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Living with hazards - AQA A Level Geography - Scheme of work

Living with hazards - AQA A Level Geography - Scheme of work

A scheme of work for the Living with hazards topic, this has been edited and compiled together from a range of other resources but has been a half-terms worth of work making it suitable for my pupils. On occasions, it requires the use of the Hodder Education A level textbook and the Oxford A level text books and articles that are mentioned but haven’t been uploaded for copyright reasons. Lessons are as follows: 1 - The concept of a hazard. What is a hazard? Different types of hazard Risk, vulnerability and responses Hazard management 2 - Plate tectonics Plate tectonics Plate margins and landforms Magma plumes 3 - Volcanoes Vulcanicity Impacts, responses and management Mt. Nyiragongo 4 - Earthquakes Seismicity Impacts, responses and management Prediction and mitigation Tohoku - multi-hazardous area 5 - Storms Tropical storms Impacts, responses and management 6 - Wildfires What are wildfires? Impacts, responses and management Earth on fire Alberta
Coastal systems and landscapes - AQA A Level Geography - Full scheme of work

Coastal systems and landscapes - AQA A Level Geography - Full scheme of work

A scheme of work for the Coastal systems and landscapes topic, this has been edited and compiled together from a range of other resources but has been a half-terms worth of work making it suitable for my pupils. On occasions, it requires the use of the Hodder Education A level textbook and the Oxford A level text books and articles that are mentioned but haven’t been uploaded for copyright reasons. L1 and L2 - Coastal Systems L3 and L4 - Waves L5 - Sediment cells L6 - Geomorphological processes L7 - Erosional landforms L8 - Erosion of a headland L9 - Depositional landforms - beaches L10 - Depositional landforms - spits L11 - Depositional landforms - sand dunes L12 - Salt marshes L13 - Sea level change L14 - Sea level change landforms L15 - Contemporary sea level change L16 - Knowledge test L17 - Hard and soft engineering L18 - Human intervention on the coast L19 and L20 - Odisha case study L21 - Holderness coast case study
Changing Places - AQA A Level Geography - Full scheme of work

Changing Places - AQA A Level Geography - Full scheme of work

A scheme of work for the Changing Places topic, this has been edited and compiled together from a range of other resources but has been a half-terms worth of work making it suitable for my pupils. On occasions, it requires the use of the Hodder Education A level textbook and the Oxford A level text books and articles that are mentioned but haven’t been uploaded for copyright reasons. Lessons are as follows: L1 - What is place L2 - Sense of place L3 - Perception of place L4 - Social and spatial exclusion L5 - Categories of place L6 - Perception vs. sense of place L7 - Endogenous vs exogenous factors L8 - Characteristics of place L9 - Place identity L10 - Clone towns L11 - Representation of place L12 - Changing representation of place L13 - Changing representation of Dharavi L14 - Regeneration (B’ham UK) L15 - Gentrification L16 - Suburbanisation L17 - Counterurbanisation L18 - Local place study - Bangkok
Ecosystems Under Stress - AQA A Level Geography - Full scheme of work

Ecosystems Under Stress - AQA A Level Geography - Full scheme of work

A scheme of work for the ecosystems under stress topic, this has been edited and compiled together from a range of other resources but has been a half-terms worth of work making it suitable for my pupils. On occasions, it requires the use of the Hodder Education A level textbook and the Oxford A level text books and articles that are mentioned but haven’t been uploaded for copyright reasons. Lessons are as follows: L1 - Introduction and key terms L2 - Energy in ecosystems L3 - Exam Q practice L4 - Biodiversity trends L5 - Ecosystem services L6 - Succession L7 - Nutrient cycles L8 - Biomes L9 - Tropical rainforests L10 - Savanna L11 - Coral reefs L12 - Sundarbans (Regional CS) L13 - Carding Mill Valley and the Long Mynd (Local CS)