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PkScienceAndMaths's Shop

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I went part time to spend more time with my toddler, the resources I make are designed to help you get some work-life balance and spend more time with your toddler/partner/cat. Everything I make is designed to be ready to use, and make your life as easy as possible, while providing your students with the best chance to shine. I aim to reduce your marking load, give your students immediate feedback and give you lessons that are ready to go, all you need to do is a tiny bit of photocopying.




I went part time to spend more time with my toddler, the resources I make are designed to help you get some work-life balance and spend more time with your toddler/partner/cat. Everything I make is designed to be ready to use, and make your life as easy as possible, while providing your students with the best chance to shine. I aim to reduce your marking load, give your students immediate feedback and give you lessons that are ready to go, all you need to do is a tiny bit of photocopying.
AQA Revision Pack. 9-1 spec. inc Biology, Chemistry and Physics at Higher and Foundation.

AQA Revision Pack. 9-1 spec. inc Biology, Chemistry and Physics at Higher and Foundation.

In here there is… knowledge checklists for each topic in easy to understand language so you can check you haven’t missed anything out; links to YouTube video that explain part you don’t understand; quick-fire questions for each topic with links to a YouTube video working through the answers; lists of equations and units that are essential to learn for physics; lists of ions, equations and formula that are essential to learn for chemistry; key word lists and crosswords. This will be updated July 2019
Edexcel Revision Pack. 9-1 spec.  inc Biology, Chemistry and Physics at Higher and Foundation.

Edexcel Revision Pack. 9-1 spec. inc Biology, Chemistry and Physics at Higher and Foundation.

In here there is... knowledge checklists for each topic in easy to understand language so you can check you haven't missed anything out; links to YouTube video that explain part you don't understand; quick fire questions for each topic with links to a YouTube video working through the answers; lists of equations and units that are essential to learn for physics; lists of ions, equations and formula that are essential to learn for chemistry; key word lists and crosswords. This will be updated July 2018
Quick fire revision/assessment questions for AQA GCSE Combined Science or Biology Chemistry, Physics

Quick fire revision/assessment questions for AQA GCSE Combined Science or Biology Chemistry, Physics

For ease of downloading this also comes in a whole GCSE bundle, and as part of a ready made revision pack. This resource is a small part of a large set including a range of self-assessment of specification statements, revision questions and homework sheets.  Enjoy!! Whole Revision Pack https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-revision-pack-9-1-spec-inc-biology-chemistry-and-physics-at-higher-and-foundation-11734781 Quick-fire questions bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/quick-fre-revision-assessment-questions-for-aqa-gcse-combined-science-or-biology-chemistry-physics-11562057  Specification Statements bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/student-self-assessment-for-aqa-gcse-combined-and-separate-science-biology-chemistry-and-physics-11562050 Circuit symbol flashcards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/circuit-symbol-flashcards-11537920  Units flashcards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-gcse-physics-units-flashcards-for-new-9-1-spec-11539907  Ions flashcards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/formula-of-common-ions-flascards-11535915
Classroom Clips - Video clips of demos and practicals for GCSE and A-Level Chemistry and Physics

Classroom Clips - Video clips of demos and practicals for GCSE and A-Level Chemistry and Physics

I make video of most of the demos and practicals that I do in class and post them on YouTube, to try and make these for useful for the teaching community, I've uploaded silent versions here so so you can embed them into your PowerPoint. The clips are on YouTube, ad-free and noise free so you can add you own special magic touch without worrying about ads or disruptions. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7O6CcKg0HaH888fPYQ3w3hZudBSgV63m My YouTube channel has lots of videos to help students with GCSE and A-Level Chemistry and Physics You cannot upload these to any public website, but can be used on VLE's for internal student use only. Covering -Convection -distillation -thermochromic properties of zinc oxide -measuring rates of reaction by loss of mass (makes a great graph skills lesson)
Revision for AQA Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table. New 2016 spec. GCSE Chemistry or Combined

Revision for AQA Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table. New 2016 spec. GCSE Chemistry or Combined

