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Providing resources for GCSE Science and A-Level Chemistry.




Providing resources for GCSE Science and A-Level Chemistry.
A-Level Chemistry - complete revision package

A-Level Chemistry - complete revision package

A complete revision package of over 100 A-Level Chemistry resources with coverage of the A-Level Chemistry topics suitable for AQA, Edexcel or OCR syllabuses (periodic table, amount of substance, redox equations, organic chemistry, acid base equilibria, shapes of molecules, pVnRT, percentage uncertainty, qualitative tests, NMR, IR, mass spec, titrations, Gibbs free energy, Grignard, electrolysis, equilibrium, enthalpy, entropy, born haber, isotopes, kinetics, transition metals, Ecell etc and much more). The resources include knowledge organisers, cue cards, revision quizzes, mind maps, worksheets, cut and stick, group work activities, co-operative learning activities, quizzes, differentiated worksheets, interactive PowerPoints etc. These resources can be used to accompany a lesson on the topic or as part of a revision lesson. Due to the large quantity of files they have been attached as a Zip file.
Born Haber cycles & lattice energies - complete topic

Born Haber cycles & lattice energies - complete topic

A complete set of 9 lesson resources on the A-Level Chemistry topic of Born Haber cycles. In our college, this content is taught over three double lessons. Includes resources on sketching the cycle, (including interactive animations), how to perform the calculations using data from the cycles, definitions of lattice energy, enthalpy of formation, enthalpy of atomisation and electron affinity. Also includes the teaching of charge density (ionic radii & charge), how we use the value of lattice energies to determine complete ionic character/degree of covalent bonding and polarisation. Accompanying the Power Points, are worksheets (with answers included) and homeworks.
Thermal decomposition of carbonates and nitrates (group 1 and 2)

Thermal decomposition of carbonates and nitrates (group 1 and 2)

Eight resources on the thermal decomposition of the group 1 and 2 nitrates and carbonates. The first resource is a differentiated worksheet with the questions designed around the style of AQA, Edexcel and OCR exam papers and test students on every aspect of the topic including the reactions, observations, trends, theory of charge density/polarisation and finishes with a few questions on how we measure it experimentally. I looked at exam papers from all three exam boards when designing this resource so that it provides comprehensive coverage for my students. Answers are included. There is also a resource which goes through the qualitative observations associated with thermal decomposition of the carbonates and nitrates (what’s observed e.g limewater goes cloudy, brown gas of Nitrogen dioxide etc). I have also included a spider diagram of the reactions/observations and Power Points which explain the science behind it. There is then a hexagon activity and a challenge grid, both designed at stretching & challenging the students.
A-Level Chemistry knowledge organisers

A-Level Chemistry knowledge organisers

20 Resources
A bundle of 20 knowledge organisers I have made for the new 2015 A-Level Chemistry syllabuses. The knowledge organisers are on the following topics: atomic structure and the periodic table, acid base equilibria (pH), Ecell, thermodynamics (Entropy), Equilibrium, organic chemistry (hydrocarbons, crude oil, fuels, organic synthesis, polymers, proteins, DNA, amino acids), transition metals, periodic table, bonding and infra red spectra. The knowledge organisers have complete coverage of all the knowledge students need to know before they go on to tackle exam questions.
AQA GCSE Chemistry paper 2 structure strips

AQA GCSE Chemistry paper 2 structure strips

7 Resources
A set of revision structure strips on the new AQA GCSE Chemistry syllabus for paper 2. The structure strips fit into the margins of an exercise book and students write the answer to each question in the lines beside. 120 questions covers topics Rates and equilibrium, Crude oil and fuels, chemical analysis, The Earth’s atmosphere and The Earth’s resources. Answers to every question provided.
TOF Time of flight Mass spec calculations

TOF Time of flight Mass spec calculations

A resource applicable for the current AQA A-Level Chemistry specification on TOF Mass spec calculations. The questions test students on how to calculate velocity, distance of flight tube, time taken and atomic mass. Answers are included to every question including a hand-written extended answer sheet showing each step of the calculations to assist students who get stuck. The resource usually takes about 60 – 90 mins for students to complete depending on their ability.
Skeletal formula

Skeletal formula

An A-level chemistry resource on skeletal formulas. Students cut and stick the correct formula onto the correct box with its corresponding name.
Oxidation of alcohols

Oxidation of alcohols

Two knowledge organisers on the A-level chemistry practical “oxidation of alcohols" including the oxidation of ethanol to ethanoic acid and the oxidation of butan-2-ol to butanone. The oxidation of alcohols is one of the** required practicals for A-Level Chemistry**. The knowledge organisers include the method, apparatus diagram and theory that goes with the practical. It then includes information on each stage of the process, reflux, distillation, washing, drying and redistillation. I use it in my lessons to go through the procedure in greater depth and then students refer to this when practising questions.
Topic 6 Organic chemistry knowledge organiser

