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A Grade Level Resources in A-Level Classics (OCR), History (AQA) and Politics (Edexcel)

A Grade Level Resources in A-Level Classics (OCR), History (AQA) and Politics (Edexcel)
A Level Politics: General Election Case Studies

A Level Politics: General Election Case Studies

**** A Grade Level Resource Perfect for revision or learning for the first time. In depth fact files on the 1979, 1997 and 2017 General Elections. Students are required to know the 1997 General Election, so this is a very useful resource. They cover background context (Why was an election called?), voter turnout and split, how the campaign was ran (leadership, policy and image), voting behaviour (focusing on age, gender and class) and the media. They are so useful as they give you insight into the four topics (Political Parties, Voting Behaviour and the Media, Electoral systems and Democracy and Participation). They are extremely detailed so work brilliantly giving you specific knowledge as well as being covering all topics.
A Level Politics: Global Politics Essay Plans

A Level Politics: Global Politics Essay Plans

**** A Grade Level Resource 15 super detailed essay plans, covering the five topics (Global and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Environment, Globalization and the State, Power and Development and Regionalism and the EU). Really useful for getting specific details that will get you top marks, as as giving you an in depth understanding of global politics
A Level Classics: Greek Theatre Textbook Quiz

A Level Classics: Greek Theatre Textbook Quiz

A grade level resource Around 350 questions (with answers) from the OCR Greek Theatre textbook. Contextual and analytical questions to help further your understanding of Greek Theatre. Extremely useful resource and personally helped me get top marks in the Greek Theatre paper.
A Level Politics: Question Bank - Paper 1&2

A Level Politics: Question Bank - Paper 1&2

50+ Questions covering all four topics of Paper 1- UK Politics and Paper 2- UK Government. Including the three ideologies - Conservatism, Liberalism and Socialism. Brilliant for teachers to hand out to their classes for essay planning. As well as students to help with their independent revision.
A Level Politics: Anarchism

A Level Politics: Anarchism

**** A Grade Level Resource Everything on Anarchism: covers ALL key thinkers and their key ideas on the economy, the state, society and human nature. Includes quotes and goes into detail about how they differ from each other. Differences within Anarchism: covers the differences between the different types of Anarchism and the different key thinkers who reflect these differences. Amazing for revision, truly all you need.
A Level Classics: World of the Hero Bundle

A Level Classics: World of the Hero Bundle

INCLUDES: Essay Plans - Four detailed essay plans and one timed twenty marker Thematic quote banks - Books 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Plot Recap - Books 1 and 5 Odyssey Scholarship I got an A in classics overall and a 94/100 in the World of the Hero exam, these resources really helped me and I hope they can help you too!
A Level History: Cold War Essay Plans

A Level History: Cold War Essay Plans

**** A Grade Level Resources 14 A Grade 25 marker essay plans, in full sentences, very thorough and in depth. Extremley helpful for factual evidence to use in 25 markers, as well as showing multiple ways to structure your essays. I used these essay plans to memorise facts and helped me plan questions quickly in the exams.
A Level Classics: Politics of the Late Republic Timeline Bundle

A Level Classics: Politics of the Late Republic Timeline Bundle

**A Grade Level Resource ** Timelines of events of the key players; Cicero, Cato and Ceasar catergorised into failures or successes. Cicero covers 40-70 BC, Cato and Ceasar cover the 40’s to the 60’s BC. Brilliant resource that covers the whole spec. It will give you an in depth understanding of each figure and their indiviual timelines, as well as their interactions with each other and other relevant figures.
A Level Politics: Ideologies Essays

A Level Politics: Ideologies Essays

**** A Grade Level Resources Fully written 24 markers on Liberalism (4 essays), Conservatism (4 essays) and Socialism (2 essays) . Really helpful for structure and understanding how to write a 24 Marker As well as giving specific interesting details that would be perfect for your own essays.
A Level Politics: Paper 2 Essay Plans

A Level Politics: Paper 2 Essay Plans

**** A Grade Level Resource 14 extremely detailed essay plans covering the four topics (Constitution, Parliament, Relations between branches and the PM and the Executive) as well as including one fully written Anarchism essays. Brilliant for understanding structure and what examiners want you to include. Also for remembering specific details that personally got me those top marks.
A Level Politics: Paper 1 Essay Plans

A Level Politics: Paper 1 Essay Plans

**** A Grade Level Resource 12 extremely detailed plans covering all of paper one (UK POLITICS) Covering: Political Parties, Electoral Systems, Democracy and Participation and Voting Behaviour and Media I used these to learn facts and remember specific evidence that really elevated my essays and got me the top marks.