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IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 8 - Spearman's, Hypothesis Testing, Chi-Squared

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 8 - Spearman's, Hypothesis Testing, Chi-Squared

This unit contains 5 Powerpoints: Spearman’s rank hypothesis testing - chi-squared test of independence goodness of fit test goodness of fit - normal and binomial distributions t-test Through the PowerPoint there are links to Youtube videos, GeoGebra and Desmos interactive. The PowerPoint has worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic. I have also included an overall Statistics Test (2 parts short and long questions) and Chi-Squared test of Independence assignment, both with markschemes. As well as a review PowerPoint on the test of Independence. We sent a lot of time on this chapter as the idea was many students would use this for their IA’s, which they did.
IB Maths AI: Voronoi Diagrams

IB Maths AI: Voronoi Diagrams

This complete lessons contains Desmos and GeoGebra interactives to demonstrate how to create voronoi diagrams, as well as examples. The lesson starts off with a review on finding equations of perpendicular bisectors then moves into a explorative task about voronoi diagrams. The lessons covers the following topics: equation of a perpendicular bisector how to construct a perpendicular bisector key terminology used when constructing voronoi diagrams how to construct a voronoi diagram with multiple sites finidng centre of a circle using perpendicular bisectors of cords finding locations of missing sites nearest neighbour adding new sites to a voronoi diagram toxic waste dump problems (largest circle) At the end this is a multiple choice quiz. There are also embedded link to Desmos Classroom activities. As well, throughout the PowerPoint there are worked examples and exercises and past paper exam questions for students to complete.
IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 7 - Probability, Binomial/Normal Distributions

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 7 - Probability, Binomial/Normal Distributions

The following contains 5 PowerPoints: Introduction to Probability Venn Diagrams Probability DIstributions Normal DIstributions Binomial DIstributions Through the PowerPoint there are links to Youtube videos, GeoGebra and Desmos interactives. The PowerPoint has worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic. I have also included a Normal Distibution Review PPT and assignment with markscheme.
IB Maths: Applications and Interpretation SL - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

IB Maths: Applications and Interpretation SL - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Complete PowerPoints for Chapter 10 - Modelling Rates of Change: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, for the Oxford textbook. The PowerPowers can be used with other textbooks. PowerPoints are built around students learning the the following topics online, but can also be used to deliver in-class. PowerPoints have embedded links to video examples, Desmos activities, GeoGebra, and Casio GDC videos. The following is the topics that the 8 PowerPoints cover. Geometric Sequences Geometric Series Compound Interest Annuities Amortization Exponential Functions Exponential Models Exponential & Logarithmic Equations There are also Past Paper questions in each section of the unit.
GCSE 9-1 Maths Higher Level Starters (Target 8-9)

GCSE 9-1 Maths Higher Level Starters (Target 8-9)

The following starter questions are for students targeting grades 7-9. Questions are taken from various exam boards and include solutions. Encourages students to think and apply their skills in different contexts. Entire PowerPoint includes over 50 questions in the following categories: Coordinate Geometry - Circles Geometric Problems and Proof Algebraic Proof Trigonometry Inequalities Functions Coordinate Geometry – Lines & Curves Sequences Algebraic Problems – including ratio Indices and Surds Statistics Extra
IB Maths Analysis and Approaches SL: Normal Distribution

IB Maths Analysis and Approaches SL: Normal Distribution

The following contains PowerPoint goes through the following: -the normal distribution curve -calculating probabilities with and without technology -the standard normal distribution -calculating probabilities using z-score -using the inverse function -finding unknown mean and standard deviation The PowerPoints have worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic. There are also links to videos and inter-actives throughout.
Higher GCSE Maths Starters (Target 5 - 9)

Higher GCSE Maths Starters (Target 5 - 9)

Th bundle contains 32 days worth of starters. Each stater comprises of 2 questions. One being of level 4 or 5 and the other of level 7 to 9. The idea is that students will practice both questions from the beginning and ending of the exam. I find higher level students tend to make mistakes early of in the exam and this allows them to practice these types of questions in class. Thus helping to improve results.
IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 3 - Representing and Describing Data

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 3 - Representing and Describing Data

This PowerPoint follows the Oxford textbook. The following content is covered throughout the PowerPoint. I have also added a few extra concepts which can be used in students Internal Assessments (IA). For example, I spend a little time looking at the skewness formula, different ways of calculating outliers, 1.5 x IQR or 2 X SD, skewness in box plots, etc. Univariate data * qualitative vs quantitative * continuous vs discrete * which representations are used for specific types of data * primary and secondary data * choosing a good sample * sampling bias * reliability vs validity * skewness Questionnaires * biased questions Measures of central tendency * mean, meadian, mode * outliers * un-grouped and grouped * how to use the GDC * combined mean Measures of dispersion * range, quartiles, IQR, standard deviation * normal distribution curve * skewness * different formulas for sample and population for SD * how to use the GDC * effects on mean and SD Sampling techniques Presentation of data Bivariate data * scatter graphs * correlation * introduction into the line of best fit (leading into chapter 6) Throughout the PowerPoint there are worked examples and student exercises. There are also multiple links to various classroom and interactive activities using GeoGebra and Desmos Classrooms. As well, I have included links to certain Youtube videos to help with using the GDC.
IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL:  Financial Mathematics

