Year 2 Statistics - Block Diagram, Pictogram and Bar Chart Worksheets
A series of statistics resources, focusing on Block Diagrams, Pictograms and Bar Charts. Differentiated 3 ways.
Toy Shop - Finding Change Using Subtraction
2 differentiated worksheets focusing on using addition and subtraction to find change from different given amounts. A difficult extension task is also included.
My Year 2 class were very engaged and keen to solve the problems.
2D Shape Riddles - Comparing properties
Worksheets focusing on worded problem riddles, comparing the properties of 2D shapes. Differentiated 2 ways.
This was very helpful with my Year 2 class this year, who were able to compare and contrast the properties of 2D shapes, following this session.
Multiplication and Division Triangles for Finding the Inverse
Inverse triangle display posters and worksheets for finding the inverse, using multiplication and division. Perfect for Year 2.
Jungle Book-Themed Division Worded Problems
3 differentiated worksheets with Jungle Book-themed division worded problems.
This worked very well in my Year 2 class this year.
Multiplication and Repeated Addition Matching Cards
Perfect for seeing the relationship between addition and multiplication, and investigating their links.
This worked very well in my Year 2 class this year.
Inverse Addition and Subtraction
3 differentiated worksheets, which include numicon representations, bar model and part-whole model, with additional reasoning and problem solving.
Ideal for Year 1/2.
Addition in Any Order Template
A template for showing that addition can be done in any order. This aids the child’s understanding, providing a section for jottings.
This was very effective in my Year 2 class this year.
Partitioning 2-digit numbers in different ways
3 differentiated worksheets focusing on partitioning 2-digit numbers in different ways, including part-whole model, addition and missing numbers.
This was an effective lesson in my Year 2 class this year.
Comparing numbers using <, > and = symbols
Lesson worksheets differentiated 3 ways, including reasoning and problem solving for each level.
This was a very effective session when used with my Year 2 class.
Year 2 SATS - Arithmetic Practise
Editable arithmetic practise, containing one question for each of the four operations, in test-style format. Children can use the space under each question for pictorial jottings.
Perfect for use as early morning tasks/warm-ups/tests to keep these skills on the boil, in preparation for the Year 2 SATS.