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Current Electricity - Circuits and Symbols - Classroom, Distance and Blended Learning KS3

Current Electricity - Circuits and Symbols - Classroom, Distance and Blended Learning KS3

2 Resources
Starting with the circuit symbols for the electrical components a battery, lamp, ammeter, voltmeter, switch, and resistor, this action-packed lesson then shows how to use them to construct circuit diagrams of both series circuits and parallel circuits from sketches and descriptions of electrical circuits. The two packs in this resource allow the same lesson to be taught to students whether they are in a classroom or distance learning at home. The classroom resource consists of an animated 15 slide PowerPoint and 12varied and exciting printables including a foldable, cut-and-stick and progress check. The one-page flowchart lesson plan shows where choices can be made between the printables so that the teacher can select the activities to suit the exact needs of their class. The distance learning pack consists of a 49 slide animated PowerPoint which, not only teaches the science but also how to gain maximum benefit from distance learning. The PowerPoint has been designed to replace the teacher by providing structure, sequence, knowledge and answers. Additional worksheets, cut-outs, foldable and progress check provide a familiar medium for students to develop and test their knowledge, continue to develop their literacy skills and use their creativity to organise their learning and assess their progress. These can be printed off by the student or provided by school. There is also a short digital test/homework which can be returned to the teacher. The practical, whether real time in the classroom of simulated for distance learning, takes the student through planning, designing a table and drawing conclusions from a given set of typical results. Objective To be able to recognise and draw the symbols for a battery, lamp, voltmeter, ammeter, switch, resistor and motor. To be able to draw simple and more complex circuit diagrams from sketches of circuits with actual apparatus. To be able to recognise and draw series and parallel circuits. Click on the resource for more details on the content of each pack. More high quality resources available here. Elf Off the Shelf Resources Other hybrid learning current electricity resources for middle school Current, Voltage and Resistance - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Conductors and Insulators - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Circuits and Symbols - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Current in Series and Parallel - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Lamps in Series and Parallel - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Voltage in Series & Parallel - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Batteries and Current - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Batteries and Voltage - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning for KS3 Current and Resistance - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning KS3 Intro to Current electricity 3 - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning KS3 Ohms Law - Classroom, Distance & Blennded Learning for KS3 Switches in Series and Parallel - Classroom, Distance and Blended Learning for KS3 Intro to Current Electricity 4
Current Electricity in Series and Parallel Circuits Explained KS3

Current Electricity in Series and Parallel Circuits Explained KS3

Measuring current in series and parallel circuits – the animated PowerPoint of this resource demonstrates and explains where to place the ammeter in each type of circuit and then provides sample sets of results to enable students to draw conclusions. Students will also practice drawing circuit diagrams from descriptions and designing results tables. Ultimately pupils will be able to calculate unknown currents using given currents on circuit diagrams. What it covers Current is measured in amps (A). Ammeters measure current. An ammeter is placed in series with the component whose current is being measured. The current is the same at all points in a series circuit. The current in all the branches of a parallel circuit add up to the current leaving/returning to the battery. Working out the unknown current from a circuit diagram. Practice in drawing circuit diagrams from descriptions Practice in designing results tables. Resources Animated 14 slide PowerPoint- includes exit ticket /plenary quiz Cut and stick Anticipation guide (starter and plenary) Flip It Taboo Cards Worksheet for practical Fact sheet Foldable Fact Share Worksheet Exit ticket template ABC card template Differentiated homework/classwork worksheets PowerPoint with answers /detailed mark schemes for homework/classwork sheets-pupils can self-assess or peer assess. An easy to follow one-page flow chart lesson plan indicates where logical choices between resources can be made. With 15 printables, teachers can opt to bespoke their lesson to take account of the ability of their students and time available. A one page lesson plan flow chart shows where logical choices between resources can be made. More high quality resources on many topics available here Elf Off the Shelf Shop Links to other resources in this series. Current, Voltage and Resistance - What Are They? Conductors and Insulators Circuits and Symbols Intro to Current Electricity Current Electricity - Everything You Need
Current Electricity How Does Adding Batteries to an Electrical Circuit Affect the Current? Why? KS3

Current Electricity How Does Adding Batteries to an Electrical Circuit Affect the Current? Why? KS3

