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PE consultants Shop

Lots of really useful resources for PE subject leaders to use to monitor and improve their subject. Ideas and activities for teachers to use in order to teach better quality and enjoyable PE lessons and improve their subject knowledge in PE

Lots of really useful resources for PE subject leaders to use to monitor and improve their subject. Ideas and activities for teachers to use in order to teach better quality and enjoyable PE lessons and improve their subject knowledge in PE
Active English Ideas

Active English Ideas

A set of 10 idea cards for making English lessons more active. These cards can be used as starter activities, main lesson or to send home as active English homework.
Ofsted Deep Dive in PE document

Ofsted Deep Dive in PE document

This is a written account of what happened during an Ofsted Deep Dive into PE. All the questions that were asked and why Ofsted were happy with what was happening. The document also contains an example PE school vision and Curriculum overview map
PE Monitoring materials zip file

PE Monitoring materials zip file

A zip file to help you collate evidence when auditing and monitoring impact in PE. The file contains: _ Learning walk checklist _ Planning Scrutiny document _ Data analysis sheet _ Staff Questionnaire _Pupil voice Questions _ Governor Questionnaire _Parent Questionnaire _ Lunchtime Observation sheet _Lunchtime supervisor questionnaire _Swimming Questionnaire.
Physical Education Skills Progression Table

Physical Education Skills Progression Table

A list of progressive skills in Physical Education directly related to core national curriculum content with added ideas for progressions and teaching points in other aspects of PE related to life skills such as: fitness, mindset, fair play, leadership and decision making
Lunchtime Observation Sheet

Lunchtime Observation Sheet

A useful document to help you collate evidence of what happens at school lunchtimes. This will help you to baseline and audit your provision and then look at improvements once you’ve put actions in place.
Non Participant lanyard ideas for PE lessons

Non Participant lanyard ideas for PE lessons

Make your own non participant lanyards for children who are unable to take part in PE lessons. These will endure that all children have a role and are engaged in learning even if they cant take part with the physical element.
Preparing for a deep dive online learning course

Preparing for a deep dive online learning course

This online learning course will take you through everything you’ll need help you prepare for an Ofsted deep dive into PE. You’ll learn: What is an Ofsted Deep Dive, What questions you may be asked. There is then a section which will help you to write a vision for PE and review your curriculum overview map and progression of skills documents – giving you different examples to work from. It will also give examples of successful action planning and intent, implementation and impact statements for your website. On top of all of that it will help you consider what the school website and learning environment currently says about PE ,sport and health and will help you consider how these could work better for you.
Active learning - online course

Active learning - online course

This online learning course takes you through the theory and evidence on active learning; Why it’s important and what the benefits are. It then documents various ideas and activities for you to try out including: active learning practices in the classroom, delivering physical active lessons, running active learning interventions, and encouraging active homework. Packed full of ideas and resources this is sure to be a course you not only find useful but that you also find fun and engaging.
PE skills - 9 things to do with different play equipment

PE skills - 9 things to do with different play equipment

9 things to do - skills and tricks cards for: with a Hula hoop, with a beanbag, with a dance scarf, with a dance ribbon, with a football, with a cricket bat and ball, with bubbles, with a quoit, with a pom pom and on a bike. These cards are great to put with your lunchtime play equipment to give the children ideas of things to do and little challenges with the equipment. We have also made videos of each of the activities which can be viewed on our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEBOSQ3JE2aN9mROKGL-Lww