having spent the 16 years prior employed as a Bank Manager with Lloyds Banking Group (UK)
Examiner with CIE - economics (6 years)
The effect of having a high number of firms on price, quality, choice, profit.
Characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of monopoly.
*Unit 3 review
Note: diagrams are not required.
Note: the theory of perfect and imperfect competition and diagrams are not required
Questions with suggested solutions
3.2.1 The role of market research and methods used: • Market-orientated businesses (uses of market research information to a business)
• Primary research and secondary research (benefits and limitations of each)
• Methods of primary research, e.g. postal questionnaire, online survey, interviews, focus groups
• The need for sampling
• Methods of secondary research, e.g. online, accessing government sources, paying for commercial market research reports
• Factors influencing the accuracy of market research data
3.2.2 Presentation and use of market research results:
• Analyse market research data shown in the form of graphs, charts and diagrams; draw simple conclusions from such data
*Unit 3 review
sample questions and answers
The basis for specialisation at national level in broad terms of: superior resource allocation and/or cheaper
production methods.
For consumers, firms and the economy.
Questions and suggested solutions
4.1 the role of government
4.2 macroeconomic aims of government
4.3 fiscal policy
4.4 monetary policy
4.5 supply-side policy
4.6 economic growth
4.7 employment and unemployment
4.8 inflation and deflation
5.1 living standards
5.2 poverty
5.3 population
5.4 differences in economic development
6.1 international specialisation
6.2 globalisation, free trade and protectionism
6.3 current account of the balance of payments
6.4 foreign exchange rate
5.3.1 What profit is and why it is important: • How a profit is made
• Importance of profit to private sector businesses, e.g. reward for risk-taking/enterprise, source of finance
• Difference between profit and cash
5.3.2 Income statements: • Main features of an income statement, e.g. revenue, cost of sales, gross profit, profit and
retained profit
• Use simple income statements in decision making based on profit calculations (constructing income statements will not be assessed)
*Questions and suggested answers"
5.5.1 Profitability:
• The concept and importance of profitability
5.5.2 Liquidity: • The concept and importance of liquidity
5.5.3 How to interpret the financial performance of a business by calculating and analysing profitability ratios and liquidity ratios:
• Gross profit margin
• Profit margin
• Return on Capital Employed
• Current ratio
• Acid test ratio
5.5.4 Why and how accounts are used: • Needs of different users of accounts and ratio analysis
• How users of accounts and ratio results might use information to help make decisions, e.g. whether to lend to or invest in the business
Questions and suggested answers
Possible supply-side policy measures include
education and training, labour market reforms, lower
direct taxes, deregulation, improving incentives to
work and invest, and privatisation.
How supply-side policy measures may enable the
government to achieve its macroeconomic aims.
Review of Unit 4
Questions and suggested answers
The key terms associated with market failure: public good, merit good, demerit good, social benefits, external benefits, private benefits, social costs, external costs, private costs.
With respect to public goods, merit and demerit goods, external costs and external benefits, abuse of monopoly power and factor immobility.
Examples of market failure with respect to these areas only.
The implications of misallocation of resources in respect of the over consumption of demerit goods and goods with external costs, and the under consumption of merit goods and goods with external benefits.
Note: demand and supply diagrams relating to market failure are not required.
Market failure review - PPT
Supply and demand review - PPT
Questions and suggested solutions doc
The macroeconomic aims of government
Fiscal policy
Monetary policy
Supply-side policy
Economic growth
Employment and unemployment
Inflation and deflation
PPT covering Unit 7.5:
7.5 Types of cost, revenue and profit, short-run and long-run production
7.5.1 short-run production function:
• fixed and variable factors of production
• definition and calculation of total product, average product and marginal product
• law of diminishing returns (law of variable proportions)
7.5.2 short-run cost function:
• definition and calculation of fixed costs (FC) and variable costs (VC)
• definition and calculation of total, average and marginal costs (TC, AC, MC), including average total
cost (ATC), total and average fixed costs (TFC, AFC) and total and average variable costs (TVC, AVC)
• explanation of shape of short-run average cost and marginal cost curves
7.5.3 long-run production function:
• no fixed factors of production
• returns to scale
7.5.4 long-run cost function:
• explanation of shape of long-run average cost curve
• concept of minimum efficient scale
7.5.5 relationship between economies of scale and decreasing average costs
7.5.6 internal and external economies of scale
7.5.7 internal and external diseconomies of scale
7.5.8 definition and calculation of revenue: total, average and marginal revenue (TR, AR, MR)
7.5.9 definition of normal, subnormal and supernormal profit
7.5.10 calculation of supernormal and subnormal profit
video links to key topics
PPT covering:
• Basis of business classification, using examples to
illustrate the classification
• Reasons for the changing importance of business
classification, e.g. in developed and developing
PPT aligned to the CIE syllabus. Summative and formative assessments provided with suggested solutions. Topics covered included the PPC scarcity, opportunity costs, efficiency etc.
PPT aligned to the CIE syllabus. Summative and formative assessments provided with suggested solutions. Topics covered included private goods, public goods, free-rider problem, exclusivity, rivalrous, merit goods, demerit goods, imperfect information etc
PPT aligned to the CIE syllabus. Summative and formative assessments provided with suggested solutions. Topics covered included scarcity, opportunity costs, factors of production etc.