for students studying AQA A-Level Spanish
for students studying La Casa de Bernarda Alba - Lorca
includes- themes, characters, key quotes, and techniques
for students studying Edexcel A-level history
for students studying Protest, Agitation and Parliamentary reform in Britain 1780-1928 (paper 3)
includes notes on; decline of crown and aristocracy, rise in the labour party, changes in the nature of political parties and changes in the composition of the House of Commons
for students studying AQA A-Level Spanish
for students studying La Casa de Bernarda Alba - Lorca
includes key characters, with explanations and key themes related to them
for students studying AQA A-LEVEL Spanish
for students studying Volver by Pedro Almodóvar
includes: characters, themes and social and historical context
written in spanish
for students studying Edexcel A-level history
for students studying South Africa- aparthied state to rainbow nation 1948-94
includes essay plans for all time periods
for students studying Edexcel A-Level History
for students studying protest, agitation and parliamentary reform in Britain
includes notes on changes to the franchise and redistribution of seats from 1780- 1928
for students who study Edexcel A-level history
for students who study South Africa- from aparhtied state to rainbow nation
includes knowledge cards on the whole period
for students who study Edexcel A-level history
for students who study South Africa- from apartheid state to rainbow nation 1948-94
simple grid for key events for the apartheid regime
for students studying Edexcel A-level History
for students studying Protest, Agitation and Parliamentary Reform in Britain (paper 3)
includes essays on Radical Reformers, Chartism, Contagious Diseases Acts, WSPU and Trade Unionism
for students studying Edexcel Government and Politics
including essay plans on- sovereignty and the nation state, theories of global politics, power and polarity and global governance
for students studying edexcel government and politics
includes key terms on; democracy and participation, pressure groups, electoral systems, constitution, prime minister and cabinet and parliament
for students studying edexcel government and politics
includes essay plans on; war and terrorism, nuclear proliferation, the environment, poverty and development and human rights
for students studying Edexcel A-level History
for students studying protest, agitation and parliamentary reform in Britain (paper 3)
includes notes on radical reformers, chartism, Contagious Diseases Acts, WSPU and Trade Unions
for students who study Edexcel A-Level History
for students who study In Search of an American Dream; USA 1917-1996
includes detailed notes on topics including: the changing political environment, the quest for civil rights, society and culture in change, the changing quality of life and the impact of Reagan’s Presidency
for students studying Edexcel government and politics
includes short questions and answers for Constitution, Prime Minister and Cabinet and Judiciary topics