What happens to the current when you add batteries to a circuit? This fully resourced lesson comes with an animated PowerPoint which explains how a battery produces current then guides the student through planning an investigation to discover what happens when the number of batteries is increased. If the apparatus is not available for a lab, a set of results is provided for students to use to draw a conclusion. What’s Covered A battery has a positive and negative terminal. The long line in the battery symbol represents the positive terminal. Batteries are connected positive to negative. A battery contains chemicals. An electric current is a flow of electrons which pick up energy from the battery. As batteries are added to a circuit the lamp gets brighter. A battery provides the push or voltage to make current flow in a circuit. The higher the voltage of a battery the more current flows in the circuit. Current increases as batteries are added to a circuit. Be able to make a prediction and design an experiment to investigate the relationship between the number of batteries and current. Be able to draw a bar graph. Be able to calculate the output of a number of batteries from known numbers of batteries, voltages and currents. Be able to explain how electrons supply energy to components in a circuit without becoming used up themselves. Resources Animated 14 slide PowerPoint- includes exit ticket /plenary quiz Cut and stick Anticipation guide (starter and plenary) Flip It Taboo Cards Worksheet for practical Fact sheet Foldable Fact Share Worksheet Exit ticket template ABC card template Differentiated homework/classwork worksheets PowerPoint with answers /detailed mark schemes for homework/classwork sheets-pupils can self-assess or peer assess. An easy to follow one-page flow chart lesson plan indicates where logical choices between resources can be made if required. With 15 printables available, teachers can opt to tailor their lesson to take account of the ability of their students and time available if so required. Elf Off the Shelf Shop Links to other resources in this series. Intro to Current Electricity 1 Intro to Current Electricity 2 Intro to Current Electricity 3 Current Electricity - Everything You Need
Current Electricity - Current and Resistance - Classroom, Distance and Blended Learning KS3

Current Electricity - Current and Resistance - Classroom, Distance and Blended Learning KS3

2 Resources
The two packs in this resource allow the same lesson to be taught to students whether they are in a classroom or distance learning at home. It facilitates blended learning and provides equality of opportunity for students who are unable to attend school. The classroom resource consists of an animated 18 slide PowerPoint and 13 varied and exciting printables including a foldable, cut-and-stick and progress check. The one-page flowchart lesson plan shows where choices can be made between the printables so that the teacher can select the activities to suit the exact needs of their class. The distance learning pack consists of a 43 slide animated PowerPoint which, not only teaches the science but also how to gain maximum benefit from distance learning. The PowerPoint has been designed to replace the teacher by providing structure, sequence, knowledge and answers. Additional worksheets, cut-outs, foldable and progress check provide a familiar medium for students to develop and test their knowledge, continue to develop their literacy skills and use their creativity to organise their learning and assess their progress. These can be printed off by the student or provided by school. There is also a short digital test/homework which can be returned to the teacher. The practical, whether real time in the classroom of simulated for distance learning, takes the student through planning, designing a table and drawing conclusions from a given set of typical results. Objective Know that current is a flow of electrons through a conductor. Know that batteries contain chemicals which provide the push or voltage to make current flow. I know that electrons collide with metal ions in a conductor and loose the energy they picked up from the battery with each collision. Know that resistance increases with the number of metal ions. I know that collisions slow down electric current. Be able to design an experiment and a results table. draw circuit diagrams from a description. Be able to draw a bar graph independently. Be able to explain the relationship between resistance and current. Click on the resource for more details on the content of each pack. More high quality resources available here. Elf Off the Shelf Resources Other hybrid learning current electricity resources for middle school Current, Voltage and Resistance - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Conductors and Insulators - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Circuits and Symbols - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Current in Series and Parallel - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Lamps in Series and Parallel - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Voltage in Series & Parallel - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Batteries and Current - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning Batteries and Voltage - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning for KS3 Current and Resistance - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning KS3 Intro to Current electricity 3 - Classroom, Distance & Blended Learning KS3
Current and Resistance in an Electrical Circuit The Relationship Explained KS3

