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Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee




Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
2.4.3 Equilibrium levels of real national output - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

2.4.3 Equilibrium levels of real national output - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

This lesson builds on learners understanding of macroeconomic equilibrium, we look at the word means and how it looks like on a diagram (with both LRAS types). We look at two scenarios, one of England hosting the world cup in 2020 and the other being the latest budget announced by Rishi Sunak in 2021 - students discuss the effects of this on the macroeconomy. A research task and we end with a box plenary. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Circular flow of income - Injections & withdrawals - A Level Economics

Circular flow of income - Injections & withdrawals - A Level Economics

This double lesson introduces learners to the circular flow of income, we start by looking at what this model is and how it is made up. We look at the difference between income and wealth before looking at injections and withdrawals into the circular flow. Animated diagrams of the circular flow to show how money circulates between the parties. A number of consolidation tasks including a 6 mark exam question - all with answers provided. Two links to kahoot quizzes and a box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 2 - 2.3 Aggregate supply

Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 2 - 2.3 Aggregate supply

2 Resources
This 3 lesson bundle covers: 2.3.1 The characteristics of AS & 2.3.2 Short-run aggregate supply 2.3.3 Long-run aggregate supply - double lesson Filled with examples/images, activities, exam style questions, concise model answers and quizzes to consolidate learning in an engaging way. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
2.3.3 Long-run aggregate supply (LRAS) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

2.3.3 Long-run aggregate supply (LRAS) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

This double lesson introduces learners to long-run aggregate supply, we start by looking at the classical and keynes models, with a discussion on spare capacity to understand the keynes version. Step-by-step animated diagrams with explanations so it is easy for students to understand and for the teacher to deliver. We then look at the factors which can shift LRAS. Lots of practice questions with illustrated answers so students know if they are on the right track. In the second part of the lesson, students combine their knowledge on AD and AS, we read a case study on rising house prices and attempt a question on the effects on AD and AS. A model answer is provided and students can peer assess with the marking grid. Two links to kahoot quizzes to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
2.3.1 + 2 Short-run aggregate supply (SRAS) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

2.3.1 + 2 Short-run aggregate supply (SRAS) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

This lesson introduces learners to aggregate supply, we start by looking at what AS is and why the curve slopes upwards (so students understand the difference between micro and macro supply curve), we go through each factor that can affect the the short run aggregate supply curve before students attempt a consolidation task of drawing shifts in SRAS. We then join AD with AS to illustrate the macroeconomic equilibrium. A set of questions which can affect either AD or SRAS with answers and step by step animated diagrams included. A link to a kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 2 - 2.2 Aggregate demand

Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 2 - 2.2 Aggregate demand

4 Resources
This 5 lesson bundle covers: 2.2.1 The characteristics of aggregate demand (AD) 2.2.2 Consumption © 2.2.3 Investment (I) 2.2.4 Government expenditure (G) & 2.2.5 Net trade (X-M) - double lesson Filled with real life examples, activities, exam style questions, concise model answers and quizzes to consolidate learning in an engaging way. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
2.2.1 The characteristics of aggregate demand (AD) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

2.2.1 The characteristics of aggregate demand (AD) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

This lesson introduces learners to the components of aggregate demand before looking at each component in greater detail later in the course. We start by breaking down the definition of aggregate demand to undestand the components involved. We look at the AD curve and understand why it slopes downwards and why it is different to the micro demand curve although looks the same. We look at movements and shifts in the AD curve and students have the opportunity to practice drawing the diagram with shifts - answers provided. A box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
2.2.4 Government expenditure (G) & 2.2.5 Net trade (Exports - Imports) - Theme 2 A Level Economics

2.2.4 Government expenditure (G) & 2.2.5 Net trade (Exports - Imports) - Theme 2 A Level Economics

This double lesson introduces learners to the final two components of aggregate demand - government expenditure (G) and net trade (exports - imports). We start with a recap on investment before looking at different categories of government spending. We then look at some recent examples of how much government has spent as well as the 2021 budget by Rishi Sunak. Students can see the difference between a budget deficit and the national debt. A short exam style question on the increase in tax allowance with a model answer on the following slide. In the second lesson, we look at net trade and factors which affect the UKs net trade balance. An 8 mark question with a model answer for students to look at for improvements to own answers. We finish with a true and false quiz and a box plenary. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
2.2.3 Investment (I) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

2.2.3 Investment (I) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

This lesson introduces learners to investment as part of aggregate demand. We have a recap of consumption before looking at what investment in Economics means, including the difference between gross and net investment. We then look at the influences on investment with examples, a link to a BBC article for context and a set of questions with answers on the following slide. We also look at a case study of when UK business confidence was low - an 8 mark question on this with guidance and a concise model answer. We finish with a box plenary to consolidate. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
2.2.2 Consumption (C) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

