All resources

Year 1 - Measuring with a Ruler - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Spring 2 (Length and Height) - Measuring using a ruler.
Worksheets for SEN/LA, MA (2 pages) and HA. There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added the worksheets in PDF format as well.

Year 1 - Fact Families - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Autumn 1, Block 2 (Addition and Subtraction) - Addition Fact Families.
Worksheets for SEN/LA, MA and HA. There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added them in PDF format as well.

Year 1 - Adding Together - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Autumn 1, Block 2 (Addition and Subtraction) - Adding Together.
Worksheets for SEN/LA, MA and HA. There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added them in PDF format as well.

Year 1 - Length Word Problems - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Spring 2 (Length and Height) - Length Word Problems (including adding, doubling and finding the difference).
Worksheets for SEN/LA, MA, HA, Challenge (Finding the difference) and Reasoning Challenge.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added the worksheets in PDF format as well.

Year 1 - Heavier and Lighter - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Spring 2 (Weight and Volume) - Using the words heavier/heaviest and lighter/lightest.
Worksheets for SEN/LA and MA/ HA. There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Worksheets all produced in** Publisher.** I have added a the worksheets in PDF form as well.

Year 1 - Weighing using Non-Standard Units - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Spring 2 (Weight and Volume) - Weighing using Non-Standard Units.
Worksheets for SEN/LA, MA and HA (use different non-standard units to weigh). There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added the worksheets in PDF form as well.

Year 1 - Counting in 2s - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Spring 1 - Counting in 2s.
Worksheets for - SEN/LA, MA, HA. There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Worksheets all produced in publisher. I have added the worksheets in PDF format as well.

Year 1 - Measuring using Non-Standard Units - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Spring 2 (Length and Height) - Measuring using Non-Standard Units.
Worksheets for SEN/LA, MA, HA. There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added the worksheets in PDF format as well.

Year 1 - Finding the Difference in Height/Length (Non-Standard Units) - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Spring 2 (Length and Height) - Finding the Difference in Height and Length using Non-Standard Units.
Worksheets for SEN/LA (2 pages), MA (2 pages), HA (Word problems with numbers to 50) and Extension for MA. Problem solving challenge also included.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added the worksheets in PDF format as well.

Year 1 - Comparing Lengths (Longer/Smaller) - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Spring 2 (Length and Height) - Comparing lengths using the words Longer and Smaller.
Worksheets for SEN/LA, MA, HA, Extension Questions. MA and HA compare 3 lengths and use the word ‘Equal’. There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added the worksheets in PDF format as well.

Year 1 - Comparing Height (Taller/Shorter) - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Spring 2 (Length and Height) - Comparing heights using the words Taller and Shorter.
Worksheets for SEN/LA, MA, HA, Extension questions. MA and HA worksheets compare 3 heights and use the word ‘equal’. There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added the worksheets in PDF format as well.

Year 1 - Word Problems for Counting in 5s - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Spring 1 - Word Problems for counting in 5s.
Worksheets for SEN/LA, MA, HA. There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added the worksheets in PDF format as well.

Year 1 - Describing Position - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Summer 1, Block 3 (Position and Direction) - Describing Position.
Two different worksheets for differing abilities. There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added them in PDF format as well.

Year 1 - Describing Turns - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Summer 1, Block 3 (Position and Direction) - Describing Turns.
Worksheets for SEN/LA, MA and HA. There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added them in PDF format as well.

Year 1 - Describing Position (Above, Below, Right, Left) - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Summer 1, Block 3 (Position and Direction) - Describing Position.
Two different worksheets for abilities plus (cards for SEN practical activity). There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Resources use the language of Above, Below, Bottom, Top, Right, Left, In between, Under, On Top.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added them in PDF format as well.

Year 1 - Time (Using Language) - White Rose
Differentiated worksheets for White Rose Maths Planning, Year 1, Summer 2, Block 6 (Time) - Using Time Language.
Worksheets for SEN/LA, MA/HA and Challenge for LA. There is a link to where Problem Solving and Reasoning Challenges can be found.
Resources use the language before, after, morning, afternoon and evening.
Worksheets all produced in Publisher. I have added them in PDF format as well.