Hello, thank you for looking around my shop. I am a teaching deputy head teacher, with 16 years of experience, who works in a rural primary school. I know how wearing many hats can eat into your time but understand how important excellent resources are for engaging pupils so they make accelerated progress. I have included lots of free resources in my shop but placed a small charge for resources which have taken me many hours to create. I hope you enjoy them and use them to motivate your pupils.
Hello, thank you for looking around my shop. I am a teaching deputy head teacher, with 16 years of experience, who works in a rural primary school. I know how wearing many hats can eat into your time but understand how important excellent resources are for engaging pupils so they make accelerated progress. I have included lots of free resources in my shop but placed a small charge for resources which have taken me many hours to create. I hope you enjoy them and use them to motivate your pupils.
I have put these resources together using the NCTEM Teaching for Mastery questions and have used it as an assessment tool for my year 4 pupils at the end of the year.
This is a single A4 page of tips for using search engines. This can be used to help pupils use search engines more effeciently or as a training tool for staff at your school.
Here is a great list of ideas for supporting creative writing. It is a list of 'twist in the tale' ideas that pupils can use to help them write an engaging story.
This is SATs revision pack that I have shared with year 6 parents who want to do that bit more. It has lots of questions from the old style SATs but it is still useful as a revision aid.
I run an after school club for cards as it is excellent for teaching pupils about probability, tactics and requires higher level thinking. I have included 3 sets of rules for the games I play, they are:
The Rules of Knockout Whist
The Rules of Hearts
The Rules of Contract Whist
This is a great game to play in pairs or with the whole class. It really helps pupils to use persuasive language while improving their speaking and listening skills. They also love it.
For Pairs
You need 2 dice. The first player throws a dice for the horizontal and the second player throws a dice for vertical. You then choose who is for and who is against each statement. I usually choose the first round then the second round is chosen by whoever lost the first round and so on. Each pupil has to come up with the most reasons to support their side of the statement. The person with the most wins then you throw the dice again.
For Whole Class
You need 2 dice. The first player throws a dice for the horizontal and the second player throws a dice for vertical. You then choose who is for and who is against each statement. I usually choose the first round then the second round is chosen by whoever lost the first round and so on. The whole class decides, by raising hands, which was the most persuasive. It helps to limit the amount of time to say 1 minute each.
This is a word mat of words with the prefix un. This is targeted at years 3 and 4 as it is part of the spelling curriculum. This is a useful resource for pupils to use to improve their spellings as well as a useful tool to improve their word choices and quality of their writing. It has two versions; one with colour and the other just in black and white to save on printing costs.
Here is a list of all the common contractions that I made for my class when they struggled to spell some of them. This is a great resource for children who struggle with contractions.
This is a word mat for Homonyms that I use with my class. A Homonym is a word that has the same spelling or pronunciation as another word but a different meaning or origin.
This is a word mat for the suffix ous. This is targeted at years 3 and 4 as it is part of the spelling curriculum. This is a useful resource for pupils to use to improve their spellings as well as a useful tool to improve their word choices and quality of their writing. It has two versions; one with colour and the other just in black and white to save on printing costs.
This is a word mat of words with the prefixes ir and im. This is targeted at years 3 and 4 as it is part of the spelling curriculum. This is a useful resource for pupils to use to improve their spellings as well as a useful tool to improve their word choices and quality of their writing. It has two versions; one with colour and the other just in black and white to save on printing costs.
I have made a list of abstract nouns to help pupils in my class write more interesting expanded noun phrases. There are 82 different expanded noun phrases which are split into two categories; human qualities or characteristics and showing emotions or feelings.
This is a list of over 140 fronted adverbials that include:
• How
• When
• Where
• Frequency
This is a great resource to improve pupils sentence starters that I use in most creative writing sessions in my class.
This is a word mat of words with the prefix dis. This is targeted at years 3 and 4 as it is part of the spelling curriculum. This is a useful resource for pupils to use to improve their spellings as well as a useful tool to improve their word choices and quality of their writing. It has two versions; one with colour and the other just in black and white to save on printing costs.