2.2.2 Consumption (C) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

This lesson introduces learners to one of the components of AD - consumption! We start with a recap of AD before looking at what consumption and disposable income is, we look at examples of where consumption comes from, marginal propensity to consume, save and APC formulas. A calculation task for consolidate the marginal propensity to consume. Some diagram practice before ending with a box plenary. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
2.2.1 The characteristics of aggregate demand (AD) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

2.2.1 The characteristics of aggregate demand (AD) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

This lesson introduces learners to the components of aggregate demand before looking at each component in greater detail later in the course. We start by breaking down the definition of aggregate demand to undestand the components involved. We look at the AD curve and understand why it slopes downwards and why it is different to the micro demand curve although looks the same. We look at movements and shifts in the AD curve and students have the opportunity to practice drawing the diagram with shifts - answers provided. A box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 2 - 2.1 Measures of economic performance

Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 2 - 2.1 Measures of economic performance

4 Resources
This 10 lesson bundle covers: 2.1.1 Economic growth - 3 lessons 2.1.2 Inflation - 2-3 lessons 2.1.3 Employment and unemployment - 2-3 lessons 2.1.4 Balance of payments Filled with real life examples, activities, exam style questions, concise model answers and kahoot quizzes to consolidate learning in an engaging way. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
2.1.4 Balance of payments (current account surplus & deficit) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

2.1.4 Balance of payments (current account surplus & deficit) - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

This free lesson introduces learners to the balance of payments, with a focus on the current account. We start with gaining a basic understanding of imports, exports, goods and services before introducing the idea of an account for the UK’s international trade. We look at the difference between a surplus and a deficit and where it comes from. We also look at recent figures of the current account deficit to put things into perspective followed by consolidation of knowledge and relevant videos on the topic. A link to a kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
2.1.3 Employment and unemployment - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

2.1.3 Employment and unemployment - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

This set of resources includes 2x PPT, 2x word files and can be delivered over 2-3 lessons. Learners are introduced to employment and unenmployment. We start by learning about the two key measures of unemployment in the UK with activities, two short exam style questions with answers to consolidate before looking at the different types of unemployment that exist. We also look at the difference between unemployed and underemployed. In the second powerpoint, there is a focus on exam technique, we look at the effects of migration and then an essay exam style question on the impact on employment in the UK. We look at costs of unemployment to various parties before playing a kahoot on unemployment and finishing off with a box plenary. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
2.1.2 Inflation - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

2.1.2 Inflation - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

This set of resources includes 2x PPT, 2x word files and can be delivered over 2-3 lessons. Learners are introduced to the concept of inflation. We start by talking about how prices have changed hugely compared to the 1960s and 70s to stimulate students on the topic. We look at what inflation is, how it is measured, changes to the basket in 2021, cost push and demand pull causes, effects of inflation on consumers, firms, workers and the government - all with relevant examples, exam questions with model answers are provided too. In the second lesson, we build on this by looking at index numbers and their uses, particularly when looking at inflation. Finally, we look at the limitations of the CPI index and finish off with a kahoot. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
2.1.1 Economic growth - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

2.1.1 Economic growth - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Economics

This bundle of 3 lessons introduces learners to economic growth and a range of concepts within economic growth such as real vs nominal GDP, total GDP vs per capita and GNP. We start by looking at GDP charts to identify areas of growth and recession. We look at real life examples of countries with positive and negative growth with stimulating discussions. We also look at the limitations of using GDP as a measure of standard of living - a 12 mark question with a concise model answer for students to look before peer assessing and making improvements to WWW and EBI. Finally, we look at happiness and how it is really included when measuring how well an economy is performing, we look at the 7 factors that determine happiness as identified by Laynard. Purchasing power is compared with a great example from spending in India compared to the UK. A link to a kahoot quiz to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 1 (COMPLETE COURSE)

Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 1 (COMPLETE COURSE)

20 Resources
New for 2021 - This bundle for Edexcel’s A Level Economics Theme 1 is the ultimate pack for teachers delivering this course. Captivating powerpoints, the highest quality, unrivalled lesson experiences from start to finish. Filled with real life examples and step-by-step animated diagrams. Please have a look at individual files to see previews. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you Note: 1.1.6 free market, command and mixed economies and 1.3.1 types of market failure are free downloads in the shop so not included in this bundle Theme 1 - Introduction to markets and market failure
Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 1 - 1.4 Government intervention

Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 1 - 1.4 Government intervention

2 Resources
This 3 lesson bundle covers: 1.4.1 Government intervention in markets - double lesson 1.4.2 Government failure Filled with examples, activities and kahoot quizzes to consolidate learning in an engaging way. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
1.4.2 Government failure - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Economics

1.4.2 Government failure - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Economics

This lesson introduces learners to government failure, we look at reasons that can cause a net welfare loss to society through distortion of price signals, unintended consequences, excessive admin costs and information failure. Three links to kahoot quizzes on all of theme 1 to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you