Current and Resistance in an Electrical Circuit The Relationship Explained KS3

What happens to the current when the resistance in an electrical circuit increases? This fully resourced lesson comes with a PowerPoint which uses animations to demonstrate current as a flow of electrons, metal ions as the cause of resistance and conductors having high and low resistance, then guides the student through planning an investigation to discover what happens to the current when the resistance is increased. If the apparatus is not available for a lab, a set of results is provided for students to use to draw a conclusion. What’s Covered Resistance is the result of electrons colliding with the metal ions in a conductor. Resistance increases with the number of metal ions such as in a longer wire. Plan experiment to investigate the relationship between resistance and current by adding lamps to a circuit and predict the outcome. Draw up a results table. Draw a bar graph of the results of the experiment. Draw a conclusion What You Get Animated 17 slide PowerPoint - includes exit ticket /plenary quiz Cut and stick Anticipation guide(starter and plenary) Flip It Taboo Cards Worksheet for practical Fact sheet Foldable Fact Share Worksheet Exit ticket template ABC card template 2 Differentiated homework/classwork worksheets Flow chart lesson plan PowerPoint with answers /detailed mark schemes for homework/classwork sheets-pupils can self-assess or peer assess. Elf Off the Shelf Shop Links to other resources in this series. Intro to Current Electricity 1 Intro to Current Electricity 2 Intro to Current Electricity 3 Current Electricity - Everything You Need
Forces - The Complete Module for KS3 Plus Two Pre-test Revision Lessons

Forces - The Complete Module for KS3 Plus Two Pre-test Revision Lessons

11 Resources
Nine, action-packed, fully resourced and engaging forces topics including: What is a Force; Weight and Mass; What is Friction: Air Resistance; Balanced and Unbalanced Forces; Pressure; Speed; Moments; Hooke’s Law Each topic has a fully animated PowerPoint and 14 or 15 printables to allow teachers to select resources appropriate to pupil ability and time available. Answers and mark schemes for all worksheets and homework are given on PowerPoints to make self-assessment and peer assessment easier. Each topic comes with detailed learning outcomes and a one-page flow chart lesson plan showing where logical choices between resources can be made. The two review lessons are extremely useful tools to check for understanding which can be used as a final lessons for the module or as review lessons prior to testing. All resources shown in these bundle are also available individually Forces Module 1 - Force, Weight & Mass, Friction, Balanced & Unba Forces Module 2 - Moments, Speed, Pressure & Hooke’s Law The Complete Forces Module ( Module 2 + Module 2) 7 Game Compendium for Module 1 6 Game Compendium for Module 2 Forces - 13 Game Compendium Lots more resources for forces at my shop? Elf Off the Shelf Resources
Current Electricity KS3 - The Complete Module

Current Electricity KS3 - The Complete Module

14 Resources
This one-stop-shop for current electricity at KS3 takes pupils from understanding the terms current, voltage and resistance and the relationship between them, through current and voltage in series and parallel circuits, the resistance of conductors and insulators and how this is used to create components and finishes with Ohms Law. A free bonus package of a board game, card sort and smart board quiz are included. The module is divided into 11 fully-resourced, differentiated and engaging topics with the 11 animated PowerPoints and 147 assorted printables making even the more difficult concepts easy to understand. In ten of the topics, after explaining the concept, the PowerPoint takes pupils through conducting and, where appropriate, designing an experiment with results tables. Pupils then explain their results using the theory they were taught at the start. Each PowerPoint ends with an animated class exit ticket quiz giving instant feedback on learning to both teacher and pupil. In the 39 worksheets/homeworks emphasis is placed on assessment for learning as each module comes with a detailed answer/mark scheme PowerPoint which make self-assessment and peer assessment easy. Each topic comes with a checklist for pupils to assess their progress on completion of the topic. Each topic comes with a one-page flow-chart lesson plan showing where logical choices between resources can be made enabling the teacher to totally bespoke lessons according to pupil ability, time available for the topic and focus of departmental/school policy. Resources not used in the lesson can be additional homework or used for pre-examination revision. Many activities place an emphasis on literacy and oracy. These are identified on the flow-charts. What You Get * 11 Animated PowerPoints- each includes an exit ticket /plenary quiz * 13 Cut and stick * 11 Anticipation guide(starter and plenary) * 11 Flip Its * 11 sets of Taboo Cards * 10 Worksheets for practicals * 11 Fact sheets * 11 Foldables * 11 Fact Share Worksheets * 39 Differentiated homework/classwork worksheets * 11 PowerPoints with answers /detailed mark schemes for homework/classwork * 11 Flow chart lesson plan * Exit ticket template * ABC card template Sequence of Topics * Current, Voltage and Resistance * Conductors and Insulators * Circuits and Symbols * 42 Question Card Sort Team Game * Lamps in Series and Parallel * Current in Series and Parallel * Voltage in Series and Parallel * 35 Question Interactive Quiz * Does the Number of Batteries Affect Current? Why? * Does the Number of Batteries Affect Voltage? Why? * Does Resistance Affect Current? Why? * Current Electricity Board Game * Switches in series and parallel * Ohms Law * Electricity Enquiry This module is also available in four bundles and individual topics. [Intro to Current Electricity 1](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/introduction-to-current-electricity-ks3-12000157) [Intro to Current Electricity 2](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/into-to-current-electricity-2-ks3-12063517) [Intro to Current Electricity 3](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/intro-to-current-electricity-3-ks3-12063519) [Intro to Current Electricity 4](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/intro-to-current-electricity-4-ks3-12068082) [Elf Off the Shelf Shop](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/penyrheol1)
Magnetism - Magnets and Electromagnets Explained for KS3

