This powerpoint uses a range of photographs found on the internet.
When I taught this lesson, I shared the images, talked about the range of animals which can be found in Australia and then laid out three long sheets of lining paper. Each child was given a thick paintbrush and a pot of paint (white, black, brown, orange, green, red and yellow).
The children walked around each sheet, making long snake-like patterns, surrounded by dots. Once the sheets had dried, they were used as backing paper for a display about Aboriginal Art.
I also gave the children a small canvas board. They planned their image and then painted an Australian animal - surrounded by concentric lines of differing colours.
This sheet is useful for planning longer pieces of writing, including Big Write sessions.
It focuses around a pebble - could the pebble be a magic pebble? What could happen when you touch it?
This powerpoint was written for a school worship focusing on Ascension Day. I have also uploaded an accompanying Bible Reading which you may find useful.
The service is based on the idea that Ascension Day is the opposite of Christmas Day:
Christmas Day - Jesus came down from Heaven
Ascension Day - Jesus went up to Heaven
The Excel file includes the following multiplication/times tables: 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x 10x 11x 12x
You will need to print these sheets out on card. Cut each card out and group together as a set.
Each pair has one set of question cards and their answers. Take a card, read the question and find the answer.
One activity relating to Induction First Week with a new class, focusing on Comics. A range of different activities which break the ice easily. Good fun for both boys and girls.
Sporting Achievement Award - this certificate allows the teacher to reward children who have demonstrated an ability or interest in sports. This example uses a specific logo for a football team, but the image can easily be changed to something more suitable or appropriate.