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Financial Mathematics

The following contains 4 PowerPoints covering the following topics: Simple Interest Compound Interest Inflation Depreciation Loans Annuities Amortization Each PowerPoint contains worked examples, student exercises and Past Exam questions. There are also links throughout to various YouTube explanations (eg. difference between simple interest and compound interest, what is amortization?, etc.), How to use the GDC examples, Desmos, and Geogebra interactives.
IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 9 - Power Functions

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 9 - Power Functions

There are 2 PowerPoints for this unit: Quadratics and Cubics Optimization without Calculus PowerPoint 1 goes through: -domain and range (recap) -intercepts -power functions -3 forms of a quadratic -axis of symmetry -modeling -finding equations of functions -inverse functions (recap) Through the PowerPoint there are links to Youtube videos, GeoGebra and Desmos interactives. The PowerPoints have worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic.
IB Maths Applications and Interpretation: Chapter 1 - Measuring Space

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation: Chapter 1 - Measuring Space

This PowerPoint follows the entire content for Chapter 1 of the Oxford textbook. Certain topics included are not in chapter 1 but builds on the skills students are currently learning in the chapter and will be useful later on. For example, for the simplifying indices topic I go a little further into writing indices in non-fractional form which is useful for when you teach derivatives. Conent covered through the PowerPoint include: Measurements and Estimates Rounding and Significant Figures Upper and Lower Bounds Measurement Error Percentage Error Basic Exponent Rules * changing bases * writing in non-fractional form Standard form (scientific notation) Right angle trigonometry * Pythagoras * proving right angle triangles * algebraic problems * SOH-CAH-TOA * elevation and depression * problems involving circles * 3D problems * problems involving special quadrilaterals * angles between lines and planes Arc Length Throughout the PowerPoint you will find GeoGebra links (click the icon) as well as Past Paper questions. There are also worked examples and exercises for students to complete throughout the lesson.
IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 11 - Trigonometric Functions

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 11 - Trigonometric Functions

This unit contains a Powerpoint which goes through the following: -periodic functions -sine, cosine, and tangent curves -transformations of sinusoidal functions -sketching -finding equations -modeling questions Through the PowerPoint there are links to Youtube videos, GeoGebra and Desmos interactives. The PowerPoint has worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic.
IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 4 - Dividing Up Space

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 4 - Dividing Up Space

The PowerPoint follows chapter 4 from the Oxford textbook. There are worked examples, student exercises and past paper exam questions for each section. I have also embedded links to various Youtube, GeoGebra and Desmos activities and visuals to help improve student understanding. The PowerPoint contains the following content: recap piecewise functions the number plane distance between 2 points (2D & 3D) midpoint (2D & 3D) classifying triangles given coordinates coordinate geometry in 3D space gradients different forms of an equation of a line points of intersection parallel and perpendicular lines collinear points perpendicular bisectors shortest distance to a line
IB analysis and approaches SL - Chapter 1 - Sequences and Series

IB analysis and approaches SL - Chapter 1 - Sequences and Series

This PowerPoint follows the entire content for Chapter 1 of the Oxford textbook. PowerPoints have worked examples as well as extra practice questions for students to do in class. I have pulled together questions and examples from various resources. Each PowerPoint as contains past IB exam questions for students to get familiar with the style of questioning. Content covered through the PowerPoints include: arithmetic sequences and series geometric sequences and series sigma notation compound interest binomial theorem proofs
IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 6 - Modelling Relationships

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 6 - Modelling Relationships

The following PowerPoint covers Chapter 6 from the Oxford textbook. Modelling Relationships: Linear Correlation and Bivariate Data. The Lesson contains various interactive activities such as Desmos Classroom for review exercises, Geogebra and Phet Simulations for showing line of best fit, least-squares, etc. There are also video links on how to used the GDC to find correlation and linear regression. The PowerPoint covers the following content below. correlation review (from chapter 3) finding correlation coefficient (PMCC) discussion about covariance interpreting PMCC correlation and causation coefficient of determination line of best fit interpolation and extrapolation reliability linear regression residuals piecewise functions * step functions All my PowerPoints have worked examples and exercises for students to complete. I have also added past paper questions in each section to get students accustom to the type and style of questions they will see on their exam. This PowerPower in particular comes with a Microsoft Teams quiz on Correlation and Linear Regression.
Time Series Assignment

Time Series Assignment

Here is a short independent task looking at time series of population over time. It also creates discussion for curves of best fit.
GCSE 9-1 Maths Digit Proofs

GCSE 9-1 Maths Digit Proofs

For those higher achieving students looking to get a grade 9. As proofs is new to the Edexcel specification, digit proofs is not common but has shown up on a Mock Exam.