Magnetism - Magnets and Electromagnets Explained for KS3

A comprehensive and enjoyable introduction to magnetism and electromagnets including an animated investigation into how increasing the number of turns on the coil increases the strength of an electromagnet. What’s Covered Magnetic materials can be made into magnets. Iron, cobalt and nickel and their alloys are magnetic materials. Unlike poles attract and like pole repel. There is an invisible magnetic field around a magnet made up of field lines. Draw the field lines around a bar magnet. The closer together the field lines the stronger the magnetic field. Draw the field lines around two bar magnets with like and unlike poles facing. There are more field lines around the poles where the magnetic field is strongest. The magnetic field strength gets less as distance from the magnet increases. Field lines point away from the south pole and towards the north pole of a magnet. When a magnetic material is made into a magnet, the randomly facing domains all line up to point in the same direction. The Earth acts as though there as a south-type pole at magnetic north and a north-type pole at magnetic south. Explain how an electric bell, a circuit breaker and a relay work What’s Included Animated PowerPoint for teaching with exit ticket quiz Answer/mark scheme PowerPoint Flip it (pupil writes questions to given answers) Anticipation Guides (combined starter and plenary) Foldable Cut and stick activity. Worksheet to support the PowerPoint Fact sheet Homework plus answers Fact share worksheet Pupil progress self-assessment checklist Exit Ticket Suggested lesson plan showing choices possible between resources This pack contains fifteen resources and it is intended that the teacher uses them to build their own unique lesson to take account of student ability and time available. Literacy, oracy, self-assessment and peer assessment are all built in to the resources. These features are clearly marked on the comprehensive one-page flow chart lesson plan which shows where the logical choices between resources can be made. More high quality resources available here. Elf Off the Shelf Resources
Light - Reflection, Refraction and Lenses - Smart Board Bingo KS3

Light - Reflection, Refraction and Lenses - Smart Board Bingo KS3

Smart board bingo includes questions on reflection, refraction and lenses. A numbered question is generated randomly and, if that number is on their bingo card, students write in the answer. So much fun students don’t realise they are learning! Prior Knowledge Required Transparent, translucent and opaque materials Luminous and non-luminous objects i = r Lateral inversion Periscope Specular and diffuse images The more dense the medium the slower the speed of light. Direction of refraction at boundaries Light hitting a boundary at ninety degrees is not refracted. Light is not refracted at a curved boundary. Why lightning is seen before thunder is heard when a cloud discharges. Real and apparent depth Ray diagrams showing refraction in a concave and convex lens. Label the following structures on a diagram of the eye; retina; ciliary muscle; iris; pupil; lens; suspensory ligament; optic nerve. How the eye sees distant and close objects. Ray diagrams to show how lenses are used to correct long and short sight. How the iris controls the size of the pupil and therefore the amount of light which enters the eye. What is Included Random question generator for smart board (interactive white board) – 50 questions Answer PowerPoint plus answer sheet 48 bingo cards Answers PowerPoint Suggested Lesson Plan Play bingo – students write the answers into the square on their bingo card which matches the question number in the smart board. Teacher uses answer sheet to check card of winners of lines and full house Pupils use answer PowerPoint to check their answers at end of game. More high quality resources available here. Elf Off the Shelf Resources
Mixtures Solutions and Suspensions Find the Pair Game KS3

