6 page document (3033 words) containing detailed bullet-pointed notes on various important debates about the Iliad’s origins. Sections: the composition of the Iliad, the debate on whether its techniques appear ‘literary’ or are compatible with oral composition, and whether the Iliad depicts a real historical society.
Detailed examples from the text to support potential arguments, and references to different schools of thought and influential scholars such as Parry.
I compiled a list of vocab which pupils I was tutoring for Latin 13+ regularly found confusing or mixed up in translations - this proved extremely helpful.
Attached a copy with English meanings and a Latin-only copy that can be used as a vocab test.
Step-by-step, easy to follow guide on how to approach a Latin translation. Helpful tool for pupils who get in a muddle with the word order. I tend to use this with 13+ or Y8-9 pupils.
Detailed summary of Books 1 to 5 of Virgil’s Aeneid. 9 pages total. Focus on plot, imagery and important Homeric or Augustan parallels. Useful for revision.
Latin crossword practising vocab, verb conjugation and noun cases. Created for pupils revising for 13+ entrance exams (also appropriate for end of year9/beginning year10).
A Latin crossword, inspired by the style in the The Times on Saturdays.
Clues are a mixture of literature, vocab, history and Harry Potter (some mildly cryptic, others straightforward translation).