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Hamlet Study Guide

Hamlet Study Guide

Hamlet Study Guide Sources of the Play Profiles of Major Characters Basic Plot Synopsis Scene by Scene Analysis The Setting of the Play Tragedy and Catharsis Hamlet as a Tragedy Images, Symbols, Motifs and Themes Key Quotations and Commentaries Possible Essay Titles Hamlet - Quotes on Themes
Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to Psychology

Brief Introduction to Psychology What is Psychology? Pseudopsychology Pop psychology Empirical vs Anecdotal Evidence Nature vs Nurture Careers in Psychology
Media Studies Module

Media Studies Module

Over 600 slides Media Studies PowerPoints Set What is Mass Media ? Semiotics Camera Angles Media Consumption Creative Media Magazine Media Unit Magazines Broadsheets and Tabloids Reading Advertisements Articles HOW TO WRITE A NEWSPAPER ARTICLE Reading Non-fiction Have we got what it takes to be a journalist The Power of Advertising Analyzing ads - Visual and Diction Advertising Across Platforms Media Bias Music Industry Newsworthiness Who controls the Press?
Sing Street Booklet

Sing Street Booklet

Sing Street Booklet Introduction to Film Techniques/Vocabulary Camera Shots and Angles Details of the Film Character List Setting Plot Summary Music in the Film Review of the Film Key Moment 1: Opening Scene Key Moment 2: Starting the Band Key Moment 3: Conor and Raphina Key Moment 4: Brother Baxter Attacks Key Moment 5: Parents’ Split Key Moment 6: Brendan’s Breakdown Key Moment 7: Drive It Like You Stole It Key Moment 8: The Dance Key Moment 9: Ending Scene
Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Notes

Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Notes

Poem No. 1 Inniskeen Road: July Evening Poem No. 2 Shancoduff Poem No. 3 A Christmas Childhood Poem No. 4 Lines Written on a seat on the Grand Canal, Dublin Poem No. 5 Epic Poem No. 6 Advent
Junior Certificate English CBA- Oral Communication - Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) Guide Workbook

Junior Certificate English CBA- Oral Communication - Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) Guide Workbook

Junior Certificate English - Oral Communication - Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) 10 page Student Preparation workbook Overview sheet and workbook that guides students through the task from ideas to performance Plan your topic and delivery method Research your topic Write the script Perform it in front of the class Complete a written Student Reflection Note. Space for student planning, research and writing of task Infographics on speeches and oral performance Flashcard cutouts *Reflection note