Mixtures Solutions and Suspensions Find the Pair Game KS3

This is an engaging and enjoyable memory game on mixtures, including solutions, suspensions, dissolving, saturated solutions and solubility. Pupils work in teams of three or four. Each team lays out their 42 cards face down in a square and take it in turn to turn over two cards. If the cards are a question and its correct answer, the pupil keeps the pair. If they are not a match they are turned face down and the next pupil gets a turn. This process continues until all cards are matched and the winner is the pupil with the most pairs. If a team member thinks that the selectors pair is not a correct match, they can challenge. Pupils are encouraged to check their books for the correct answer but the teacher also has a quick-check answer sheet. If the challenge is correct, the challenger keeps the pair. **Included in this Pack ** 42 question and answer cards Teacher’s answer sheet. Instruction sheet Preparation Use double-sided printing to copy 1 set per group of 4 pupils. Sheets could be laminated to enable year-on-year use. Cut sheets into cards. Prior Knowledge Required Elements and compounds are pure substance and mixtures are not. Meaning of the terms solute, solvent, solution, soluble and insoluble. Particle theory to explain why stirring, temperature and particle size affect the rate of dissolving. Particle theory to explain dissolving, suspensions and saturated solutions. Extracting information from solubility curves. More high quality resources available here. Elf Off the Shelf Resources
Kinetic Theory of Matter States of Matter and Change of State Distance Learning and Homeschool KS3

Kinetic Theory of Matter States of Matter and Change of State Distance Learning and Homeschool KS3

This is an action-packed distance learning or home school, fully resourced lesson on the kinetic theory of matter for middle school and includes states of matter, change of state, gas pressure and diffusion. This resource has been designed so that the animated PowerPoint replaces the teacher by providing structure, sequence, knowledge and answers. The worksheets, cut-outs, foldable and progress check provide a familiar medium for students to develop and test their knowledge, continue to develop their literacy skills and use their creativity to organise their learning and assess their progress. The simulated practical shows how measurements for the angles of incidence and reflection are obtained and provides a set of results for the students to draw a conclusion. What’s Covered Identifies the three states of matter as solid, liquid and gas. Demonstrates the arrangement of particles in solids, liquids and gases. Explains the properties of solids, liquids and gases in terms of the arrangement of their particles. Explains change of state including sublimation. Explains pressure in gases and the effect of increasing the number of particles and temperature and decreasing volume Diffusion Resources An animated PowerPoint which guides the student through the lesson by: explaining how to use distance learning effectively; explaining how to use this resource; explaining current, voltage and resistance and the relationship between them; providing the answers to all the worksheets so that the students can mark and correct their work. Four worksheets, and two cut-out activities, the answers to which are in the PowerPoint. A foldable and cut-out activity so that students can record and organise their learning. A checklist for students to use to assess their progress. Digital quick test For those students without internet or a computer or a computer at home a condensed printable copy of the PowerPoint is provided for distribution by school. Ways to Use this Resource Upload PowerPoint and worksheets to school intranet. Students print their own worksheets. Upload PowerPoint and worksheets to school intranet and provide a hardcopy of worksheets for students. Those families who do not wish to collect worksheets or who are in isolation can print the worksheets at home. Students without photocopying facilities are More high quality resources available here. Elf Off the Shelf Resources
Current Electricity 30 Task Cards KS3

Current Electricity 30 Task Cards KS3

Thirty task cards on current electricity for KS3 including: explaining current, voltage and resistance; circuits and symbols; conductors and insulators; series and parallel circuits; switches and lamps in series and parallel Ohms Law. Some cards are more challenging than others and many cards have several related tasks with varying degrees of difficultly. Answers are provided on an animated PowerPoint with one slide per task card so that the answers can also be easily photocopied. This makes self-assessment and peer assessment extremely easy. The current electricity module is available as money-saving bundles or individual topics. Plant and Animal Cells - Structure and Differences KS3 Cell Specialisation KS3 Plant and Animal Cells- Structure, Differences and Specialisation Boardgame KS3 Plant and Animal Cells, Structure and Differences KS3 - Fully Resourced Revision Lesson Specialised Cells KS3 - Fully Resourced Revision Lesson Plant and Animal Cells KS3 - 42 Question Card Sort Team Game Why not have a look at my shop? Elf Off the Shelf Resources
Forces - Friction and Air Resistance Dominoes KS3

