
The Challange of Global Health
A powerpoint and adapted resources to accompany the lesson on Global Health produced by the RGS for 21st Century Challenges (https://21stcenturychallenges.org/). The lesson is the work of the RGS I have just put it together on a powerpoint for easy class use - all resources are credited to their original source.
Perfect for KS5 or high-ability KS4 geography classes or for use in cross-curricular lessons. Should take an hours lesson. Includes opportunity for self/peer assessment and exam practice for AfL (assessment for learning).
Perfect for the new 2016 onwards A Level spec.
Students taken through why health is of global concern and how geography affects it.
Included: one powerpoint, a keyword activity sheet, information on Malaria and the original 21st century challenge resource sheet.

Mann-Whitney U Test
A power point showing how and when to use the Mann-Whitney U statistical test and an worksheet guiding the students though calculating it using a geographical example. Includes teacher answer sheet.
Great for teaching both old and New (2016) specification A level or AS level geography - designed for Edexcel but matches requirements of other specs such as AQA.
Can also be used as an introduction to the test for biology, maths, psychology lessons etc.