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Nick & Bethan Redshaw's A-Level Psychology Resources

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Nick and Bethan are co-authors of the highly successful independent learner series of student workbooks and have been teaching A level Psychology since 1999 and involved in Examining for over 15 years.




Nick and Bethan are co-authors of the highly successful independent learner series of student workbooks and have been teaching A level Psychology since 1999 and involved in Examining for over 15 years.
Animation Bundle - Social Influence

Animation Bundle - Social Influence

5 Resources
These animations cover the AQA Psychology compulsory content for Social Influence for specific details click on each resource for more details. Individual price £12.00 Bundle price £8.00 (Saving 33%) Ideal for engaging those visual and auditory learners and consolidation of classroom learning can be easily added to school VLE's and learning platforms. Also ideal for private study and last minute revision.
Classroom Activities - Social Influences Quiz, Games and Puzzles Pack

Classroom Activities - Social Influences Quiz, Games and Puzzles Pack

4 Resources
Classroom Activities - Originally published for Christmas download our game, quizzes and puzzles bundle with and without Christmas Logo for use all year. Ideal as a starter, AFL, group tasks, games or simply revision for the January Mocks and Summer Exams These quizzes, games and puzzles covers the Paper 1 Social Influence content on the Types and Explanations of Conformity
SPECIAL OFFER (Save 32%) -  Research Methods Additional Content Bundle

SPECIAL OFFER (Save 32%) - Research Methods Additional Content Bundle

4 Resources
Don't get caught out by not teaching your students how to calculate inferential tests it is part of the mathematical criteria of the specification use of a statistical test for example, calculating a non-parametric test of differences using data from a given experiment. If you have overlooked this don't despair download this bundle. This very popular research methods workbook and power-point is now in a bundle by popular demand and is an absolute must (+ 2 Free Posters) Written by leading authors Nick and Bethan Redshaw specifically for the AQA Psychology Specification and covers Research Methods Year 2 Additional Content On completion of this unit you should be familiar with the following: Week 7 - Research methods 1. Research Methods a. Content analysis, coding and Thematic analysis b. Case studies. 2. Scientific processes a. Types of validity across all methods of investigation: face validity, concurrent validity, ecological validity and temporal validity. Assessment of validity. Improving validity. b. Features of science: objectivity and the empirical method; replicability and falsifiability; theory construction and hypothesis testing; paradigms and paradigm shifts. c. Reporting psychological investigations. Sections of a scientific report: abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion and referencing. 3. Data handling and analysis a. Analysis and interpretation of correlation, including correlation coefficients. b. Levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal and interval (covered in 4b). c. Content analysis and coding. Thematic analysis (covered in 1a). 4. Inferential testing a. Probability and significance: Type I and Type II errors b. Factors affecting the choice of statistical test, including level of measurement: nominal, ordinal and interval data and experimental design. When to use the following tests: Spearman’s rho, Pearson’s r, Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, related t-test, unrelated t-test and Chi-Squared test. c. The use of statistical tables and critical values in interpretation of significance; d. Introduction to statistical testing; the sign test. Including the mathematical criteria the calculation of non-parametric tests
Video Lesson 10 - Improving the accuracy of EWT, including the use of the cognitive interview

Video Lesson 10 - Improving the accuracy of EWT, including the use of the cognitive interview

Presented by Nick Redshaw - This 10 minute Video Presentation covers Improving the accuracy of eyewitness testimony, including the use of the cognitive interview section of our popular student workbook and includes discussion on the questions and suggested answers to questions within the our workbook. This presentation is ideal for creating the flipped classroom - simply post this on your VLE or Edmodo, and get your students to look at it before your lesson it is best used in conjunction with our workbooks that you can download here or get your students to buy their own print copy exclusively through Amazon (save on your photocopying budget). Ideal as part of sustained lessons or revision and will help your students achieve outstanding progress over time.
PowerPoint - Research Methods - Week 1 The Experimental Methods

PowerPoint - Research Methods - Week 1 The Experimental Methods

NEED a Lesson? Save yourself HOURS and HOURS of planning and preparation time. This PowerPoint fully supports our popular Research Methods Section of our Popular Student Workbooks and covers the following:: Week 1 - The Experimental Methods Learning Objectives On completion of this section you should be familiar with the following: 1. Key features of the experimental method · The aim: stating aims, the difference between aims and hypotheses · Hypotheses: directional and non-directional · Variables: manipulation and control of variables, including independent, dependent, extraneous, confounding; operationalisation of variables · Control: random allocation and counterbalancing, randomisation and standardisation. Demand characteristics and investigator effects. 2. Experimental methods. Types of experiment, laboratory and field experiments; natural and quasi-experiments and their strengths and limitations 3. Experimental designs: repeated measures, independent groups, matched pairs 4. Pilot studies and the aims of piloting FOR FURTHER SUPPORT CHECK OUT - This Lesson on our Twiiter Moments https://twitter.com/i/moments/956450738196148224
Option 2 Eating Behaviour Week 16 Powerpoint - Explanations for Anorexia Nervosa