Forces - Friction and Air Resistance Dominoes KS3

A dominoes game with questions and statements on friction and air resistance instead of answers. Prior Knowledge • Friction slows objects down and produces heat. • Friction opposes motion. • Friction wastes energy. • Friction produces grip. • Lubricants reduce friction. • Oil is a lubricant. • Air resistance is a type of friction. • Air resistance is caused by the front of a moving object colliding with air particles. • An object with low air resistance has a streamlined shape What You Get • 80 dominos • Animated PowerPoint explaining the rules and how to play. Rules of the Game • Each player selects seven dominos from the top of the face-down pile and holds them in their hand like playing cards. • The player whose surname begins with a letter closest to the letter A starts and play proceed in a clockwise direction. • Dominos can be matched exactly, or a name can be matched with a symbol or descriptions, sketches and circuit diagrams can be matched. • If a player thinks a match is wrong they can challenge. If the challenger is correct, they give a card from their own hand to the challenged player. If the challenged player is correct, they give a card from their hand to the challenger. Pupils are encouraged to check their books for the correct answer and consult their teacher if a consensus is not reached. • If a player cannot play a domino, they pick up from the face down pile and can play if possible or add it to their hand. All resources shown in these bundle are also available individually Forces Module 1 - Force, Weight & Mass, Friction, Balanced & Unba Forces Module 2 - Moments, Speed, Pressure & Hooke’s Law The Complete Forces Module ( Module 2 + Module 2) 7 Game Compendium for Module 1 6 Game Compendium for Module 2 Forces - 13 Game Compendium Lots more resources for forces at my shop? Elf Off the Shelf Resources
Forces - What is Friction? KS3

Forces - What is Friction? KS3

A comprehensive and enjoyable explanation of the cause and effects of friction with a practical investigating the relationship between the force needed to move a shoe over different types of surface. Examples of useful friction in terms of grip and non-useful friction in terms of decreased speed and heat production are considered. What’s Covered Friction is a force which opposes motion and is measured in newtons (N). Friction increases with the roughness of the surface. Friction is caused by collisions between “bumps”, sometimes microscopic, as surfaces slide over each other. Collisions slow things down and produce heat. How lubricants reduce friction What’s Included Animated PowerPoint for teaching with exit ticket quiz Flip it (pupil writes questions to given answers) Anticipation Guides (combined starter and plenary) Foldable Cut-and-stick activity pupil uses to make their own notes) Worksheet to support the PowerPoint Fact sheet Homework plus answers (x3) Fact share worksheet 12 Taboo cards Pupil progress self-assessment checklist Exit Ticket Suggested lesson plan showing choices possible between resources This pack contains fifteen resources and it is intended that the teacher uses them to build their own unique lesson to take account of student ability and time available. Literacy, oracy, self-assessment and peer assessment are all built in to the resources. These features are clearly marked on the comprehensive one-page flow chart lesson plan which shows where the logical choices between resources can be made. There are three differentiated and engaging homeworks which can also be used as classwork if so desired. All resources shown in these bundle are also available individually Forces Module 1 - Force, Weight & Mass, Friction, Balanced & Unba Forces Module 2 - Moments, Speed, Pressure & Hooke’s Law The Complete Forces Module ( Module 2 + Module 2) 7 Game Compendium for Module 1 6 Game Compendium for Module 2 Forces - 13 Game Compendium Lots more resources for forces at my shop? Elf Off the Shelf Resources
Forces - Balanced and Unbalanced forces KS3

