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GCSE History for Edexcel
USA 1919-1945 (6 lessons on the economic boom years)

USA 1919-1945 (6 lessons on the economic boom years)

The first 6 lessons for the unit USA 1919-1945. Lesson one is an introduction to the course where students are introduced to the main themes/ characters that they will study in the course. Lesson 2 requires the students to imagine what USA was like in 1920 before annotating/ analysing sources from the period and then revisiting their initial view and then explaining how their view has changed. Lesson 3 looks at the reasons for the economic boom. Lesson 4 explores the groups of people who either benefited/ did not benefit from the boom. Lesson 5 looks at the Jazz movement. All lessons contain detailed resources, literacy support, differentiated materials and key word/ literacy materials.
Nazi Germany & the Rise of a Dictatorship: L14 Why were young people so important for the Nazis?

Nazi Germany & the Rise of a Dictatorship: L14 Why were young people so important for the Nazis?

This lesson works well when studying the Holocaust or Nazi Germany. Students watch a clip from the film Europa Europa (in German). They are required to guess the nature of the sketch before re-watching in English. Following this they are shown a school timetable (showing subjects studied etc). Students need to construct a role play discussing the nature of their education (literacy support included in PowerPoint). The film An Education for Death is also included with related activities.
KS2/ KS3  Literacy Resources

KS2/ KS3 Literacy Resources

3 Resources
A literacy map, tracking document and a phonics poster. Both can be used as posters or on desks or given to students to place in books or to take home.
Henry Ford and the Economic Boom in USA

Henry Ford and the Economic Boom in USA

Source analysis activity where by students analyse each source in order to gain insight into how car production fueled the economic boom. The students record their findings in a table (source description and an explanation as to how each source suggests that the car industry influenced the boom). Following this they have to produce a diagram to help explain the importance of the car industry. An exam style question concludes the lesson.