Option 2 Eating Behaviour Week 16 Powerpoint - Explanations for Anorexia Nervosa

Nick & Bethan are proud to have worked with top independent and state schools since 2004 developing 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources that have helped many students achieve results above that of the national average. " Nick and Bethan your student workshop was fantastic pitched at the right level, we will definitely be using you again next year for both Year 12 and Year 13 - excellent resources" Inner London School. This Independent Learner Powerpoint covers the following Learning Objectives: Option 2 Eating Behaviour Week 16 - Explanations for Anorexia Nervosa 1. Biological explanations for anorexia nervosa, including genetic and neural explanations. 2. Psychological explanations for anorexia nervosa: · family systems theory, including enmeshment, autonomy and control; · social learning theory, including modelling, reinforcement and media; · cognitive theory, including distortions and irrational beliefs. Our complete Teacher Resource Pack (TRP) is available for only £595 and includes all our year 1 and year 2 teaching and learning resources or if budgets are tight for only £30 we will set up your own bespoke TRP which you can add to at your own pace. Contact us for further information on information@advancedsuccess.co.uk
PSYA3 Topic 4 Aggression (AQA Old Specification)

PSYA3 Topic 4 Aggression (AQA Old Specification)

From leading AQA Psychology authors Nick and Bethan Redshaw. This work booklet looks at the popular key topic:- Aggression. It has been specifically developed to give you all the information you need to be able to achieve outstanding success in this section of the Unit 3 (PSYA3) AQA A2 exam. This workbook includes textbook style content, self study activities and exam style questions. Over the years students and teachers using our materials have achieved results above that of the national average. All the material is designed to help and guide you through the learning process and to develop strong evaluation and analysis skills.
PSYA3 Topic 5 Eating Behaviour (AQA Old Specification)

PSYA3 Topic 5 Eating Behaviour (AQA Old Specification)

From leading AQA Psychology authors Nick and Bethan Redshaw. This work booklet looks at the popular key topic:- Eating Behaviour. It has been specifically developed to give you all the information you need to be able to achieve outstanding success in this section of the Unit 3 (PSYA3) AQA A2 exam. This workbook includes textbook style content, self study activities and exam style questions. Over the years students and teachers using our materials have achieved results above that of the national average. All the material is designed to help and guide you through the learning process and to develop strong evaluation and analysis skills.
PSYA4 Section B Addictive Behaviour (AQA Old Specification)

PSYA4 Section B Addictive Behaviour (AQA Old Specification)

From leading AQA Psychology authors Nick and Bethan Redshaw. This work booklet looks at the popular key topic:- Addictive Behaviour. It has been specifically developed to give you all the information you need to be able to achieve outstanding success in this section of the Unit 4 (PSYA4) AQA A2 exam. This workbook includes textbook style content, self study activities and exam style questions. Over the years students and teachers using our materials have achieved results above that of the national average. All the material is designed to help and guide you through the learning process and to develop strong evaluation and analysis skills.
Powerpoint - AQA New Specification - 9.2 The Working memory Model

Powerpoint - AQA New Specification - 9.2 The Working memory Model

Save yourself HOURS and HOURS of planning and preparation time. The comprehensive powerpoint fully supports our popular student workbook section on the The Working Memory Model of Memory also available to download from TES https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-new-specification-year-1-memory-11206995. Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE.
PSYA4 Section A Depression (Old Specification)

PSYA4 Section A Depression (Old Specification)

From leading AQA Psychology authors Nick and Bethan Redshaw. This work booklet looks at the popular key topic:- Depression. It has been specifically developed to give you all the information you need to be able to achieve outstanding success in this section of the Unit 4 (PSYA4) AQA A2 exam. This workbook includes textbook style content, self study activities and exam style questions. Over the years students and teachers using our materials have achieved results above that of the national average. All the material is designed to help and guide you through the learning process and to develop strong evaluation and analysis skills.
Powerpoint - AQA New Specification - 9.1 The Multi Store Model of Memory

Powerpoint - AQA New Specification - 9.1 The Multi Store Model of Memory

Save yourself HOURS and HOURS of planning and preparation time. The comprehensive powerpoint fully supports our popular student workbook section on the Multi-Store Model of Memory also availablehttps://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-new-specification-year-1-memory-11206995. Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE.
MTLP Lesson Plan - Week 28 Obessive Compulsive Disorder

MTLP Lesson Plan - Week 28 Obessive Compulsive Disorder

This Outstanding (OFSTED) Medium Term Lesson Plan covers the whole of Week 28 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Learning Objectives On completion of this week your students should be familiar with the following: 1. The behavioural, emotional and cognitive characteristics of OCD 2. The biological approach to explaining OCD; genetic and neural explanations 3. The biological approach to treating OCD; drug therapy This resources is best used alongside our other outstanding resources also found here on TES but we have made it available in Word Format and can be fully adapted with minimum effort to your own resources. Also contact us about you and your students joining our ONLINE Community for Live feedback and eAssessments
AFL25 QP and MS - Paper 2 - Definitions of Abnormality

AFL25 QP and MS - Paper 2 - Definitions of Abnormality

AFL25 - Question Paper and Mark Scheme - Definitions of Abnormality very useful for revision and the build up to the AS exams (Questions and Assessment are also available ONLINE with LIVE feedback contact Nick & Bethan for further details) - We use it week by week and our schools, student and parents love it. It must be stressed that our assessment for learning and mark schemes are working documents, updated and adapted year on year - developed and expanded on the basis of students’ reactions to a particular paper and senior examiner reports. Assumptions about mark schemes and future mark schemes that we create are based on all the current available STEM but whilst the guiding principles of assessment remain constant, details change year on year, depending on the content of a particular examination paper.