Forces - Balanced and Unbalanced forces KS3

Action-packed, engaging, fully resourced lesson includes: resultant force balanced forces-forces of equal size acting in opposite directions; balanced forces acting on stationary objects or resulting in steady speed; unbalanced forces producing acceleration or deceleration. Resources Animated PowerPoint for teaching with exit ticket quiz Flip it (pupil writes questions to given answers) Anticipation Guides (starter and plenary) Foldable Cut-and-stick activity Worksheet (X3) Fact sheet Homework (x3) plus answer PowerPoint Fact share worksheet 12 Taboo cards Pupil progress self-assessment checklist Exit Ticket Suggested lesson plan showing choices possible between resources This pack contains 15 resources so that the teacher can build their own unique lesson to take account of student ability and time available. Literacy, oracy, self-assessment and peer assessment are built in to the resources and clearly marked on the comprehensive one-page flow chart lesson plan which shows where the logical choices between resources can be made. There are three differentiated and engaging homeworks which can be used as classwork if so desired. All resources shown in these bundle are also available individually Forces Module 1 - Force, Weight & Mass, Friction, Balanced & Unba Forces Module 2 - Moments, Speed, Pressure & Hooke’s Law The Complete Forces Module ( Module 2 + Module 2) 7 Game Compendium for Module 1 6 Game Compendium for Module 2 Forces - 13 Game Compendium Lots more resources for forces at my shop? Elf Off the Shelf Resources
Force, Weight and Mass Find the Pair Game KS3

Force, Weight and Mass Find the Pair Game KS3

This is an engaging and enjoyable memory game on forces, weight and mass. Pupils work in teams of three or four. Each team lays out their 42 cards face down in a square and take it in turn to turn over two cards. If the cards are a question and its correct answer, the pupil keeps the pair. If they are not a match they are turned face down and the next pupil gets a turn. This process continues until all cards are matched and the winner is the pupil with the most pairs. If a team member thinks that the selectors pair is not a correct match, they can challenge. Pupils are encouraged to check their books for the correct answer but the teacher also has a quick-check answer sheet. If the challenge is correct, the challenger keeps the pair. Included in this Pack. 42 question and answer cards Teacher’s answer sheet. Instruction sheet Preparation Use double-sided printing to copy 1 set per group of 4 pupils. Sheets could be laminated to enable year-on-year use. Cut sheets into cards. Prior Knowledge Required Know that a force is a pull or a push. Know that force arrows indicate direction and size. Define contact and non-contact force and give examples. Know that forces change the speed, direction or shape of an object. Units of force, mass and gravitational field strength. Know that gravity attracts all objects on and close to the Earth, keeps the atmosphere in place and acts towards the centre of the Earth. Know that gravity decreases with distance from the Earth. Define mass and weight. Know the Earth gravitational field strength is 10 N/Kg. Know that compared to the Earth’s gravitational field strength, that of the Moon is 1/6 and Jupiter X 2.5. Be able to use W = m x g All resources shown in these bundle are also available individually Forces Module 1 - Force, Weight & Mass, Friction, Balanced & Unba Forces Module 2 - Moments, Speed, Pressure & Hooke’s Law The Complete Forces Module ( Module 2 + Module 2) 7 Game Compendium for Module 1 6 Game Compendium for Module 2 Forces - 13 Game Compendium Lots more resources for forces at my shop? Elf Off the Shelf Resources
Force, Mass and Weight Dominos Game KS3

Force, Mass and Weight Dominos Game KS3

A dominoes game with questions and statements on forces and weight and mass instead of answers. Prior Knowledge Understand a force to be a pull or a push measured in Newtons (N). Examples of contact and non- contact forces. Forces change the speed, direction or shape of an object. All objects attract other objects and the bigger the object the bugger the attraction. The Earth’s attraction is called gravity which acts towards its centre and keeps its atmosphere in place and has a value of 10N/Kg. Mass is the amount of material in a body and is measured in kilograms (Kg). Gravity acts on a body’s mass and gives it weight which is measured in Newtons (N). The Moon’s gravity is on-sixth that of Earth and Jupiter is 2.5 times. What You Get 80 dominos Animated PowerPoint explaining the rules and how to play. Rules of the Game Each player selects seven dominos from the top of the face-down pile and holds them in their hand like playing cards. The player whose surname begins with a letter closest to the letter A starts and play proceed in a clockwise direction. Dominos can be matched exactly, or a name can be matched with a symbol or descriptions, sketches and circuit diagrams can be matched. If a player thinks a match is wrong they can challenge. If the challenger is correct, they give a card from their own hand to the challenged player. If the challenged player is correct, they give a card from their hand to the challenger. Pupils are encouraged to check their books for the correct answer and consult their teacher if a consensus is not reached. If a player cannot play a domino, they pick up from the face down pile and can play if possible All resources shown in these bundle are also available individually Forces Module 1 - Force, Weight & Mass, Friction, Balanced & Unba Forces Module 2 - Moments, Speed, Pressure & Hooke’s Law The Complete Forces Module ( Module 2 + Module 2) 7 Game Compendium for Module 1 6 Game Compendium for Module 2 Forces - 13 Game Compendium Lots more resources for forces at my shop? Elf Off the Shelf Resources
Forces - 48 Question Board Game KS3

