
Неделя как неделя: book review& comprehension exercises, case revision with key sentences and quote
This worksheet was designed to combine a quick cases drill (adjectives, pronouns and nouns in all cases) using the sentences related to the novel.
All sentences are taken from the novel with the view of helping students memorise some of them and use them in an essay on one of the key themes or characters.
The worksheet also contains a personal review of the book by a modern day working mother. The review text can be used to develop a further discussion on the subject of family values, work vs family, role of women in modern day Russia. The text is followed by 4 comprehension and vocabulary exercises.
9 pages plus answers to all the exercises

Russian: films, hobbies. Level B1+
This 3-page worksheet (plus separate page with answers) is inspired by a review of a recent Netflix documentary Skywalker about a Russian couple who made their name as extreme skywalkers!
The text can be used to work on such topics as films, hobbies and modern Russian society (one of Russian Edexcel A-level themes) and helps expand the vocabulary, specifically descriptive adjectives and verbs as well as some set expressions.
The text is followed by four vocabulary exercises (word search, true/false, synonyms match, Eng-Rus verbs match) and a set of general questions for discussion.

Russian Grammar: Adverbial Participles in context of A-level theme 'Moscow&St. Petersburg'
This worksheet is aimed at practicing forming and using past and present forms of adverbial participles (деепричастия) in the context of Russian A-level theme ‘Москва и Санкт-Петербург. Изменения в жизни большого города’.
The verbs used and the sentences are all on the subject of Moscow and St Petersburg: social problems, reconstruction, environmental problems
The worksheet contains 6 exercises (Participles/verb formation, transforming sentences using simple and compound conjunctions, completing sentence, choosing the right form, translation).
4 pages of exercises .
A separate answer sheet to enable independent work.

Russian A-level: "Ревизор" quotes bank, themes, character description and characteristics
A 27-page resource to help prepare for A-level Russian written exam.
The resource contains:
*possible essay questions,
*character description with an extensive quotes bank to back up the description and to help with analysis of the 3 main characters - Khlestakov, the mayor, and judge.
Character description includes:
-their relationship with other characters.
*A separate analysis and quotes on the town of N and collective image of the local authorities (чиновники).

A-level Russian: topic 1.3 - развитие российского общества - МИР ТРУДА
This 20-page workbook covers subtheme 3 ‘World of Work (attitude to work, equality, opportunities for young Russians)’ of the first of the 4 topics - Development of Russian Society/ Развитие российского общества/ studied at A-level.
The document contains:
essential vocabulary lost
a broad list of exam-style questions
a separate list with possible detailed answers - each answer can be used for information, reading, translation, vocabulary and discussion practice
a variety of texts to cover the topic (e.g. gender equality, family Vs career, the most useful subjects, choice of profession, how the government helps young people)
infographics and survey results to enable further discussion
comprehension questions and questions for further discussion, vocabulary exercises
-True/false questions
The texts can also be used to practise translation skills.
All texts and exercises are developed in line with Edexcel GCE Russian specification for the level of vocabulary and grammar required at that level.
The worksheet is also appropriate for anyone learning Russian towards B1-B2 level and interested in expanding their general knowledge and vocabulary on the topic of the life of modern youth.

A-level Russian: topic 1.2 - развитие российского общества - ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ
This 20-page workbook covers subtheme 2 ‘Education (educational system, problems of the current system, life of Russian students, examination)’ of the first of the 4 topics - Development of Russian Society/ Развитие российского общества/ studied at A-level.
The document contains:
essential vocabulary lost
a broad list of exam-style questions
a separate list with possible detailed answers - each answer can be used for information, reading, translation, vocabulary and discussion practice
a variety of texts to cover the topic (e.g. school problems, ЕГЭ - for and against, how effective is the current curriculum in preparing children for the fast changing world))
infographics and survey results to enable further discussion
comprehension questions and questions for further discussion, vocabulary exercises
The texts can also be used to practise translation skills.
All texts and exercises are developed in line with Edexcel GCE Russian specification for the level of vocabulary and grammar required at that level.
The worksheet is also appropriate for anyone learning Russian towards B1-B2 level and interested in expanding their general knowledge and vocabulary on the topic of the life of modern youth.

Russian GCSE: sample essays with word search exercises
This resource contains 7 texts written to the standard of GCSE higher tier.
The topics are in line with the topics of Edexcel GCSE Russian requirements:
Town vs city
The Internet: pros and cons
Books, TV, Internet
Weather in your region. Weather today. Ideal weather
Traditions and celebrations
Spare time. Hobby
The texts can be used as sample essays in preparation for the written exam.
Certain key words and phrases are written in bold for students to pay attention to the key vocabulary.
Each essay is followed by a word search exercise (finding Russian equivalents in the text).
The texts can be used as a starting point for a discussion on a topic, as well as reading comprehension or listening practice.

Russian A-level: Queen of Spades quotes bank, character description and characteristics
A 12-page resource to help prepare for A-level Russian written exam.
The resource contains character description with an extensive quotes bank to back up the description and to help with analysis of the 3 main characters - Hermann, Lisa and the countess.
Character description includes:
their relationship with other characters

Russian GCSE Paper 4 writing specimen. Higher tier
The paper is tailored to suit students preparing for Edexcel Russian Higher tier, but can also be used at Foundation level with minor modifications.
It is designed to be as close as possible to the exam and sample assessment released by the exam board.
The paper follows the order of tasks in an exam assessment paper:
-shorter writing task;
-longer writing task;
-translation into Russian.
Each task reflects the themes and subtopics prescribed by Edexcel board (e.g. food and drink, school, friendship, future plans, sport events, environment).
There is a choice of 8 tasks in exercises 1 and 2 each and 4 texts for translation in exercise 3 to ensure as many subtopics are covered as it is possible.

