Minimalist Composition Template
Suitable for students who have just been introduced to traditional Western notation.
Objective: Compose an 8 bar minimaist piece for four untuned percussion instruments.
Decide on a time signature.
Select four untuned percussion instruments.
Compose four separate one bar rhythm patterns and write them in the “Ostinati” section.
Allocate each ostinato rhythm pattern to a bar in the corresponding score line.
Vary the texture by adding rests to whole bars where required.
Differention Opportunities: Include dynamics and a tempo marking.
A step-by-step process for anyone wanting to prove that you can learn how to play guitar in 5 minutes.
Hint: Laminate to preserve as a classroom resource.
A great resources to learn Key Signatures up to 5 sharps or flats. Three methods are included as each student has different learning preferences and levels of motivation. Great for GCSE students.
The resources includes 3 worksheets for major and 3 worksheets for minor key signature identification.
Blooket titles are included for key signature identification based on this resource.
A 5 unit course based around the popular online composition application.
This is suitable for students of all ages with a very basic understanding of music theory. It is also a great way to introduce
Students starting their GCSE Music Composition would also benefit as it is a great introductory course to music software, music notation and arranging.