Forces - 48 Question Board Game KS3

This is a challenging, engaging and enjoyable board game, for up to six pupils per set, with 48 question cards on: Mass and weight Friction Air Resistance Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Included in this Pack Game board 48 Question cards with questions of varying difficulty Teacher answer sheet Instruction sheet. Preparation Photocopy Board onto A3 paper or card (Colour and greyscale versions included). Photocopy question sheets onto paper or card (Colour and greyscale versions included) and cut into question cards. How to Play. Highest score of dice starts Pupils take turns and work their way around the board following the instructions in the squares. Certain squares indicate that the pupil takes a question card from the face down pile. If correct they move on 2 spaces. If a player thinks an answer given by an opponent is incorrect they can challenge. If the challenge is correct the challenger moves forward 2 spaces. If the challenge is wrong the challenger moves back two spaces. In the event of a challenge, pupils are encouraged to consult their books but the teacher has a quick-check answer sheet. All resources shown in these bundle are also available individually Forces Module 1 - Force, Weight & Mass, Friction, Balanced & Unba Forces Module 2 - Moments, Speed, Pressure & Hooke’s Law The Complete Forces Module ( Module 2 + Module 2) 7 Game Compendium for Module 1 6 Game Compendium for Module 2 Forces - 13 Game Compendium Lots more resources for forces at my shop? Elf Off the Shelf Resources
Forces - Friction and Air Resistance Find the Pair Game KS3

Forces - Friction and Air Resistance Find the Pair Game KS3

This is an engaging and enjoyable memory game on friction and air resistance. Pupils work in teams of three or four. Each team lays out their 42 cards face down in a square and take it in turn to turn over two cards. If the cards are a question and its correct answer, the pupil keeps the pair. If they are not a match they are turned face down and the next pupil gets a turn. This process continues until all cards are matched and the winner is the pupil with the most pairs. If a team member thinks that the selectors pair is not a correct match, they can challenge. Pupils are encouraged to check their books for the correct answer but the teacher also has a quick-check answer sheet. If the challenge is correct, the challenger keeps the pair. Included in this Pack. 42 question and answer cards Teacher’s answer sheet. Instruction sheet Preparation Use double-sided printing to copy 1 set per group of 4 pupils. Sheets could be laminated to enable year-on-year use. Cut sheets into cards. Prior Knowledge Required Friction and air resistance act in the opposite direction to motion. The rougher the surface the more friction it causes. Friction produces heat. Lubricants, such as oil, reduce friction. Friction is useful when it provides grip. Friction is not useful when it slows things down and wastes energy. Friction is a force and is measured in Newtons (N). Air resistance is caused when the front of a moving object collides with air particles. Air resistance slows an object down, produces heat and wastes energy. Objects with a large surface area produce high air resistance. Streamlined shapes have low air resistance. A parachute has a large surface area and high air resistance. When the weight of a falling object equals the air resistance the body then falls with steady speed. Other fully resourced forces lessons for KS3 Weight and Mass What is a Force What is Friction Air Resistance Balanced and Unbalanced Forced Forces Understanding Diagnostic Forces Module Why not have a look at my shop? Elf Off the Shelf Resources
Forces Module for KS3

Forces Module for KS3

5 Resources
Five action-packed, fully resourced and engaging lessons on forces including: What is a Force; Weight and Mass; What is Friction: Air Resistance; Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Each lesson has a fully animated PowerPoint and 15 printables to allow teachers to select resources appropriate to pupil ability and time available. Answers and mark schemes for all worksheets and homework are given on PowerPoints to make self-assessment and peer assessment easier. Each topic comes with detailed learning outcomes and a one-page flow chart lesson plan showing where logical choices between resources can be made. All resources shown in these bundle are also available individually Forces Module 1 - Force, Weight & Mass, Friction, Balanced & Unba Forces Module 2 - Moments, Speed, Pressure & Hooke’s Law The Complete Forces Module ( Module 2 + Module 2) 7 Game Compendium for Module 1 6 Game Compendium for Module 2 Forces - 13 Game Compendium Lots more resources for forces at my shop? Elf Off the Shelf Resources