Topic 6 Organic chemistry knowledge organiser

Knowledge organisers for the Edexcel A-Level Chemistry topic 6. Including chemistry of the hydrocarbons, alcohols and halogenoalkanes. Includes information on all of the chemistry from the edexcel syllabus on alkanes, alkenes, alcohols and halogenoalkanes. Structure, bonding, naming, mechanisms, apparatus, equations etc are included. A comprehensive coverage of the whole of the topic 6 organic chemistry topic 6a-e
pH calculations bundle

pH calculations bundle

5 Resources
A bundle of resources on calculating the pH of strong acids, weak acids and buffer solutions. Answers are included.
Aspirin synthesis

Aspirin synthesis

A knowledge organiser on the A-level chemistry practical “preparation of aspirin" from 2-hydroxybenzoic acid and ethanoic anhydride using a phosphoric acid catalyst. The knowledge organiser includes the method and apparatus diagrams and goes into more depth about filtration under reduced pressure, recrystallisation and reflux. I use it in my lessons to go through the procedure in greater depth and then students refer to this when practising questions.
Ideal Gas equation

Ideal Gas equation

An A-Level Chemistry differentiated revision resource on calculating the ideal gas equation pV = nRT. Contains 8 different sections of questions, section 1 starts with the basics, practicing conversions of pressure, volume and temperature into the correct units, the last few sections contain exam style questions. Takes about an hour to complete. The resource is editable with an answer sheet included. Suitable for A-Level Chemistry across all syllabuses.
Gibbs Free energy calculations

Gibbs Free energy calculations

Some A-Level Chemistry resources on the thermodynamics topic of Gibbs free energy. The first resource contains 6 sections of calculations with each section increasing in difficulty. This resource is differentiated and takes about an hour to complete. Is excellent revision on Gibbs free energy calculations and nicely prepares students for the exam with relevant exam standard calculations including a graph. Answers are included. Also included are Entropy worksheets (with answers) on calculating Gibbs and how it is related to the equilibrium constant.
A-Level Chemistry Titration calculations

A-Level Chemistry Titration calculations

An A-Level Chemistry resource on titration calculations suitable for all specifications. The worksheet is differentiated with each section increasing in difficulty. Students complete titration calculations on determining volume, concentration, Mr of a compound, percentage purity, formula of a compound (working out the value of n in Na2CO3.nH20) etc. The resource contains one of every type of titration question they need to answer in an exam. Answers are included. There are 6 different sections and the worksheet takes a standard double lesson for students to complete.
Parts per million

Parts per million

An Alevel Chemistry resource on calculating very low concentrations of solutions. The worksheet includes questions (and also worked examples which help the students complete the worksheet). Questions on calculating concentration in ppm (parts per million), mass of ions, avagodro’s constant, number of ions etc.) Answers are included.
Paper chromatography bundle

Paper chromatography bundle

4 Resources
A bundle of 4 resources suitable for the new AQA GCSE Chemistry syllabus. Resources on paper chromatography include a knowledge organiser containing all the facts on chromatography that students need to know, a differentiated 1-9 worksheet featuring exam style questions and a plenary chromatography traffic light quiz (useful for assessment for learning at the end of the lesson) and finally a cut and stick activity.
Paper Chromatography knowledge organiser

Paper Chromatography knowledge organiser

A Knowledge organiser on the AQA GCSE topic Paper chromatography. Contains all the information they need to know on the method, apparatus, mobile/stationary phases, calculating Rf values etc. includes examples of chromatograms. The resource is editable and can be printed out on A3 paper for the students to revise from. Suitable for the new 2018 GCSE.
Organic Chemistry bundle

Organic Chemistry bundle

20 Resources
A bundle of 20 resources covering A-Level organic Chemistry including mind maps, flash-cards, knowledge organisers, worksheets, PowerPoints, quizzes, revision tables, apparatus diagrams etc. Covers Chemistry of alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, halogenoalkanes, carbonyls, esters, acyl chlorides, Benzene, Amines, Amino acids, Amides , Grignard reactions and organic synthesis (including the apparatus used in organic synthesis), naming and skeletal formulae.
Structure and bonding Unit 2 AQA

Structure and bonding Unit 2 AQA

A GCSE Chemistry knowledge organiser on topic 2 structure and bonding suitable for the new 2018 GCSE AQA syllabus. Contains information on the structure and bonding of ionic, simple covalent, giant covalent, graphene, fullerenes, metals and alloys. Includes descriptions and diagrams of their structure and explanation of how their strucutre links to their physical properties (melting & boiling points, conductivity etc.