Russian. Technology, computer and online meetings vocabulary. GCSE, A-level
Essential vocabulary to make learning and communicating online In Russian easier.
Learn computer and technology related vocabulary - all the phrases you need when exchanging emails, editing texts, downloading files, sharing your screen, connecting to the internet, joining a meeting.
This 5-page worksheet contains:
a list of useful phrases
matching exercise (learn perfective and imperfective verbal pairs as you go!)
revise the Imperative mood
reading comprehension with a short glossary and filling the gaps exercise+ verbal aspect practice
questions for discussion
Answers are provided, so the worksheet can be used for self-study.
The resouce is in line with Russian GCSE requirements (Media and Leisure - technology) and can be used by anyone studtying towards Level A2+
Online meetings, computer and technology vocabulary

A-level Russian - Essay & research introduction sentence starters, character description, stylistic
A 4-page resource useful for helping A/AS level students write their introductions to essays or independent research project (part of the speaking exam) on various topics.
Sections include :
sentence starters introducing a theme
expressing viewpoint
adding arguments
expressing contrast/concession
drawing conclusion
words and phrases to describe characters of a literary work/film
possible stylistic devices and figures of speech to mention in your work of literature/film essay

Russian GCSE translation booklet
Translation activities designed to practise and revise the GCSE level vocabulary. The activities cover all 5 GCSE themes (with subtopics). Each subtopic contains 6 sentences and 2 texts for translation from Russian into English and vice versa.
The activities are designed to prepare for GCSE, but can be useful for anyone studying Russian towards A2 level (continuing beginner).
The exercises can be used as a 10-15 minute homework or classwork activity with subsequent peer assessment.

Russian for kids: сколько лет? Как зовут? Что у тебя есть?
A 12 page printable workbook to practise asking and answering questions using the following constructions:
Его/ее/ зовут… - his/her name is
У него/нее/них есть - he has
Ему … лет/год - he is … year old.
Practise Dative and Accusative cases personal pronouns.
The resource can be used for teaching bilingual and heritage children as well as adult Russian learners.
We included teaching recommendations: 8 different ideas on how to use the cards creatively to practise grammar and encourage speaking.

Russian language: learning to write first words
A colourful printable 22- page workbook for bilingual, heritage and native Russian speaking children.
The focus is on naming and spelling the words suggested by the pictures.
The book comes with teaching recommendations with a lot of ideas on how the worksheets can be used.
We also enclosed a copy of the alphabet that can be cut up into cards and used to build the words before copying them into the workbook.
The book is appropriate for classwork as well as independent work at home.

Russian: The world around us. Environment
9 pages to help learn and practise words and phrases on the topic of nature, environment, sustainability, recycling.
The exercises include:
*Matching picture to words
*matching Russian words to their English equivalents
*making up phrases
*matching causes of nature pollution to consequences
*Filling in gaps
*Reading/listening comprehension
*Comprehension exercises.
The exercises can be further adapted and texts can be used as a starting point for discussion, for example:
whose ideas do you find most useful?
-do you think this is an effective way to help the environment. Why/why not?
-which of the mentioned initiatives exist in your town or city?
Appropriate for level A2/GCSE learners.
The worksheet is created using EDEXCEL Russian language specification.

A-level Russian: Modern Russian cinema
A worksheet on the topic of modern Russian cinema. It is based on a newspaper article about a critically acclaimed film by a Russian director.
The text is followed by a series of exercises (true/false, synonyms as well as multiple choice). The text can be a conversation starter on the topic of modern cinema as well as family and family values.
The worksheet can be used for class or independent work and the answers to the exercises are provided.
Appropriate to use for Russian A-level teaching as well as level B1 adult learners .

Learn Russian through jokes
This is a worksheet based on jokes about lawyers!
The vocabulary is* business* and legal focused and is aimed at level B1 and higher. The jokes can also be used as a conversation starter talking about experiences with lawyers, courts, legal systems of different countries, perceptions and stereotypes of different professions or simply add a bit of humour at the end of a class.
There are 12 jokes with some words and phrases that have to be translated into Russian. The answers are provided.
The second task is sentences for translation into Russian using the words and phrases from exercise 1.
Potentially new phrases are highlighted and explained.

Russian for kids. Alphabet, colours, number
A colourful worksheet that can be used in class or as part of home learning to help children memorise letters, learn and practise colours, new words and numbers 1-10.
ask children to find the letter the suggested word starts with
ask them to find all the green/red letters
ask them to count all the green/red letters or objects
ask them to count all the animals, fruits, etc.
use it as an assessment task to see how well children remember certain letters
ask them to test you! Kids love catching adults making a mistake!
use the pages as a colouring activity

Comparing things in Russian: theory and exercises. GCSE+
A 3 page resource addressing a very common mistake made when comparing or differentiating objects. The theory explains and provides examples on the following words and phrases:
такой же
один и тот же
разный другой
the worksheet includes a link to an interactive exercise that can be done in a variety of ways and an exercise for translation.
ANswers are provided.
The worksheet is appropriate for use at GCSE-level and anyone studing at level A2+

Russian GCSE: verbs 'to study, learn, teach', talking about school and studies
This 8-page resource will help you learn the difference between the verbs изучать / учить / учиться/научиться/учиться/ уметь and practise them with a variety of exercises.
Pick up even more useful words and phrases with the text on **school routine **and 5 more exercises (word search, true or false, comprehension questions, translation, fill in the blanks).
The worksheet is developed in compliance with GCSE Russian requirements and reflects on of the 5 topics (Future Aspirations, Study and Work - school routine subtopic).
The worksheet can be used in classroom to introduce new material as well as for independent work for anyone studying Russian towards A2 level.
Answers are provided.