This is part of a full scheme of work https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-atomic-structure-and-the-periodic-table-full-scheme-of-work-for-new-gcse-2016-spec-11317289 In the full scheme of work for the new (teaching from 2016) exam spec. These are the resources I will be using in class so will be constantly updated and improved as they are taught. Any feedback is welcome! For a FREE sample lesson see http://tinyurl.com/hqok5h6 Discount Bundles and Versions for AQA, Edexcel and OCR are available, and it’s clearly stated which bits are needed for combined or separate science. This is designed so you have to do very little in preparation for the lessons. I hope you will enjoy the free time this gives you and your students will benefit from well thought out and detailed resources. Everything is clearly explained and all answers are provided so non-specialist can teach with confidence. Student self-assessment sheets; I have used these successfully for years in lesson and OFSTED and SLT love them! They show clear progression for students, which can be easily seen by anyone who looks at the books. There are links to resources that students can use at home to improve their understanding if they do not feel confident in a topic. Starter’s; these are designed to give cumulative learning, within a structured format. Each lesson (apart from the first) starts with five questions about content they have covered in previous lessons. This gives students a chance to review knowledge on a continuing basis (hopefully) leading to deeper learning. Homework’s; most of these are on line, so you just have to set it for your class and it gets mark automatically. Otherwise there are investigations and activities that require very little marking from you, allowing you to enjoy your weekend. End of topic tests; have been written to match (as close as I can) the style of the new exam papers. There are foundation and higher versions, each lasting 45 minutes with fully explained answers. The questions have been clearly and thoughtfully laid out to allow students to show off their knowledge to the best of their abilities,. The question ramp as you go through the paper and through the question and a number of maths and multiple choice questions have been included. Estimate grade boundaries have been included. Worksheets; these have been made to accompany each part of the lesson; you can either use the slides or give out the scaffold to help students who need it. PowerPoints; have embedded video clips, so you don’t have to find them, answers to all questions and engaging graphics. These have been designed with a clear/non-cluttered style to be friendly to students who have low level of literacy
Oxidation Number- 20 Multiple Choice Questions. For 2015 A-Level chemistry

Oxidation Number- 20 Multiple Choice Questions. For 2015 A-Level chemistry

The A-levels start with 20 multiple choice questions, so to get students use to them I’m going to set 20 a week, using EdPuzzle to mark them for me. There is a video working through the answers here https://youtu.be/jAV6P2eY5Eg The Edpuzzle video has overlaid questions, which pauses the video to allow students to answer, it gives instant feedback and then I work through the answer before moving on to the next question. If you use the link you can assign it to your own classes and get the results. https://edpuzzle.com/media/558a9b785fd7a44633a2fbb5 This is a taster for similar style premium content. To adjust for guessing (if I'm feeling mean) I use this... FS = R - W/(C - 1), FS "corrected" or formula score R number of items answered right W number of items answered wrong C number of choices per item (same for all items).
Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table, Formative Assessment for GCSE Inc. Edpuzzle link.

Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table, Formative Assessment for GCSE Inc. Edpuzzle link.

Every week I set my students I set my students 20 multiple choice question on Edpuzzle, They answer the question, and then I walk them though the answer, this gives them immediate formative feedback before they move on to the next question. The work is then marked automatically, so I can keep up with my schools every 3 week reporting schedule and still have a life. This is a sample for the premium products. It covers mass and atomic numbers, and how to use the periodic table to work out the number of protons, neutrons and electrons. My students are responding well to this arrangement and I have weekly tracking points. The link on Edpuzzle can be easily assigned to your own class, edited and if needed correct (because everyone makes mistakes, and even though there is no scientific evidence to show that 'baby brain' exists I get very little sleep and find the mil in the mug cupboard on a regular basis) All feedback welcome!
Intermolecular forces, muliptle choice Formative Assessment Inc. Edpuzzle link.

Intermolecular forces, muliptle choice Formative Assessment Inc. Edpuzzle link.

The new exam start with 20 multiple choice questions. Every week I set my students I set my students 20 multiple choice question on Edpuzzle, They answer the question, and then I walk them though the answer, this gives them immediate formative feedback before they move on to the next question. The work is then marked automatically, so I can keep up with my schools every 3 week reporting schedule and still have a life. This is shorter then normal with only 10 questions. My students are responding well to this arrangement and I have weekly tracking points. The link on Edpuzzle can be easily assigned to your own class, edited and if needed correct (because everyone makes mistakes, and even though there is no scientific evidence to show that 'baby brain' exists I get very little sleep and find the mil in the mug cupboard on a regular basis) All feedback welcome!
'Tweaking' AQA's 2015 A-Level Chemistry Practical booklet

'Tweaking' AQA's 2015 A-Level Chemistry Practical booklet

The new A-Level booklet from AQA has 12 suggested practicals, not all of them work very well. I have gone through the booklet and done all of the practicals, these are the notes I made as I was going through to help the other teachers and technicians in my school. I hope you find them helpful. I also recorded each practical as a revision aid for my students https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxkbSWenXKXp3i8gRXvpM3FMC36yTe1U1