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Pre-cursive handwriting sheets
Practice pre-cursive handwriting sheets a-z
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Literacy
I used these resources in Year 1 by setting up a crime scene in the classroom. I asked a family police officer to record a video, asking the children to help them with their investigation.
The children then recorded their observations and drew the scene using the Crime Scene Investigation and then completed the suspect sheet.
Also within this pack:
*Official Police Report- children to pretend they are working for the police to write up about the incident.
*Wanted poster template.
*How to Catch a Porridge Thief- Instructional text.
*Questions for Goldilocks.
*Investigator Certificates
I hope your children enjoy these resources as much as mine did!
Year 1 Money maths lesson
Year 1 money maths lesson, includes:
* Planning
* Area activities.
*Money worksheets.
*SEN addition sheets.
* Money, numicon, value posters.
*Shopping item cards for the chn to pretend to purchase items.
*SMART notebook input.
Pokemon Fact File
Pokemon fact file
Choice of two front covers: colour or black and white.
HA and LA fact file page includes:
*Page to write name and draw a picture of the Pokemon.
*Name, type, stage of evolution, height, weight, power, weakness and description.
(Print back to back to create fact file.)
Finger spaces
Finger spaces with pre cursive handwriting
Handwriting prompts to remind children of letter formations
Year 1 Addition planning
Year 1 addition planning, includes:
*Adding 3 numbers SMART notebook.
*Addition frames to laminate.
*Maths work- 3 different sets of work.
*Addition planning.
Whole School- School Council Powerpoint
School Council Introduction powerpoint to be used for the whole school to generate nominations for the new school council.
School Council Posters and Certificates
School Council certificates used to announce new school council representatives.
School Council Posters used to display photos of the school council representatives in corridors.
Year 1 Science- Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
Year 1 Science planning with resources.
* HA- Children to sort the animal pictures into a venn diagram.
* MA- Children to sort the animal cards with descriptions into the table.
* LA- Children to create a flip book by cutting along the dotted line and sticking the correct word and definition with those animals inside the flip book.
Extension tasks:
* Making area- Children to draw an example plate of food for each animal type.
* Writing area- Children to create an animal face using the templates: monkey, human, tiger etc and to attached a mouth with lines inside for children to write about the animal.
Real and nonsense word sort
The children use the treasure chest and bin to read and sort words into real and nonsense words.
Year 1 Homework
Year 1 homework.
Pack includes:
*Autumn 2nd term homework overview plus additional sheets.
*Spring 1st term homework 2 variations plus additional sheets.
* Spring 2nd term homework.
* Summer term 1 homework.
Year 1 Morning Maths Activity
Year 1 Morning Maths Activity- I Spy the Number…
Children write the number in digits and in words and then have to explore as many different ways as possible to make the number that has been chosen.
Phonics- Real and nonsense word challenge.
These have been used in Year 1.
The children get into pairs. Partner 1 is the teacher and points to the word, Partner 2 reads the word. They then swap over so that they both get to read all of the words. It is the ‘teachers’ job to support their partner to self correct the words. Once complete the children put sound buttons on the words and then practise writing them on the back of the sheet.
Year 1 Science- Materials
Differentiated worksheets for sorting materials.
HA- Provide chn with a selection of materials. Children to draw and label one object in each heading and write the material it is made from.
HA Ext- Chn to sort object cards into venn diagram.
MA- Chn to draw the object under the correct material and label the name of the object below.
LA- Chn to draw an object under each material name and copy write the material name below.
Year 1 Phonics Battleships
Phonics battleships board game. 2 player game. Provide chn with the list of words you would like them to practise. Children to place their words on the battleship board (One letter per board). Players then take turns to guess the coordinates of their words.
Phonics morning tasks
Crossword puzzles
Missing word sentences
Picture and captions
Pokemon Nonsense word game
Pokemon nonsense word game.
2 player game.
1. Roll the dice.
2. Move your counter that number of spaces.
3. Read the word you land on. If you get it right stay on the word. If you get it wrong go back to the space you were on.
4. First person to reach their Pokémon is the winner!
Handwriting Targets
Year 1 Handwriting target
Year 1 Editing a letter to the Queen
Children to correct the mistakes in the letter to the Queen adding punctuation.
What to do when I'm feeling angry poster
What to do when I'm feeling angry poster:
Steps for children to use to deescalate angry behaviour.