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Poetic Devices Revision Homework
This is a crossword created for my year seven class to revise their poetry knowledge ahead of their assessments.

Macbeth Characters Revision Booklet
I made this powerpoint as a revision tool for my classes with structuring questions based on characters. There are slides with very brief notes to be completed as a discussion within the class and then the tables can be printed to be completed independently or gone through as a class.

Number Quiz
Lovely end-of-year maths lesson.
Numbers 1-21 table to be printed, then cut out the answers from the second slide, pupils will need to research or guess where each statement goes.

Higher or Lower Quiz Game
Teaching about the monetary value of various objects.
All prices correct as of 10.07.2023

Flag Quiz (in the style of Catchphrase)
Click on the square to reveal part of a country’s flag. You could ask questions based on your topic or just as a fun end of term game.
This is designed in the same way as the catchphrase tv show.

Averages Lesson
Full lesson to introduce or revise the 3 averages and the range, includes a worksheet, DIN task and homework.

Negative Number Worksheet
3 independent tasks based on year seven curriculum for negative numbers including ordering integers, using greater than and less than signs and some word problems involving real-life scenarios of temperature. Perfect for a homework or during a lesson as an independent task.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Context Lesson
Full lesson as an introduction to A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Includes clip of Shakespeare song. Information about Elizabeth then a matching activity of modern adaptations of Shakespeare plays.

French Weather Worksheet
This sheet would be perfect for a homework or as a revision material for in-class use. The first exercise is translating vocabulary and the second exercise requires pupils to write their own sentences using weather vocab and prior knowledge of shops vocab to describe a map.

Elizabeth I Intro Lesson
Powerpoint with everything you need for an introduction lesson for Elizabeth I. Aimed at KS3 but can be adapted for GCSE (especially with AQA exam board and for LA classes).

One-Step Equations (+-)
A worksheet perfect for a homework as it has a worked example and questions for solving one-step equations using just addition and subtraction with no negative number answers. This was made for SEND intervention but also appropriate for LA pupils or independent learning.

Year Three Maths Booklet - Number/Place Value
This booklet can be done independently and covers topics from the national curriculum for year three maths on the topics of number and place value including lots of activities.

Mystery Writing Remote Learning
This lesson looks at mystery writing and gives children the opportunity to write their own version of a mystery story. This is best for LA or SEN children or those doing a literacy intervention.

Internet safety remote learning
This is a lesson looking at research skills on internet safety. This is suitable to set for remote learning and designed with SEN children in mind.

Mary I Poetry
This lesson explores the monarch Mary I (Bloody Mary) through the use of poetry as a source. There are tasks to do independently making this very suitable for a remote learning task.

LA Total Drama Island Literacy
This is a lesson following an episode of total drama island involving activities to do . Follow the notes bit to see where to pause. Great for a low ability writing or literacy intervention

Types of Road Crossing UK remote learning
This is a research task for pupils to complete to look at different crossing used in the UK. Perfect to set for remote/online learning as part of a road safety unit.

Remote Learning: Historical Poetry
This lesson is designed for independent online/remote learning. It focuses on a poem written by Elizabeth I herself ‘when i was fair and young’ and includes both English and History skills.

area of triangle remote learning
This sheet shows how to find the area of a triangle then some questions for them to attempt on their own. Perfect for a remote learning task

GCSE History Wordsearches
These word-searches offer clues to find the correct words for the following topics:
conflict in Asia
Elizabethan england
Health and the People