You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different animals being shown in each of the photos.
I have developed a collection of PowerPoints and Worksheets you could use in the classroom.
In addition, I have included a set of 31 fun class activities you can try using the different photo flashcard packs.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about World Animal Day.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different animals. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
You are a great teacher, I know that, you know that and you want your students to appreciate all you do for them. This is a set of images showing teachers in action.
I have also made a second PowerPoint showing you 31 different ways of how to use these flashcards in your own classroom.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different activities being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about World Teachers' Day.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different teaching activities. The students can then discuss what they think each one was saying or thinking.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different ideas being shown in each of the photos.
I also included a set of motivational quotes which you can discuss as a class or you could use them as thought of the day. In addition, I wrote a second presentation about the 31 different teaching activities you can use in the classroom based on these teaching resources.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Anti Bullying Week.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different groups.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Are you teaching about counting to 10? Here is a great teaching tool, linked into fireworks, bonfire night and Guy Fawkes events.
Students can count the numbers in order or solve the mixed up number slides.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Guy Fawkes - Counting to 10.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into order.
Teachers could show two printed out cards at once and add them, subtract them, or multiply them.
A wide range of different photos of girls around the world. You can discuss what they are doing and thinking. Equally importantly, how would you help them to have the best life they can? What need to change? Do you think it will?
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different activity being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about International Day of the Girl.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different girl activities. The students can then discuss what they think each one was saying or thinking.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Talk a Lot - Spoken English Course Elementary Politics (37 pages)
Note: all activities include full answers. For detailed instructions on how to use each activity, please see the Talk a Lot Elementary Handbook, which is included in this teaching pack.
Sentence Focus Activities
Sentence Blocks + Extensions
Sentence Blocks – Sentence Stress and Vowel Sounds
Connected Sentence Cards
Connected Sentence Cards – with Consonant and Vowel Sounds
Connected Speech Template
Word Focus Activities
Discussion Words + IPA Version
Discussion Words – Visualisations
Discussion Words Question Sheet
Information Exchange
Multi-Purpose Text:
• Original Text + Spot the Difference
• Gap-Fill + Multiple Choice Questions
• Comprehension Questions + True, False, or Unknown?
• Glossary of New Words
Free Practice Activities
Discussion Questions
Agree or Disagree?
Role Plays + Extensions
Continuous Assessment Tests
Vocabulary Test
Lesson Test
This book was originally in the public domain for free. I spent a considerable amount of time removing all the self promoting hyperlinks to the original free site, as well as adding lots of free, colourful images to each page. This book looks far more professional than the original one and the students will be proud to take it home when it is complete to show their parents.
Teachers need some fun to. This is my adult colouring book for teachers. You could print it out for your class to quietly colour during tests (when they have completed them to calm and relax them), or during long staff meetings - nothing is more relaxing and constructive than a little light colouring.
This is to encourage staff to have a little time every day to think and reflect and not work. This is my attempt at improving the good life balance of staff.
All these images were in the public domain. In the majority of the cases however, it took both a long time to find, then even longer to use editing software to sharpen and improve the images.
I would love to know what people think of them.
Want to inspire your students? These pictures form the basic parts of a story to get them thinking. The pictures can be simply mixed up to change the story.
The different pictures from the different stories could all be mixed up to create a really interesting mash-up of different stories.
A real challenge is to see if a class can create a whole story from all the different images in the presentation!
The Brexit (Britain leaving the EU) - Interesting discussion prompt about how the EU will affect pupils, education and different aspects of their lives. There are no answers. The whole idea is for the students to think about the positive and negative impacts about the referendum.
I have created a conversation lesson on how to achieve your goals. They could be printed out and placed on the wall. They could also be used in a single lesson prior to or during SATs or GCSE revision to help students achieve their fullest potential.
Each slide has an idea, a linked picture and a discussion point for the class.
KS1 Variation Science Vocabulary and Spelling list. The presentations cover all the pictures in the list below. In addition, they also contain a link to more great online teaching resources which cover this topic.
I have added a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide and a word mat. These help to make learning fun for everyone!
Words used in this Variation presentation.
We all …
Most …
Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
Are you looking for a way of making your "In the news?" topic interesting and relevant? Here is a set of resources, where you can discuss the weather, the impact of Brexit on your life and politics. There are story prompts and ESL courses on politics, crime and other news stories.
Lots of different exciting resources about thinking hats, ranging from about classic books to detention sheets and guided reading worksheets. Try them today and get more out of each book you read!
Test Your Research Skills
Smokefree UK – Quiz 3
Example questions
1. When did Wales go smokefree? ______________________________________________
2. What is the penalty for an employer that fails to prevent smoking in a smokefree place?
3. What is the penalty for an employer who does not display the required no-smoking signs?
Test Your Research Skills
Do You Smoke Like a Chimney?
Example questions...
Note: All statistics are about people living in the UK.
1. How much does the NHS spend every year treating diseases caused by smoking?
a) £50 million b) £160 million c) £1.7 billion
2. How many chemicals does tobacco smoke contain?
a) 100 b) 1000 c) More than 4000
3. Which of these health problems can be caused by smoking?
a) Lack of energy b) Reduced fertility c) Lung cancer
d) Depression e) Diabetes f) All of the above
The worksheet comes complete with a teacher answer sheet.
Test Your Spelling Skills
Just Vowels - Mixed Emotions 2
Fill in the gaps to spell fifteen different emotions:
1. _ o _ e _ _
2. _ i _ e a _ a _ e
3. e _ e _ _ e _ i _
4. _ u _ _
Complete with an answer sheet
Test Your Spelling Skills
Just Vowels - Mixed Emotions 1
Fill in the gaps to spell fifteen different emotions:
1. a _ _ _ _
2. _ o _ _ i e _
3. a _ _ a i _
4. _ a _
Complete with answer sheet
Test Your Reading Skills
Playground Signs – Reading Comprehension
This picture was taken at Carsington Water reservoir in Derbyshire. Look at the questions below and write “true”, “false”, or “we don’t know” next to each one:
1. The signs are on a gate at a children’s playground.
2. The playground is closed.
3. Children aged 12½ years old can use the playground.
Complete with answers
Information Gap 1 - Looking for a Job
Get the students working in pairs.
Give one person of each pair the Student A page and the other the Student B page.
There are four different jobs being advertised in the local paper. However, there are ten gaps on each page.
Students should ask each other questions to find out the information that is missing from their page, then write it down, asking for spellings as necessary.
Encourage them to communicate verbally to get the answers, rather than letting each other look at their pages!
When all the students have finished, bring the group back together and ask checking questions to elicit the answers, as well as to find out how much the students have understood about the other material in the adverts.
Are you looking for some nice, eye catching motivational quotes to hang around your classroom and in the corridors to motivate children towards being more self confident and more successful? Perhaps you are looking for a simple set of pictures to use in an assembly? I have collected together some great quotes, which you could discuss with your class or the whole school.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different ideas being shown in each of photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Motivational Quotes for the classroom..
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into types of quotes. The students can then discuss how they could use this idea in their own lives.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.