Powerpoint and worksheets covering Rostow's Model and the UN's Millennium Development Goals. Starter involves fitting countries onto an A3 version of the model by comparing socio-economic data. Nigeria is used as a Case Study for the MDGs. Pupils assess the success of Nigeria in working towards those Goals and suggest further improvements. Written conclusion: F: Describe how Nigeria is improving her level of development
H: Explain how well Nigeria is meeting her Millennium Development Goals
G&T: Is Nigeria ready to move up on the Rostow Model? Explain your answer
Powerpoint comparing the UK's development with Nigeria as a starter, The main part looks at how oil has brought wealth to Nigeria (eg Eko Atlantic City) but also devestation to the peoples of the Niger Delta. Plenary compares MNCs with the GDP of various countries. Activities include a mystery exercise and an exam-style question... HYPOTHESIS: “The discovery of crude oil in 1956 has helped Nigeria to develop”
Powerpoint inspired by the RGS scheme of work "Who wants to be a billionaire?". Whole lesson, includes starter, mapping activity, differentiated questions and plenary.
A recap of previous learning, covering contrasts in development between places, development indicators and graph analysis. Aimed at GCSE, KS4, Years 10 and 11. Contains a starter, several activities and a plenary.