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Geography AQA GCSE Paper 3 Revision
Learning Objectives: To know how to assess the effectiveness of data collection methods.
A PowerPoint lesson that covers quantitative and qualitative data, sample size, sampling methods, accuracy and reliability. There are worksheets, a lesson plan and practice exam questions included with the resource.

Geography - Rivers Complete Lessons SOW KS3 Bundle
This bundle includes the entire SOW on Rivers, aimed at Year 8 (KS3) but can be adapted higher or lower. Each lesson has a learning objective, starter (Do now), variety of tasks, worksheets and activities and plenaries.
Bundled together you can save £10 (33%)!
Lessons included:
L1 - What is the water cycle
L2 - What is a drainage basin
L3 - What are the different courses of a river
L4 - What are the different processes at work in a river
L5 - How are waterfalls formed
L6 - How are meanders and ox-bow lakes formed
L7 - What are the causes of flooding
L8 - How can we manage flood risk
L9 - Impacts of a flood in a developed and developing country & assessment
Bonus resources:
Geography Rivers - SOW
Geography Rivers - Homework
Geography Rivers - PLC

L2 - What is a drainage basin
A geography lesson to find out what a drainage basin is and fun tutorial for students to create their own drainage basin.
This lesson is part of the Rivers unit for KS3 (Year 8)
Learning objectives:
• To know the different parts of a river found in a drainage basin.

Excel Markbook Template
An Excel spreadsheet that can be used for any subject to easily input marks for assessments.
This sheet really saves me a lot of time, and could save you a lot of time too.
Key features:
Automatically works out percentage, grade, and residual (grade - target grade)
Colour coded based on students in the top/bottom 10%
Calculates average residual over multiple assessments.
Ranks students from highest residual to lowest residual.
Displays average residuals for males, females, HAP+, HAP, MAP, LAP, EAL, SEN, PP.
Easily print out spreadsheet and use for parents evening.

L6 - How are meanders and ox-bow lakes formed
A geography lesson to find out the key features of a meander, how they are formed, and eventually turn into ox-bow lakes.
This lesson is part of the Rivers unit for KS3 (Year 8)
Learning objectives:
• To know how to explain the formation of a meander and ox-bow lake.

L7 - What are the causes of flooding
A geography lesson to find out human and physical factors that can cause flooding and evaluate the flood risk of a village.
This lesson is part of the Rivers unit for KS3 (Year 8)
Learning objectives:
• To know the physical and human causes of flooding.

L8 - How can we manage flood risk
A geography lesson to find out the hard and soft engineering strategies to reduce the risk of flooding.
This lesson is part of the Rivers unit for KS3 (Year 8)
Learning objectives:
• To know the different river management strategies.

Excel Assessment Markbook Bundle
Two Excel spreadsheets to input and analyse data.
Assessment tracking markbook
QLA assessment tracking markbook (Geography AQA)

Parents Evening Excel Spreadsheet
Parents evening excel spreadsheet where you can input:
Time of appointment
Student/Parent name
Space for notes
Target grade
Grade in recent assessments
There is also a table to not down the previous, current and next topic in your subject.
Document can then easily be printed off and used to refer to during parents evening.

Excel QLA Markbook
A QLA (Question Level Analysis) excel markbook to easily input and show the areas of strength and weakness in your students.
This markbook is tailored for Geography AQA GCSE, however the amount of papers and total marks can be easily edited and the formulas will update automatically.
Automatically calculate total and percentage for each section of the paper and the overall total, percentage, grade.
Creates a residual mark (grade - target) for each paper and an average residual of all 3.
Average residuals for each paper are also calculated based on males, females, HAP, MAP, LAP, EAL, SEN, PP.
Can easily add/extend more classes.

L5 - How are waterfalls formed
A geography lesson to find out the key features of a waterfall and how it is formed.
This lesson is part of the Rivers unit for KS3 (Year 8)
Learning objectives:
• To understand the formation of a waterfall.

L3 - What are the different courses of a river
A geography lesson to learn about the different courses of a river with the opportunity to create a long profile of the river Severn by drawing a graph.
This lesson is part of the Rivers unit for KS3 (Year 8)
Learning objectives:
• To know the characteristics of the three different courses of a river.

Printable lined paper templates
Create lined paper by printing these templates!
There is a variety of sized lined paper to choose from, each with their own document.

L4 - What are the different processes at work in a river
A geography lesson to find out the different process that occur in a river (erosion, transportation, deposition).
This lesson is part of the Rivers unit for KS3 (Year 8)
Learning objectives:
• To understand the different processes operating in a river.

L9 - Impacts of a flood in a developed and developing country & assessment
A geography lesson to compare the impacts of a flood in a HIC and LIC, as well as completing a mini end of unit assessment.
This lesson is part of the Rivers unit for KS3 (Year 8)
Learning objectives:
• To know how to compare the impacts of a flood in a developed and developing country.
• To complete the end of unit assessment.

Geography River SOW KS3
SOW for Year 8 Geography - Rivers (KS3). Highlights the links to the national curriculum from this topic.
Breaks down lessons into:
Lesson number
Lesson Title
Learning Outcomes
Suggested Lesson Structure (including differentiation)
L1 - What is the water cycle
L2 - What is a drainage basin
L3 - What are the different courses of a river
L4 - What are the different processes at work in a river
L5 - How are waterfalls formed
L6 - How are meanders and ox-bow lakes formed
L7 - What are the causes of flooding
L8 - How can we manage flood risk
L9 - Impacts of a flood in a developed and developing country & assessment

Map Skills Maze
Worksheet with a variety of questions to do with map skills. Students objective is to move through the maze and answering the questions as they go.
Directions: Begin at the ‘Start Here!’ and answer the question. Use your answer to move to the next square. Continue until you get the ‘Finished’ square.

L1 - What is the water cycle
A geography lesson to find out what the water cycle is and the different processes that take place.
This lesson is part of the Rivers unit for KS3 (Year 8)
Learning objectives:
• Explain the flow of water in the water cycle
• Label and describe the processes in the water cycle
Slides come with teacher notes and links to youtube videos.

Geography Rivers - Homework
Selection of 3 homework task linked to the River SOW, aimed at year 8 KS3 but can be adapted.

L2 - What is a drainage basin
A geography lesson to find out what a drainage basin is and fun tutorial for students to create their own drainage basin.
This lesson is part of the Rivers unit for KS3 (Year 8)
Learning objectives:
• To know the different parts of a river found in a drainage basin.